CPS teacher strike and Illinois area....

never said it's limited to 6 agencies. just that there are 6 major regional agencies recognized by all states and colleges.

All? Are you sure about that? :)
there are 49 other states.....

as I said before - NJ has 2,481 public schools and only 219 are accredited by MSCSS....

By MSCSS.....

Exactly...your "incorrect" was incorrect. :)

Originally Posted by TXgolfer
Some seek additional accreditation.

incorrect. there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough.

Your "and" above indicates "2". exactly like I said. :)

(FYI "I could be wrong" was eliminated because it referred to the other statement in that post)
By MSCSS.....

Exactly...your "incorrect" was incorrect. :)

Your "and" above indicates "2". exactly like I said. :)

(FYI "I could be wrong" was eliminated because it referred to the other statement in that post)

As I said... "there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough."
As I said... "there's absolutely no point in having additional accreditation when being accredited by SACS and State DOE are more than enough."

Lol, not sure why you would even make that statement. But, ok. You are welcome to that opinion.
:dunno: You must not be very sure yourself since you keep asking.

Is there a reason to ask if I'm sure of it? You must be trolling around since you're not being very forthcoming from the beginning.
Is there a reason to ask if I'm sure of it? You must be trolling around since you're not being very forthcoming from the beginning.

It was one simple question. *shrug*
simple? :lol:

are you sure about that?

Yes, it was a simple 5 word yes or no question. There was also a simple one word yes or no question. You have chosen to deflect them rather than answer. Then when I answer your questions rather that deflect, you accuse me of trolling. :lol:
Yes, it was a simple 5 word yes or no question. There was also a simple one word yes or no question. You have chosen to deflect them rather than answer. Then when I answer your questions rather that deflect, you accuse me of trolling. :lol:

It's a trolling question. There is absolutely no reason to ask me such thing unless you have a source that disputes my claim.

The facts that you're deflecting my question and not disputing my statement are a clear sign of trolling and you're not even interested in having a mutual, intellectual discussion where we can simply agree to disagree.

It's very simple - either you prove it wrong or you don't. period. you don't ask "are you sure about that?" if you can't prove it wrong. it's rather deceitful and disruptive.
Can we call a truce?

I think the most appropriate question is if we can have a real honest discussion about this troubling matter rather than being obtuse and deceitful.