conservative vs liberal

Are you

  • liberal?

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • conservative?

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Other?

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Centrism?

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • None?

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
You misunderstood him Jillio. He doesnt ask you if you have got any proof. He says he hates having two sides in debate one side is saying it was real and other side asking if they have any proof. Then he concludes he believes it was real.

So you are on the same side in this :)


As I said, the question was rhetorical. But thanks.
By Stephanie Busari

LONDON, England (CNN) -- As the U.S. presidential elections draw closer, voting activists are bracing themselves for an onslaught of online dirty tricks and misinformation campaigns designed to deceive and disenfranchise voters.

Barack Obama and John McCain both face potential online attacks from political dirty tricksters.

Political dirty tricks and misinformation close to election time are, of course, nothing new. But experts say they are about to get nastier and more prevalent because of the ease of disseminating them online.

They cite young people, who are more likely to seek out information online, as being particularly vulnerable to these attacks.

Low-income and minority voters have been vulnerable in the past to nefarious tactics used to prevent them from exercising their right to vote.

This was a common feature of the 2006 election, when 14,000 Latino voters in Orange County, California, received letters telling them it was illegal for immigrants to vote.

Lillie Coney, associate director at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, told of a variety of online tactics that are being used by would-be election saboteurs, determined to skew election results in their party's favor.

"We're seeing all sorts of ways in which these people can put out the message to first-time voters and those who are unsure of their voting rights. They are replacing the tactics we saw in previous election cycles," she said.

In the past, political gamesmanship relied on traditional methods like telephone calls, direct mail and leafleting.

During the U.S. 2004 and 2006 elections, flyers were distributed that falsely claimed that voters could be disqualified from voting in elections if they had parking violations, late rent or even outstanding child support payments.

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Tough action has since been taken in the United States with the introduction of a Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act, which makes it a federal crime to "knowingly provide false information with the intent to disenfranchise another person in a federal election." Violators face up to five years in prison and fines of up to $250,000.

But tricksters have moved online because of the low probability of being caught, and also because anti-spam laws and "no-call" lists exempt political messages.

The timing of misinformation efforts is vital as the bad information needs to be sent relatively close to election day, with enough time to reach voters but not enough for opponents to employ countermeasures.

One of the most popular deceptive campaign methods is using Voice Over IP calls or "robocalls," Coney said.

These are popular because the calls don't come from a central location, so tracing the perpetrator is much harder. The number of calls that can be made is practically limitless.

What's more, Internet phone calls are not regulated, making it relatively easy for someone to misinform a huge number of people.

For example, during the primary season, anonymous robocalls were made during North Carolina that were designed to give voters the false impression that they were not already registered to vote.

Many of the voters who received those calls were black.

Voters in 11 states complained about similarly deceptive calls suggesting that they were linked to a national strategy of voter deception.

The speed of online communications allows scammers to be precise in reaching their targets, especially by taking advantage of existing Internet scams, like phishing and pharming.

Phishing typically involves fraudulent bulk e-mail messages that guide recipients to legitimate-looking but fake Web sites and try to get them to supply personal information.

Pharming secretly redirects traffic from a Web site to a different site altogether, even though the browser seems to be displaying the Web address that Internet users wanted to visit.

A hacker was able to redirect visitors to Barack Obama's Community Blogs site to Hillary Clinton's Web site in April by using similar methods.

"By early November, we're expecting spam emails to be sent giving the wrong location for a polling station, or, incorrect details about who has the right to vote," Coney said.

"There's even a Web site that's offering to register voters for $9.95. Of course, it doesn't cost anything to vote," Coney added.

Certainly, most Internet users are savvy about phishing emails and don't necessarily fall for them, but it is the mass reach that has activists like Coney worried.

In a tight race where every voter counts, the implications are serious.

Another weapon in the arsenal of online political scammers is "typo squatting," where people not connected to campaigns buy rights to a candidate's Internet address, with their name misspelled, using them to steal and potentially misinform supporters.

These people are virtually impossible to trace, especially if they use sites like DomainsByProxy, which specialize in maintaining the anonymity of Web site owners.

Oliver Friedrichs, director of Symantec's security response unit, said his company found that 47 out of 160 variations on Welcome to Obama for America were being "typo-squatted."

"You can guarantee that more of these will become common in future elections," Friedrichs said.

However, in the same way that saboteurs are using the Internet to spread misinformation and create voter confusion, there are numerous examples that highlight the positive ways the Internet is being used as a great democratic tool.

The Obama campaign has certainly exploited Internet social networking tools to the full. His success in primaries and caucuses across the country, as well as in raising unprecedented amounts of money through small donations, can be traced back to the Internet.

A group of University of Washington students has created a Facebook application called Your Revolution, where anyone with a Facebook account can join the cause and register to vote.

The application takes advantage of Washington and Arizona's new online voter registration legislation.

Andrew Rasiej, founder of the Personal Democracy Forum, argues that online voter-generated activism has become a full-fledged political force and one that can no longer be ignored.

"It's really rebalancing the power, not into the hands of the special interests and those with money but into the hands of citizens who actually now can organize themselves," he said.

"Let me just add that organized minorities are always more powerful than disorganized majorities."

Online dirty tricks may mar U.S. elections -
no proof exist only whats taught and much of that can be made up, to gear support for the war, you found many survivors whereas records from aushwitch and dachau alone say total 300 thousand not 6 mil the rest of the camp signifacantly less.......*cough cough* do you explain Auschwitz?

How do you explain Dachau?

How do you explain Buchendwald?

How do you explain Sobibor?

How do you explain Ravensbruck?

How do you explain Westerbork?

How do you explain Treblinka?

How do you explain Terezin?

How so you explain Stutthoe?

How do you explain Sachsenhausen?

How do you explain Plaszoe?

How do you explain Oranienberg?

How do you explain Neuengamme?

How do you explain Mauthenhausen?

How do you explain Majdanek?

How do you explain Kaiserwald?

How do you explain Janowska?

How do you explain Grossrosen?

How do you explain Flossenburg?

How do you explain Chelmno?

How do you explain Bergenbelsen?

How do you explain Belzec?

We wait for you answers to these questions......

How about my grandfather? He is deceased now, but my maternal grandfather was a survivor.

My grandmother is still living and is a survivor of the the camps as well--Ravensbruck to be exact.

What was her crime? She was a member of the French resistance.
I'm not surprised that he's not going to answer anything. The very fact that anyone questions this event in history, shows that they are inhumane and unable to understand just how much of a tragedy this was.
My grandmother is still living and is a survivor of the the camps as well--Ravensbruck to be exact.

What was her crime? She was a member of the French resistance.

my grandfather was in aushwitch killed in the camp....he fell off the guard tower hehehehe anyhoos show me links and sources photos etc, but frankly I really dont care about the holocaust.. I like to argue though.

but yeah even if 6 mil died it doesnt really bother me had nothing to do with me so...I dont care, but arguings fun
So your grandfather was a nazi? Did you even bother to ask him about this when he was alive or is he just like you, a denier?
So your grandfather was a nazi? Did you even bother to ask him about this when he was alive or is he just like you, a denier?

hahahah my grandfather was a 101 airborne, part of me says it didnt happen the other part doesnt care, and part of me says I guess thats why AH is a hero my post was a funny joke I have the shirt whooo
my grandfather was in aushwitch killed in the camp....he fell off the guard tower hehehehe anyhoos show me links and sources photos etc, but frankly I really dont care about the holocaust.. I like to argue though.

but yeah even if 6 mil died it doesnt really bother me had nothing to do with me so...I dont care, but arguings fun

So with your logic, you would also say that the following didn't exist:

Tule Lake
Gila River
Heart Mountain
and Jerome????

If you know what they were...:roll:
my grandfather was in aushwitch killed in the camp....he fell off the guard tower hehehehe anyhoos show me links and sources photos etc, but frankly I really dont care about the holocaust.. I like to argue though.

but yeah even if 6 mil died it doesnt really bother me had nothing to do with me so...I dont care, but arguings fun

Chances are high that you are related to one of those 6 million people.
There's no point in arguing with him further on this. He's apparently made up his mind.

He talks about wanting to get away from the hate but it appears that he's too comfortable with it to even disavow it.
Chances are high that you are related to one of those 6 million people.

doubt it I know im no jew and if I was Id kill myself and its not hate its human charascheristic I can say I dont belive in the holocaust if I want I can say theres a flying spaghetti monster since no one can prove or disprove it so I guess well stay at that :cool2:
So with your logic, you would also say that the following didn't exist:

Tule Lake
Gila River
Heart Mountain
and Jerome????

If you know what they were...:roll:

more stuff the system made up? still I dont care 6 mil died... not my problem
doubt it I know im no jew and if I was Id kill myself and its not hate its human charascheristic

No, it's hate.

You're just too brainwashed to know it. That's what you get for watching too many boot parties.
Wow. I can't believe what I read. :ugh3:

Okay... Believe it or not, I met a survivor once and she told my classmate the same story... I don't remember if she was visited my OSD during high school time or at mumues (sp) house.
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only in the way its taught, there taught 6 million no proof, in regard to research, it can be made up to make the winner look like the good guy and the losers to be like to meet one and ill denounce them as a fraud, example anne frank no way she wrote that diary too sophisticated for a young girl and ink....was dated to be used later that 1940's

and I dont want respect......*cough cough*
You might not want our respect but you also have no credibility now.

By the way, just because most kids today don't display "sophisticated" writing skills in their IM's doesn't mean Anne couldn't write her diary. If you read other diaries written by young people over the past two hundred years, you would see that such writing was not uncommon.

Would you have to be forced to the death camps by American soldiers to view and bury the decaying bodies of the dead like the villagers who lived in denial near the camps?

The Allied soldiers who liberated the camps, and documented on still and video camera the atrocities that they found, didn't lie. The survivors who gave testimonies, didn't lie.

Interestingly enough, real Nazi sympathizers don't deny the Holocaust. They relish in it, and only regret that it wasn't successful.

If you deny the Holocaust of six million happened, then you must be in your own conflict trying to rationalize your anti-Jew feelings.
You might not want our respect but you also have no credibility now.

By the way, just because most kids today don't display "sophisticated" writing skills in their IM's doesn't mean Anne couldn't write her diary. If you read other diaries written by young people over the past two hundred years, you would see that such writing was not uncommon.

Would you have to be forced to the death camps by American soldiers to view and bury the decaying bodies of the dead like the villagers who lived in denial near the camps?

The Allied soldiers who liberated the camps, and documented on still and video camera the atrocities that they found, didn't lie. The survivors who gave testimonies, didn't lie.

Interestingly enough, real Nazi sympathizers don't deny the Holocaust. They relish in it, and only regret that it wasn't successful.

If you deny the Holocaust of six million happened, then you must be in your own conflict trying to rationalize your anti-Jew feelings.

:sadly nods in agreement:

Obviously. I meant, come on, there are a plently of proofs anywhere... of course, and they don't lie. Clear and simple.
You might not want our respect but you also have no credibility now.

By the way, just because most kids today don't display "sophisticated" writing skills in their IM's doesn't mean Anne couldn't write her diary. If you read other diaries written by young people over the past two hundred years, you would see that such writing was not uncommon.

Would you have to be forced to the death camps by American soldiers to view and bury the decaying bodies of the dead like the villagers who lived in denial near the camps?

The Allied soldiers who liberated the camps, and documented on still and video camera the atrocities that they found, didn't lie. The survivors who gave testimonies, didn't lie.

Interestingly enough, real Nazi sympathizers don't deny the Holocaust. They relish in it, and only regret that it wasn't successful.

If you deny the Holocaust of six million happened, then you must be in your own conflict trying to rationalize your anti-Jew feelings

my grandfather was in aushwitch killed in the camp....he fell off the guard tower hehehehe anyhoos show me links and sources photos etc, but frankly I really dont care about the holocaust.. I like to argue though.

but yeah even if 6 mil died it doesnt really bother me had nothing to do with me so...I dont care, but arguings fun

You're very obsessive about Nazi. You like to argue. You're immature need to be grow up! You need to respect people's view. You use a personal insult to someone. Mod will watch at you. You might ban from alldeaf. You have to read AllDeaf's rules.
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