Bad News:


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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Hi everyone, as I've haven't been around for three weeks, there was a reason for it, as most of you know how close I am to my dad, just three weeks ago in Reno, NV my dad had a stroke which had hit all of us extreme hard, He had blood clots traveled in his left side of his brain, on one side of his body he cannot move at all, he can't speak, he doesn't understand questions being asked, and difficulty swallowing. During his stay at the hospital in ICU his lung were build up with fluid which caused his fever to go up so high and his breathing went out of control, they put him on a breathing machine, his heart rate went up to 195 and they had to drain the build up fluid out of his lungs

His heart is pretty bad, it was not pumping normal as it is supposed to. The only good news is that my dad does not have any brain damage.

But out of everything else, It was a horrible to watch my dad go through this, his frustration. I've been visiting him back and forth after work every day. I'm having a real hard time dealing with the fact that there a possibility that my dad will never walk or talk again as the doctor had said. But, we are going to try to prove the doctor wrong, we are keeping in faith that he's strong and he will fight through this whole mess.

He just flew home by a small jet plane Friday with a doctor and a nurse from Reno, NV to Cleveland, Ohio, which he is currently at a hospital to receive proper therapy. Last time I saw him was early today, and he has a hole in his throat to talk, but it was hard to understand him because there are times he was mumbling.

Please keep my dad in your prayers and wishing him a speedy recovering. Your support will be fully and greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance. :)
Cheri, I will keep your dad in prayer for a healthy recovery. Make sure , you are taking care of yourself , eat and sleep.
Please keep my dad in your prayers and wishing him a speedy recovering. Your support will be fully and greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance. :)

I will.Sorry for your trouble. Try to keep positive, I've seen people bounce back from strokes to make a full recovery, my own wife included. All the best!

Cheri, I am really sorry for your dad and I will pray for him.
I am sorry for you to go thru right now. I will say a prayer for your father.
I'm really sorry to hear about your dad.
I wish you luck with his recover. (hugs)
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You all are in my thoughts.
Im sorry about your father, Cheri. I pray for your strength as well as your fathers wellness and healing.
Cheri, I'm very sorry to hear about your dad's stroke. I will be praying for him, you, your sister, and the rest of your family. :hug:

Thank you for taking the time to inform us. I know you are extra busy taking care of your dad.

God bless you and your family.
I am sorry that you have to go through with your father having his stroke. I do hope and pray that he will recover from his stroke. Whenever you are at work or at your father's place, make sure you take care of yourself and not get sick worrying over your father too much. I do hope he is going to be a strong survivor beating this stroke. :( :hug:
I will.Sorry for your trouble. Try to keep positive, I've seen people bounce back from strokes to make a full recovery, my own wife included. All the best!


We are all trying to remain positive as possible. I'm so glad your wife made it through a speedy recovery.

I've met a stroke survivor in Reno who knew my dad and us, he only experienced minor problem such as his inability to speak, he wasn't even paralyzed on one side like my dad, every stroke is different from person to person as I was told by my dad's doctor. My dad had a large stroke, which cause him paralyzed on one side, and he is now seeing a therapist who is working with him on sitting, holding objects, and grabbing objects to give it to a person and speaking. So far he had sit for a period of 4 hours, but with grabbing objects he wasn't doing so good on that part, cuz the therapist asked him which one was a cup?, and he picked up a flash light instead of a cup. :( I was told he couldn't see good in one eye either. It's gonna be a long haul. It has been very hard on all of us, but we all are trying to remain positive for our dad's sake.

Thank you all for the prayers and supports. :grouphug:
Oh wow Cheri... I do hope your dad can recover from this and work forward on getting his life back to normal as possible.. but a stroke can be life-altering for sure and would provide some hard roads to overcome.. I am pretty sure your dad will work hard to beat the odds and I am sure ya and everyone will be happy and praying for this to happen... do hang in there and everything will be good once again... my prayers are for ya and your dad, Cheri... just speechless at this now.. wow...
my late grandma also had stroke in 2006 and she survive for 10 month till she passed away in July 2007 but im missed her but i cant bring her back but im been thinking about my grandma lots
Oh my dear! I´m total speechless... I´m really very sorry to know about your Dad. :hug:

I know your Dad in real life. He is such lovely man.

Tell him, his wife and family from me, I am thinking of him and hope everything goes smooth for him.

Cheri, I am so sorry to hear about your father's stroke. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Cheri, I'm really sorry about your dad's health....I hope the best of his recovery and be well again....think positive and have happy thoughts of him and stuff like that....big hugs!
Cheri, I am sorry about your dad. I hope he can recover from this and I wish him well.