As a child what did you used to love doing?

I remember going to my grandparent's lake house with my family and cousins. I also remember going to Michigan with my family and cousins for the summer for about 2 weeks, we would go on my uncle's parent's boat that they have up at Michigan and me and my 2 older cousins would walk to a ice cream shop and eat superman ice cream. Ohhh it was my favorite ice cream. I remember in middle school in the 7th grade My social studies class would have a Constitution day. And my teacher had me sign the constitution with my 'terp teaching the whole class ASL to the Constitution. And they seemed pretty excited about it.

I also remember in my elementary days that on the last day of school, we would have a big fair, that includes all kids. We would have a bubble gum race, potato sack race, baseball, etc. In middle school we would have a spring fling, a winter dance. We would have cotton candy, a snow cone, popcorn, pop, a bubble gum race to who blows the BIGGEST bubble gum and gets awarded to go to Greaters ice cream or Laser web. AHh those were the days
Yes, I remember in Elementary school on the last 2 days of school we would go to the city park and spend the entire two days there playing and we would have sack lunches. I think even the teachers enjoyed although it was like an extended recess with no breaks where the teachers could get some reprieve by having a rest period where a teachers aide would come in and supervise us completing our morning lessons while the teacher went to lunch.
playing tag at school on the playground, playing house or school at home, or hospital even haha. I remember many summer vacations at my grandparents' house with my sister and cousins, and we're playing school or hospital. we played plenty of Hide and Seek at my grandparents' old house in Laramie (before they moved to a different town). Man I miss that old house, too many good memories of us doing stuff there. bike riding, reading books, playing with barbies and dolls, yeah.
as i was kid i love to play "army" with my brother and his friends even we contiune playing at night after dark :giggle:
Playing legos, Nintendo, having my cousins come over so we'd play in the pool. My cousins and I had very imaginative minds. My grandmother's house had a bunch of banana trees in the backyard making it look kinda "jungle-ish", so we'd pretend to be like Indiana Jones searching for treasure. Also my cousins LOVED it when I played "mean teacher" and they would be my "students". I would yell for no reason and going insane. We also borrowed my dad's video camera and re-enacted a few scenes from Home Alone (including the aftershave/scream one!).

Man... those were the freakin' days!
Reading, playing outside-I remember Kick the Can, Mother May I, and Hide and Seek outside with the kids on the street. Riding my bike. Doing almost anything you can do outside-climbing trees and fences, various games like badminton, jacks, etc.; roller skating, watching bugs. I think in the summer, I was outside from breakfast to lunch, to dinnertime, then till bedtime. I feel sorry for kids today who will answer this question with "texting" and "playing video games".
Reading, drawing, riding my bike, or hiking all over our property.
Well, let us see. I loved to read, I loved to play that I was in my imaginary world 'Caradun', I loved to play with animals, loved to go tramping off by myself into the meadow or woods near my house. I was a very wistful, dreamy, lonely sort of baby, I think. But I think when I was outside or reading I was very happy.