Aren't we wasting time with HAs...

Yes, she has alrteady opened yet another thread asking the same question. It's the same question over and over and over. And the meaning of the question is to convery the message that everyone should have a CI. And, yet, while she is making all these posts telling everyone else how much better off they would be with a CI, she does not even have one herself!:cool:

I beg to differ - it's entirely diffferent question. And as I've told you long time ago- your detective skill sucks. It's not about "everyone should get a CI".
No I don't have one but I wish I had.

My guessing is that the reason of her repeating the questions of us
getting the idea that we're missing out this world greatest hearing device because she thinks once we're on cochlear implants we will no longer needed to use signs and uses more orally just so we will use her language and so she doesn't have to learn to sign. That's the catch. *whistling*

No that's not the reason.
You shouldn't assume or guess what other pple think. But you can either participate and honestly answer, or chose not to participate at all. That simple, and civil.

I can see jillio for what she really is. Sometimes she does provide support and assistance.

As for the other thread - it's just a "what if" thread. You don't have to participate if you don't wish.


Fuzzy, I doubt your ability to see anything or anyone for what it really is.
I beg to differ - it's entirely diffferent question. And as I've told you long time ago- your detective skill sucks. It's not about "everyone should get a CI".
No I don't have one but I wish I had.


Yes, fuzzy,we are all very much aware of the fact that you wish you had a CI. You make your disappointment over not having one evident in every post you make.
I can see jillio for what she really is. Sometimes she does provide support and assistance.

As for the other thread - it's just a "what if" thread. You don't have to participate if you don't wish.


Are u for real? Who really can see each other for what we are here anyway? We all dont know each other like that unless we have met in person!

I choose to participate or decision.
Are u for real? Who really can see each other for what we are here anyway? We all dont know each other like that unless we have met in person!

I choose to participate or decision.

Oh you can tell a lot about person from the way they write, how they write and what they write.

Ya know,

I find it totally ironic that some of your CI supporters are really avoiding this thread. Could it be that even they dont agree about pushing CI's on people? Could it be that they only believe that a CI is a personal choice? Could it be that they only wish to support others in their decision to get or not get a CI?

Really where is Neecy? Where is SRS? Where is Boult? Where is Cloggy?

Even R2 is saying that a CI is not for everyone!

Ya know Fuzzy, maybe you should get a clue from the Cier's and shut the hell up! They most certainly did! Even they knew that this thread was ridiculous.

If you want a CI that bad Fuzzy, go get one, and leave everyone else alone!

A hearing aid is not a waste of time to many of us. Even your Ciers are trying to tell you that a CI should be a last resort not a first resort.

Get a clue! You dont even have the Ciers support in this!
Very good post you got here. Yes I've noticed in last two weeks where is all CI supporters go? I miss their posts because I feel they have given us some education about CI. It doesn't mean I agree with them (yet so far).

I agree with you about Audiofuzzy because she doesn't even have CI (yet). Therefore she does NOT have experience about CI. No excuses that she implied into trying to push us into CI. In last two weeks were wasted because of her crazy posts! As some non CIiers have said we need to have pro and con about it.

Ya know,

I find it totally ironic that some of your CI supporters are really avoiding this thread. Could it be that even they dont agree about pushing CI's on people? Could it be that they only believe that a CI is a personal choice? Could it be that they only wish to support others in their decision to get or not get a CI?

Really where is Neecy? Where is SRS? Where is Boult? Where is Cloggy?

Even R2 is saying that a CI is not for everyone!

Ya know Fuzzy, maybe you should get a clue from the Cier's and shut the hell up! They most certainly did! Even they knew that this thread was ridiculous.

If you want a CI that bad Fuzzy, go get one, and leave everyone else alone!

A hearing aid is not a waste of time to many of us. Even your Ciers are trying to tell you that a CI should be a last resort not a first resort.

Get a clue! You dont even have the Ciers support in this!
You pple think I chased "CI supporters" away from here?
You must really be blind and without an ounce of any objectivism if you really think so. EVERYONE of you have part in what's nasty happening here. EVERYONE. except of course a few nice people like Contradica, Vallee, Neecy and people like them. but the rest of you... lol.

If I am not mistaken, Cloggy disappeared after his thread about Lotte was messed up. He's had enough. I don't think he was upset with me. Rick disappeared after his thread was derailed very quickly into nothing once again, and I don't think it was also because of me.
. Look what's happening to my own threads - no matter how much I try to be polite, keep on topic, keep past in the past you people make it impossible by derailing it with your ugly, incessant, disgusting and untrue attacks on me. Not only me.. Jillio is incapable of making any post without personally berating the poster who does not agree with her. Cheri talks about me like I am not here and can't read it, bellitling me every chance she gets - where are her manners? Angel always run to her sister's deffence no matter if she is right or wrong and Cheri accepts it as a queen, (yet I don't see Cheri ever running to Angel's defence so fast). Shel and Tousi are paranoic with constant accusations about my "ulterior motives". I can't fart without them wondering what's that mean, what am I up to this time. Liebling -once she get's winded she will analyze, criticize, patronize, correct me and pick on my every word for days at end. If I hadn't stopped responding to Liebling god knows for how long she would argue with me.
The rest is following like sheeps, jumping at any occasion to put me down.
You are wondering where did some posters go? why don't you ask them your self? maybe 'cos they know no matter what they say it will be misconstrued, misinterpreted, twisted every which way and the poster maliced, so why bother.

For the love of me I can't figure out why you are thinking I am "pushing CI".
I couldn't care less if you want to implant yourself or not. I simply was interested in the responses. The same way I was curious what would happen if the risks were removed. What so freaking strange about it?

Your constant suspicions about "my motives" shows that it is YOU lot who is insecure in your position. You are so insecure about CI you have to pulverize and chase away any poster who dares talk positively about it. The many parents of implanted children who used to come here to share experience and information were gone long before I started posting again!
Because whoever dares to oppose or god forbid criticize certain bunch - is quickly banned. so, who's gonna debate? NO ONE.

You people are so unbeliveably petty and mean that even I have had enough. Congratulations.

You pple think I chased "CI supporters" away from here?

Well, we positive deaf issues against your negative posts, that´s how it ends drama because you refused to accept cons/pros on both sides. You make many bad examples about deafies that´s why we has to stop you and let hearing posters know the postives about deafies´ experiences.

You must really be blind and without an ounce of any objectivism if you really think so. EVERYONE of you have part in what's nasty happening here. EVERYONE. except of course a few nice people like Contradica, Vallee, Neecy and people like them. but the rest of you... lol.

We have no problem with CI supporters either for accept cons/pros on both sides. I admired CI supporters for their honestly on cons/pros issues. We have the problem with some CI supporters who belittled our posts and positive CI issues all the time. Do you think I buy it? No... I NEVER beleive there´re 100% positive on CI issues.

If I am not mistaken, Cloggy disappeared after his thread about Lotte was messed up. He's had enough. I don't think he was upset with me. Rick disappeared after his thread was derailed very quickly into nothing once again, and I don't think it was also because of me.

Well, I don´t think you are the reason, Cloggy and Rick were upset about but themselves. I guess the reason of Cloggy´s disappearance is because he felt his 2nd banned, the moderator made for him for break AD rules is not right. (Unfortunlately bash/insult/disrespectful posts are being removed). It does the same with Rick as well. he was also banned for break AD rule to insult/bash the posters as well. One day after Cloggy´s 2nd banned, Rick insult/bash/pissed the posters in Cloggy´s thread (unfortunlately the posts are being removed again). I linked AD rules to make a friendly remind to him after saw how and what he did to posters but my friendly remind with link of AD rules are being ignored... No wonder, he banned! It does the same with you as well. The problem is you, Rick and Cloggy denied our postive posts over sign languages and our experiences and also negative our posts as well which is not acceptance. Nobody here are against Rick & Cloggy personalities over their deaf children. We all know that they are good parents but sadly is they prove us and our experience wrong in manner way... Remember, it´s language, we referred to, not CI or HA itself.

All what I want to say is they can´t expect that we made postive over CI to please them all the time. They have to face sometimes when there´re negative and positive on both sides of our experiences.

I made a lot of hot debate in different forums like declaw, relgious, etc. Have you see me to leave Forum because they disagreed with me? No! I stand myself because I know what I am saying and know what I post. If I don´t know then don´t post. This is a simple. I am an adult and know how to deal with hot debate in positive way. If some posters can´t deal with hot debate then leave thread alone to visit other thread. Is it hard?

Anyway, Cloggy & Rick are welcome to make their posts if they like to... Perhaps they need break for a while... If they decided to leave AD forum then they would ask Alex to close their acount, don´t they?

Look what's happening to my own threads - no matter how much I try to be polite, keep on topic, keep past in the past you people make it impossible by derailing it with your ugly, incessant, disgusting and untrue attacks on me.

I noticed from some threads you created within few days ago is negative and purposely.

We all have the same view on your posts. We tried to convince you dozen of times... We thought you wake up after first banned but you doesn´t... then again banned for second time...

Not only me.. Jillio is incapable of making any post without personally berating the poster who does not agree with her. Cheri talks about me like I am not here and can't read it, bellitling me every chance she gets - where are her manners? Angel always run to her sister's deffence no matter if she is right or wrong and Cheri accepts it as a queen, (yet I don't see Cheri ever running to Angel's defence so fast). Shel and Tousi are paranoic with constant accusations about my "ulterior motives".

No, we keep on trying to postive against your negative posts. You are the one who start it, not us. We tried to convince you but you denied us. You criticize/provoke/belittle our english grammars, obese, etc. It cause dramas... Yes you are the mainly responsible how to end the drama due your manner then several threads to lock.

I can't fart without them wondering what's that mean, what am I up to this time. Liebling -once she get's winded she will analyze, criticize, patronize, correct me and pick on my every word for days at end. If I hadn't stopped responding to Liebling god knows for how long she would argue with me.
The rest is following like sheeps, jumping at any occasion to put me down.
You are wondering where did some posters go? why don't you ask them your self? maybe 'cos they know no matter what they say it will be misconstrued, misinterpreted, twisted every which way and the poster maliced, so why bother.

Huh? I only pointed out and FIRM wth you where you tried to twist our posts because misinterpretation and twist are not acceptance.. It´s not just you but other posters as well. I do something to FIRM other posters the same if they tried to misinterpret or twist my posts.

All what I want to say is the posters did not insult/bash you but you. They stood themselves in positive way against your negative posts.

For the love of me I can't figure out why you are thinking I am "pushing CI".

The title of your 2 threads are negative... "Aren´t we wasting time with HA..." and "Would you get implanted today if.... " and then typed... the only risk associated with CI was the surgery. You would hear great, communicate orally easily, talk on the phone without needing TTY relay, enjoy music and so on.
This is PUSH, not polite question.

You should take Bear´s title of thread "Why Would You NOT Choose A CI?" as an example... It´s positive... She ASKED us WHY would we not choose CI... It´s polite question of her, not PUSH us...

I couldn't care less if you want to implant yourself or not. I simply was interested in the responses. The same way I was curious what would happen if the risks were removed. What so freaking strange about it?

I feel from your posts that you are interesting in positive things over CI issues, not accept cons/pros on both sides.

Your constant suspicions about "my motives" shows that it is YOU lot who is insecure in your position. You are so insecure about CI you have to pulverize and chase away any poster who dares talk positively about it. The many parents of implanted children who used to come here to share experience and information were gone long before I started posting again!
Because whoever dares to oppose or god forbid criticize certain bunch - is quickly banned. so, who's gonna debate? NO ONE.

Don´t blame us but yourself who cause the dramas because you and some posters refused to accept our cons/pros posts. We feel that you and some posters did not share our concern, experiences, etc or give us your feedback etc... but postive all the time about you and themselves to bash/belittle us... it put me off total.

Of course some posters are being banned in hot debated threads like religous etc.

It´s your bad for ignore AD rule... povoke, bash, insult, etc are not acceptance. I know you will say that Jillio did the same... but I see Jillio firm your negative posts.

You people are so unbeliveably petty and mean that even I have had enough. Congratulations.


You say this yourself.
Oh you can tell a lot about person from the way they write, how they write and what they write.


That's your opinion. From my experience of making wrong assumptions about people solely based on how they write, I disagree.
I think this thread would better for "Aren't we wasting time in reading this thread?"

That's your opinion. From my experience of making wrong assumptions about people solely based on how they write, I disagree.

Er...I respectably disagree here. Fuzzy is correct one can tell a great deal about people from their writing. It is no different from listening to them talk. The main difference with writing is that one needs to carefully put logical assumptions together and have enough "writing " material to be able to "peg" the person down. The more one writes the better the audience understands the writer.

People cannot help but give away something of themselves the moment they write or speak. The problem is that not everybody is capable of "reading" between the lines. Some are more literal than others. They often need everything spelled out to them. Some can take the most cryptic meanings and figure it all out. I have been in those kinds of conversations and believe is exhilarating as one got to be on one's toes at all time. Talk about the brain working overtime! You got to connect all the missing pieces...

As an aside, the question was raised why have most CIers have avoided this thread? For me, it was simply because it degenerated into an emote-fest and that turns me off rather quickly. The question was reasonable from the beginning but not the nonsense and drama that followed. To answer the is strictly a personal decision and whatever people decide for be it. I personally could care less as I got my own problems and a family to raise. Lets get our priorities straight folks!
Er...I respectably disagree here. Fuzzy is correct one can tell a great deal about people from their writing. It is no different from listening to them talk. The main difference with writing is that one needs to carefully put logical assumptions together and have enough "writing " material to be able to "peg" the person down. The more one writes the better the audience understands the writer.

People cannot help but give away something of themselves the moment they write or speak. The problem is that not everybody is capable of "reading" between the lines. Some are more literal than others. They often need everything spelled out to them. Some can take the most cryptic meanings and figure it all out. I have been in those kinds of conversations and believe is exhilarating as one got to be on one's toes at all time. Talk about the brain working overtime! You got to connect all the missing pieces...

As an aside, the question was raised why have most CIers have avoided this thread? For me, it was simply because it degenerated into an emote-fest and that turns me off rather quickly. The question was reasonable from the beginning but not the nonsense and drama that followed. To answer the is strictly a person decision and whatever people decide for be it. I personally could care less as I got my own problems and a family to raise. Lets get our priorities straight folks!

That's your opinion and I respect it. I prefer to meet people in person before I make my judgements about them.
May I suggest something? go back and re-read the entire thread. But with open eyes, this time. And my other thread.


I'm sorry to say.. but you're rather harsh yourself.. we don't need to go back and re-read this thread. Its very obvious that you're just plain obnoxious and arrogant. you may technically know us just by how we write (nothing new) but its 2 entirely different story. If you meet one or a few of the ADers, you'll be dropping dead to the floor on how different we are from this "FORUM" and in person. 2 very different world here. As in person, we each have our own ASL and as for you.. you don't know signs. so we've outnumbered you actually. You may think you got it all here but you don't.

YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT IN THIS THREAD OR OTHER THREAD. so excuse me, you need to go back and re-read the thread and consider yourself a bitch in this forum.

We don't need to and we're not stupid.

I know I've said my part and it was pretty harsh.. i admit that and I'm not sorry.