Aren't we wasting time with HAs...

That's your opinion and I respect it. I prefer to meet people in person before I make my judgements about them.
There ya go.. that's the way to do it!
Er...I respectably disagree here. Fuzzy is correct one can tell a great deal about people from their writing. It is no different from listening to them talk. The main difference with writing is that one needs to carefully put logical assumptions together and have enough "writing " material to be able to "peg" the person down. The more one writes the better the audience understands the writer.

People cannot help but give away something of themselves the moment they write or speak. The problem is that not everybody is capable of "reading" between the lines. Some are more literal than others. They often need everything spelled out to them. Some can take the most cryptic meanings and figure it all out. I have been in those kinds of conversations and believe is exhilarating as one got to be on one's toes at all time. Talk about the brain working overtime! You got to connect all the missing pieces...

As an aside, the question was raised why have most CIers have avoided this thread? For me, it was simply because it degenerated into an emote-fest and that turns me off rather quickly. The question was reasonable from the beginning but not the nonsense and drama that followed. To answer the is strictly a personal decision and whatever people decide for be it. I personally could care less as I got my own problems and a family to raise. Lets get our priorities straight folks!

Well, I actually agree with you and Fuzzy on this one. I can tell from Fuzzy's posts that she has rather strong opinions about things and that her thinking is concrete and she doesn't like admitt her mistakes. I wonder if she'd phrase things differently if the posters and she met in person. However, you don't get the full picture of the person unless you meet them. The question while it seems senisable enough; the way it was phrased, it wasn't likely to go over well with the posters. No one likes to be told what to do.

When I read Shel90's posts, I can see that she's passionite about teaching her children and she's likely to be passionite about a lot of things as well. Like Fuzzy, she has strong opinions but she's also more nuanced about things. She's also wise enough to know when to speak out or when to leave her opinions out of her posts.

Nods, I agree that it's a personal desicion for others to get implanted or - not to get implanted.
I just realized....

Audiofuzzy doesn't have CI???? how the hell do you know if it works better???? what the.......... .....
This is my additional take on Mr soars' post; the anonimity of the Internet allows/tempts us to sometimes say things we wouldn't face to face, unfortunately. However, in this specific thread and elsewhere, I.....nevermind....:giggle:
This is my additional take on Mr soars' post; the anonimity of the Internet allows/tempts us to sometimes say things we wouldn't face to face, unfortunately. However, in this specific thread and elsewhere, I.....nevermind....:giggle:

you what????? spit it out..... lol
I think this thread would better for "Aren't we wasting time in reading this thread?"


ROFL!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That's why I didn't read this thread much because all I see is Audiofuzzy's problem and others who trying to solve the problem with Audiofuzzy..
Originally Posted by Cheri View Post
I think this thread would better for "Aren't we wasting time in reading this thread?"

Likely, Yes Indeed.. Totally wasting the time rest of troll thread.. :laugh2:
Ya know,

I find it totally ironic that some of your CI supporters are really avoiding this thread. Could it be that even they dont agree about pushing CI's on people? Could it be that they only believe that a CI is a personal choice? Could it be that they only wish to support others in their decision to get or not get a CI?

Really where is Neecy? Where is SRS? Where is Boult? Where is Cloggy?

Even R2 is saying that a CI is not for everyone!

Ya know Fuzzy, maybe you should get a clue from the Cier's and shut the hell up! They most certainly did! Even they knew that this thread was ridiculous.

If you want a CI that bad Fuzzy, go get one, and leave everyone else alone!

A hearing aid is not a waste of time to many of us. Even your Ciers are trying to tell you that a CI should be a last resort not a first resort.

Get a clue! You dont even have the Ciers support in this!

I support the right of parents to implant children, and adults to make their own choices with regards to CI's. Nobody's driven me away from the forum, I've just gotten tired of the merry-go-round, and decided to get off, because no matter what I say, nobody seems to "get it" except those who either already have CI's or have CI-implanted children, and since they already get it, there's no need to repeat myself (to them, at least) and hence, keep posting. I'm still around, and if needed I still post, but I refuse to get caught up in the never-ending soap opera again. Life's too short to try to show another perspective to somebody who doesn't really WANT to hear it.

nuff said - we now return you to your regularly scheduled forum chat. Have a great day.
I support the right of parents to implant children, and adults to make their own choices with regards to CI's. Nobody's driven me away from the forum, I've just gotten tired of the merry-go-round, and decided to get off, because no matter what I say, nobody seems to "get it" except those who either already have CI's or have CI-implanted children, and since they already get it, there's no need to repeat myself (to them, at least) and hence, keep posting. I'm still around, and if needed I still post, but I refuse to get caught up in the never-ending soap opera again. Life's too short to try to show another perspective to somebody who doesn't really WANT to hear it.

nuff said - we now return you to your regularly scheduled forum chat. Have a great day.

:bowdown: Agree 100% :)
What about those people who may be ont he fence that could be reading these forums. I thought the intent was to show both sides of the issue for those looking for information, not to simply stick to those that have already made their decision.:dunno: At least that's what those that are so supportive of CI in children have always claimed was their intent.
What about those people who may be ont he fence that could be reading these forums. I thought the intent was to show both sides of the issue for those looking for information, not to simply stick to those that have already made their decision.:dunno: At least that's what those that are so supportive of CI in children have always claimed was their intent.

Those "on the fence" can read the plethora of posts that are already available, which represent both sides. There isn't really a need to keep repeating ourselves, regardless what our "side" is, as its already been said many times, and the information is there for the taking as long as somebody is willing to look for it.
Well Neecy, I don't expect to convert others to my views so I don't even bother to try to convert. My biggest concerns are making sure that prelinguls get the needed language skills they need in life as I've encountered far too many who didn't have that in my years as a student and to provide support to those who want a CI and to correct any misinformation regarding the CI. And I'll support those who don't want them. The way I see it support is a two way street.