Aren't we wasting time with HAs...

I suggest you (and some others) start behaving yourself.


Yes, mother.:giggle: but, f you will go back and check, I said "behave accordingly". Quite a differnt situationfrom "behave yourself." With you knowledge of how you use langauge, I'm surprised that you don't seem to get the different meaning between the two phrases
by simple mathematics the failure would be less than 1% and it would be anything- from developing an allergy to materials implanted thru a lesser benefit being just hearing sounds but not being able to acquire speech (which wasn't acquired before implant anyway) to the complete implant failure.

Even with a complete failure this is very very small percentage, and considering how candidacy for surgery is still rather strict, the person implanted didn't lose either way - couldn't hear with HAs anymore, still can't with CI - which is very very rare.

So, yeah, apart from slight risk associated with surgery the complete failure could be another solid reason to not want to rush with implanting. The risk which is less than 1%, btw. Another source rounds up the failure rate to up to 2% which is still like out of 100 pple only two experience failure. And again "failure" may mean many things.

"Soft failure"- I am not sure what fails but it's when the CI does not fail completely however the CI wearer experiences static and/or other undesirable sounds that affect the clarity of sounds and is unable to hear at all.


Obviously, you don't know hte difference between soft failure and hard failure. I suggest you avail yourself of the links provided by rd so that you will be better prepared to discuss the subject in the future. And your simple mathematics approach is off as well. If soft failures are not considered, they are not entered into the equation. In other words, fuzzy, you don't have all the numbers you eed to make an accurate estimation. Theefore, you are intentionally protraying a higher success rate than actually occurs. It is unconscionable of you to claim to want to portray an accurate picture, and hten do everything in your power to distort the truth. There are gaping holes in your logic, and therefore, also in your conclusions.
THANK YOU, Jillio! Great word! After million years of ST I never read "pragmatics" - pragmatics explain so much with one word. I hate not knowing the one word and then writing so many words to explain. Is "pragmatics" just a noun or a adjective or verb too? I used "pragmatics definition" in Google but results were "practical" or too confusing about speech like this.

It can be used as a noun or an adjective or an adverb: as in, pragmatics of language, or the pragmatic use of langauge, or language pragmatics. It is a term used quite a bit inthe field of developmental psychology to describe various deficits of different areas of langauge acquisition and use.

I'm more than happy to explain any of the terms I use. I don't try to confuse intentionally.....that professional jargon jsut spills over sometimes when I am explaining something!
It can be used as a noun or an adjective or an adverb: as in, pragmatics of language, or the pragmatic use of langauge, or language pragmatics. It is a term used quite a bit inthe field of developmental psychology to describe various deficits of different areas of langauge acquisition and use.

I'm more than happy to explain any of the terms I use. I don't try to confuse intentionally.....that professional jargon jsut spills over sometimes when I am explaining something!


No. You didn't confuse - you taught! I always struggle with the one word and use too many when I forget. I couldn't remember "blunt" about someone in another reply and said :blah: = too long and like you write "comes across as something else entirely.....usually offensive and innapropriate". I love learning the one word instead of 10 - I now must remember too! :D

[Back to topic.......whatever topic is anymore :)]
Yes, mother.:giggle: but, f you will go back and check, I said "behave accordingly". Quite a differnt situationfrom "behave yourself." With you knowledge of how you use langauge, I'm surprised that you don't seem to get the different meaning between the two phrases

omg you are so incessant... :zzz:

you can compete with Energizer bunny.

Obviously, you don't know hte difference between soft failure and hard failure. I suggest you avail yourself of the links provided by rd so that you will be better prepared to discuss the subject in the future. And your simple mathematics approach is off as well. If soft failures are not considered, they are not entered into the equation. In other words, fuzzy, you don't have all the numbers you eed to make an accurate estimation. Theefore, you are intentionally protraying a higher success rate than actually occurs. It is unconscionable of you to claim to want to portray an accurate picture, and hten do everything in your power to distort the truth. There are gaping holes in your logic, and therefore, also in your conclusions.


Perhaps if you stayed awake, you could learn something about language, and subsequently ease your strugle (thrashing) a bit.
I will take that as an admission that you were, indeed, in error.

so predictable, so Jillio. :ugh3:

so predictable, so Jillio. :ugh3:


Me and many others have learned a lot from Jillo. Guess u dont seem interested in learning about the cons of CIs? I saw that u created another thread about CIs..what is it about the push for questioning many of us to get CIs?
Me and many others have learned a lot from Jillo. Guess u dont seem interested in learning about the cons of CIs? I saw that u created another thread about CIs..what is it about the push for questioning many of us to get CIs?

Yeah I have seen it.

All what she want is positive CI and ingored cons and pros on both sides.
Me and many others have learned a lot from Jillo. Guess u dont seem interested in learning about the cons of CIs? I saw that u created another thread about CIs..what is it about the push for questioning many of us to get CIs?

Thank you shel. We all (well ....with a couple of exceptions) can learn from each other. Some, however, are not interested in learning to do anything but speak and hear so they can appear to be more like the hearing. It's sad, really. Once again, placing all the focus onthe ears and the mouth.
Yeah I have seen it.

All what she want is positive CI and ingored cons and pros on both sides.

Yes, she has alrteady opened yet another thread asking the same question. It's the same question over and over and over. And the meaning of the question is to convery the message that everyone should have a CI. And, yet, while she is making all these posts telling everyone else how much better off they would be with a CI, she does not even have one herself!:cool:
My guessing is that the reason of her repeating the questions of us
getting the idea that we're missing out this world greatest hearing device because she thinks once we're on cochlear implants we will no longer needed to use signs and uses more orally just so we will use her language and so she doesn't have to learn to sign. That's the catch. *whistling*

Yes, she has alrteady opened yet another thread asking the same question. It's the same question over and over and over. And the meaning of the question is to convery the message that everyone should have a CI. And, yet, while she is making all these posts telling everyone else how much better off they would be with a CI, she does not even have one herself!:cool:
Me and many others have learned a lot from Jillo. Guess u dont seem interested in learning about the cons of CIs? I saw that u created another thread about CIs..what is it about the push for questioning many of us to get CIs?

I can see jillio for what she really is. Sometimes she does provide support and assistance.

As for the other thread - it's just a "what if" thread. You don't have to participate if you don't wish.

Thank you shel. We all (well ....with a couple of exceptions) can learn from each other. Some, however, are not interested in learning to do anything but speak and hear so they can appear to be more like the hearing. It's sad, really. Once again, placing all the focus onthe ears and the mouth.

lololol... what a saint you are jill.
