Are you a CAT person or a DOG person?

A Dog's Purpose?
(from a 6-year-old).

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker.
The dog's owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and

they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker,

and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to

observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker 's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm,

petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes,

Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a

while after Belker's Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.
Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ''I know why.''

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting

explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said,''People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and

being nice, right?'' The Six-year-old continued,

''Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.''

Live simply.

Love generously.

Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.

Take naps.

Stretch before rising.

Run, romp, and play daily.

Thrive on attention and let people touch you.

Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.

On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.

On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.

When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.

Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Be loyal.

Never pretend to be something you're not.

If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

I got this in an email ,it has cute photos but they did not show up.
I am owned by a dog, indeed many people tend to recognize me by her. She is amazing and assists with mobility and balance, and hearing stuff too. I was not a big cat person until recently. After fostering a cat, I am appreciating their personality more and more.
Even though I don't have it in me to take care of a pet right now (not even a goldfish), I'm a big cat lover! Dogs are okay as long as they're trained and cute enough. I'd rather not own a dog though, I prefer to enjoy other people's dogs instead.
I am owned by a dog, indeed many people tend to recognize me by her. She is amazing and assists with mobility and balance, and hearing stuff too. I was not a big cat person until recently. After fostering a cat, I am appreciating their personality more and more.

This really made me think of my beloved dog Finlay! If I when some where without my dog people wanted to know where my dog was! I feel like I am missing a part of me when I go out now!
This really made me think of my beloved dog Finlay! If I when some where without my dog people wanted to know where my dog was! I feel like I am missing a part of me when I go out now!

They really do become an extension of you after working with you day in and day out. It is amazing how in-tune to me she is, I would be lost without her. I dread her retirement.
I agree with others that it doesn't have to be one way or the other. I love them both, but right now, at this point in my life, it makes more sense to have cats. I work 9 hour days and I would just feel bad to leave my dog(s) in my house/yard without being walked or played with. So I have 2 cats instead who always greet my legs whenever I come home. :) They do a fine job of entertaining each other.
They really do become an extension of you after working with you day in and day out. It is amazing how in-tune to me she is, I would be lost without her. I dread her retirement.

Finlay and I where really bonded, we could read one another body language.
If I lost my balance while walking Finlay he would stop walking and look down at my feet to see if I was got my balance back when I did he would start walking again. Finlay was not trained to do this he just knew what to do.
Animals are amazing and some people do not give them the respect they reserves! hohme I know what you mean about being lost without your dog.
I am so lost with out Finlay ! I keep looking back when shopping now to made sure someone is not going run me down with their shopping cart! I miss my dog sooo much!
Finlay and I where really bonded, we could read one another body language.
If I lost my balance while walking Finlay he would stop walking and look down at my feet to see if I was got my balance back when I did he would start walking again. Finlay was not trained to do this he just knew what to do.
Animals are amazing and some people do not give them the respect they reserves! hohme I know what you mean about being lost without your dog.
I am so lost with out Finlay ! I keep looking back when shopping now to made sure someone is not going run me down with their shopping cart! I miss my dog sooo much!

I imagine you do, and I am sorry for your loss. Do you have plans for a future dog?
I imagine you do, and I am sorry for your loss. Do you have plans for a future dog?

I thinking of trying to get another hearing dog from Paw for a Causes . It take a year or longer to get a hearing dog! One place had 4-5 years wait!
Finlay was trained by NEADS but I need to come up with $5,500 or more to get another dog from NEADS .
PAW for a Causes will let you have the dog for free and will help with cost of feeding the dog if you can't afford it!
Thank you for your support.
Don't laugh but I toying with the idea of trying to train a cat to be my 'hearing' cat around the house! I saw a real great cat at a cat shelter.
But he may has something like MS and it cleared for adoption yet!
I am allergic...I take singulair. It kinda helps. Whatdidyousay-I am not sure where you are, but have you looked into CCI, they are nationwide and place dogs free of charge. And, no, I wont laugh at the idea of an at home hearing cat-I can see it. I was able to train my current dog myself, but am looking at programs for future dog. Have you read the book lend me an ear, by Martha Hoffman-it gives great detail on training a hearing dog.
I am allergic to dogs and cats but this does not stop me from loving both of them!

Ditto!!! I can handle it most of the time, but when my cats are being EXTRA loving and I spend all day at my house, I will take claritin. Singular doesn't work that well for me.
I am allergic...I take singulair. It kinda helps. Whatdidyousay-I am not sure where you are, but have you looked into CCI, they are nationwide and place dogs free of charge. And, no, I wont laugh at the idea of an at home hearing cat-I can see it. I was able to train my current dog myself, but am looking at programs for future dog. Have you read the book lend me an ear, by Martha Hoffman-it gives great detail on training a hearing dog.

I was told about that book 'lend me an ear,' by Martha Hoffman . I am told it is out of print! My library could not get it for me! You can buy in on line for $50! I live in Massachusetts and NEADS it the only place I could find on line,.
My dog , Finlay was trained at NEADS . I have heard of cats waking up their owner to warn then of a fire in the house! I look at this way a cat can hear better than I can and it will react to any sound it hear. I wish the cat I fell
in love with was not sick! He is a character , the cat was trying to climb into the cabin where the cat food is kept! I was told about that book 'lend me an ear,' by Martha Hoffman . I am told it is out of print! My library could not get it for me! You can buy in on line for $50! I live in Massachusetts and NEADS it the only place I could find on line in my state.
My dog , Finlay was trained at NEADS . I have heard of cats waking up their owner to warn then of a fire in the house! I look at this way a cat can hear better than I can and it will react to any sound it hear. I wish the cat I fell
in love with was not sick! He is a character , the cat was trying to climb into the cabin where the cat food is kept! Thanks for the tip on CCI ! I did not see this when looking for agencies that train service dogs.

hohme, I called CCI and I as told that I would have to go to California as this is where you get trained for a hearing dog! It take 6 months to a year to get a dog. It would be great if I could get dog in 6 months.
CCI train Labrador retriever mix dogs only. I am having an application send out to me.