Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

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Endymion said:
If I remember right, as well, there is no "W" sound in Hebrew. This tears down the whole "Yahweh" thing.

You are correct, I'm just using the romanisation (however incorrect it may be) most of the people here are familiar with.
I find it disturbing that the muslims and the jews do not believe in Jesus Christ....

Jesus Christ in the Quran is called The Prophet Isa

Jesus Christ in the Jewish Torah is called Yeshua

yet, they both reject Jesus Christ as God and The Ulimate Healer.

Mohammend or Allah never healed no Deaf boy.

Jewish God of Israel did heal people in the Torah but not so specific and clearly like in the KJV New Testament with Yeshua ( Jesus Christ ) healing the Deaf boy.

Something to think about....

Romans 10:9 (King James Version Holy Bible )

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Heath said:
I find it disturbing that the muslims and the jews do not believe in Jesus Christ....

Jesus Christ in the Quran is called The Prophet Isa

Jesus Christ in the Jewish Torah is called Yeshua

yet, they both reject Jesus Christ as God and The Ulimate Healer.

Mohammend or Allah never healed no Deaf boy.

Jewish God of Israel did heal people in the Torah but not so specific and clearly like in the KJV New Testament with Yeshua ( Jesus Christ ) healing the Deaf boy.

Something to think about....

Romans 10:9 (King James Version Holy Bible )

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

You are right that the Jews called Jesus Yeshua (along with some other names). It's pretty commonly accepted that Jesus was a real person who walked the Earth- Jews believe that. Jews just don't believe he was the messiah, unless they're messianic jews, which I don't consider real Jews anyway, but I digress.
ayala920 said:
You are right that the Jews called Jesus Yeshua (along with some other names). It's pretty commonly accepted that Jesus was a real person who walked the Earth- Jews believe that. Jews just don't believe he was the messiah, unless they're messianic jews, which I don't consider real Jews anyway, but I digress.

Hi Ayala, Have you been to Israel, The Holy Land? I would like to go someday and see where Jesus Christ healed the Deaf boy and see all of Israel. I would like to see all the Christian Jewish and Muslim religious sites. I especially would love to visit the Biblical museum in Israel, I think in Jerusalem. That would be something to see.
Heath said:
Jesus Christ in the Jewish Torah is called Yeshua

The Torah makes no mention of Yeshua.

Heath said:
yet, they both reject Jesus Christ as God and The Ulimate Healer.

Not everyone is Christian, get it into your head.

Heath said:
Mohammend or Allah never healed no Deaf boy.

Muhammed was a prophet, nothing more. According to the Qur'an and Muslim tradition, he was tasked with delivering the final revelation to the world (the Qur'an) and nothing else.

Still, I'm beginning to see why you are a diehard Christian: You think that if you are enough of a zealot and hate enough people different from yourself that God will make you hearing. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. If it does, though, call me and I'll have to reconsider my opinion of Christianity.
Endymion said:
Just thought I'd chip in -- the personal name for God as revealed in the Tanakh is YHVH. Someone I used to know corrected me on that long ago.

If I remember right, as well, there is no "W" sound in Hebrew. This tears down the whole "Yahweh" thing.

Wel... Kind of. Modern Hebrew doesn't have the "w" sound. Really, there's no "right" or "wrong pronounciation of YHVH (or YHWH, depending on who you ask), since technically we're not supposed to speak the name. So, instead, it's translated to Adonai, which is the name of G-d when praying, or HaShem, the name of G-d in normal conversation.

It's really rather complicated, but I'm too lazy to go into it all. :)
Heath said:
Hi Ayala, Have you been to Israel, The Holy Land? I would like to go someday and see where Jesus Christ healed the Deaf boy and see all of Israel. I would like to see all the Christian Jewish and Muslim religious sites. I especially would love to visit the Biblical museum in Israel, I think in Jerusalem. That would be something to see.

I, too would like to visit Israel, but for very different reasons, I suspect.
ayala920 said:
I, too would like to visit Israel, but for very different reasons, I suspect.

Your name Ayala suggests to me that you are jewish correct? I am a Protestant Christian. I know Israel has a program for jewish people to make aliyah?
Heath said:
Your name Ayala suggests to me that you are jewish correct? I am a Protestant Christian. I know Israel has a program for jewish people to make aliyah?

Let's just say I'm conflicted. :)
I disagree that muslims are terrorists. Remember that question. Not all of them are. Terrorists and insurgents are just crazy people. I mean capitalism is the best policy in the world. Why cant they just try it. Of course it will take time to reform its government to capitalism. They'll be happier. BUT we all have different ideas, beliefs, opinions, etc. Its getting complicated to me right now so I'll just shut up and worry about my life :)
WHEW, I'm amazed to see the explosion that blew up over what I thought would be a simple question to prove or disprove.

Gonna keep reading and see what's said about this...just please keep away from each other's throats, OK? That doesn't help with learning. ;)
WHEW, I'm amazed to see the explosion that blew up over what I thought would be a simple question to prove or disprove.

Just out of curiosity, how were you expecting us to prove or disprove this?
I was thinking there were readily-available references from the Qur'an, Torah, and Bible that would make it very apparent one way or the other...stuff like stories almost totally idea-for-idea the same. Or a lack thereof. One way or the other, I was kinda thinking there'd be primary-source stuff available.
Rose Immortal said:
I was thinking there were readily-available references from the Qur'an, Torah, and Bible that would make it very apparent one way or the other...stuff like stories almost totally idea-for-idea the same. Or a lack thereof. One way or the other, I was kinda thinking there'd be primary-source stuff available.

Well, Genesis 22 which describes the Abraham and Isaac sotry appears in both the Bible AND the Torah, because the Torah is wholey contain in the Bible. The specific story may appear in the Qu'ran but I don't know enough about how the language is used to find it there...yet. Though I did find 100's of references to Ibrahim and Ishaq in the Qu'ran.
Beowulf said:
Whoa, whoaaa, girlie, that is according to the mainstream media, and it is totally false. Get a gander of this source:

I don't trust media sometimes especially something related to the religions or/and politics. So should you guys do same sometime depending on their sources and point of views.

The media sometimes use their own pov to provide and want or expect you to believe in while they didn't/don't provide you the others' pov which would make you think different. Media is quite corrupted in a nutshell.

I only trust them in sports, weathers, and amongst others. Whenever they talk about something deep I approach it carefully. I learnt about the truths how they play the media in the past. It's foolish to trust the media fully.
Teresh said:
You have a way of finding sources that suit your views, but not actually reading what you post. The argument on the page you linked to has to be one of the most pitiful arguments I've ever read. It's entirely dependent on the misconception that Muslims view Muhammed the way that Christians view Yeshua, something that is simply not true. When the fundamental part of the argument is incorrect, the entire argument is incorrect.

If you're going to say that Muslims do not worship the same God because they call God by a different name or because they worship in a different way, then that's the same as saying that Jews don't worship the same God because temple is not the same as a church, they don't believe Yeshua was the messiah, and God's name is YHWH. Unless you're going to make that argument (and you're not, from what I can see), you're wrong, and that's all there is to it. I suggest only posting to threads where you will actually know what you're talking about.

In all, you're wrong. I did read it to make sure it's right before I post it with the link. I'm no fool here. Though I can look and look for the better one to show their differences.

By the way I did learn these stuff years ago by the Bible, Biblical and secularist sources, and other sources as well that was how I learnt the truth.

While that link I gave you to help out .. their web was established in 1997. I knew about it way before that. It's a fact by the way.

The reason I gave you link in a bit of hurry last night because I was so exhausted at the time by the way. I can snowball you with many sources but I knew it would only waste my and your time to read and read that long.

Jews and Christians do believe in SAME God, period. Only the difference is that these Torah Jews don't believe in Jesus the Messiah that God promised them in Old Testament. Did you know that there is also jews that believe in Christ? They are called messianic jews.

I didn't say anything about YHWH here in the forum at all.

You thought that true muslims and true christians do worship the same one .. so that showed you didn't know much about them both either, absolutely. Accept it as fact then you can all listen and learn and debate. Only it's up to you to believe is all. Only I was helping you guys out.

And whoever said that muslims and christians/jews do believe in same God is lying and decieving .. that's simple. That's where you ought to be careful with and what you say, too.

Teresh, it shows clearly that you don't have the upper right to say anything you know much less with this thread topic than others and I do. Beside I knew the difference beforehand.
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ayala920 said:
... Really, there's no "right" or "wrong pronounciation of YHVH (or YHWH, depending on who you ask), since technically we're not supposed to speak the name. ..
Right. That's the whole point of creating the acronym in the first place. :P
If you guys don't mind, I requested the mods to split this topic into a new thread in the Debates forum. It is a good topic but in the wrong forum.