Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

No. No medical dispensaries here. I stick to prescriptions. lol

To be clear...... It's a culture kinda thing in Africa where women who were plump were considered wealthy and desirable for the men to marry.

(Not that I condone of it's cultural practices....... one could liken it to whats going on here...)

And after seeing "Marijuana" on every city block here, I'd hope people assume that I know how to spell it correctly.
To be clear...... It's a culture kinda thing in Africa where women who were plump were considered wealthy and desirable for the men to marry.

(Not that I condone of it's cultural practices....... one could liken it to whats going on here...)

And after seeing "Marijuana" on every city block here, I'd hope people assume that I know how to spell it correctly.

In Canadian English (and uk) is marihuana
I have a friend that has the recipe for marihuana brownies. Never tried them though.
What are some of the annoying things hearing people say to you? Classic examples include "i'll pray for you" (to get your hearing back), *over enunciating* "can you read my lips?"

A while ago, I was visiting my parents and the three of us went to this little bakery. I wandered off and browsed the pastries. My dad came up and told this worker who was talking to my back that I was Deaf... Her response? "OHH how CUUUUUUUUTE!!" like I was a puppy. :roll: lol

My friends and I are playing a drinking game and swapping stories and I'm fresh out because I don't hang with hearing people almost ever soooo.. help me out!

some hearing people are so friggin ignorant it pisses me off.

1. girl from my old high school: "i feel so bad for you :( i would kill myself if i was deaf" like being deaf is suffering from a malignant disease??? :roll:

2. one time at my old HS, in my spanish class, someone asked "would you rather to be deaf or blind" and some bitch replied, "no offense to you kate, but i would rather be blind. it must really suck to be deaf." :mad:

3. one day, i was shopping at Sally beauty supply. the woman at the register said, "oh good for you honey, you have $$$. i didn't know deaf people could make money." :wtf:

oh i got a funny story for you!!!!

not too long ago, i was at the mall with my bestie (who's hearing and fluent in SL). we were walking around and chatting in asl of course. people were staring at us like we were from mars or so then my bestie said out loud "here's some sign language for you bitches :fu:" and then she looked at me and was like, "what? thought we might give these haters something to look at."
Wirelessly posted

Lately hubby and I put up with well-meaning but very ignorant medical staff when they learn we're Deaf & I'm DeafBlind and pregnant with twins. They always exclaim "You know you're having 2 (2 fingers!) babies in there!" *points to belly* We're like... no sh*t but we nod our heads and say yup! One of these days I'm going to pull a dumb comment and say "you mean it's not gas?!" Immaculate conception, it ain't for sure!


The stupid things people say never cease to amaze me. :laugh2:
Stupid things people say & do

I was grocery shopping several years ago when two women, in their early 20s came up to me to tell me I was wearing hearing aids because I was a sinner. They said God had decided to punish me for doing evil things by making me hearing impaired.

At first, I thought it was some kind of a sick joke. I had never met them before, I had not even noticed them - they walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder and started telling me all this. I just stood there and was like :shock:

I told them to leave me alone and stopped shopping ... just left. I did not hang around to find out what "sect" of Christianity they represented ... but it was that day that I realized why Christians get such a bad rap.

It was for reasons suc as that, that I turned to Islam & became a Muslim. This was before I lost most of my hearing. I am still a Muslim, Still do my best to follow the koran, & am still the same person I always was, I just believe that Love & peace will get you farther than being stupid & treating people with disrespect.
Being unethical

ME TOO grrr
guess what those 2 feminst lecturers (freinds) been banging about this and 10 years ago they gave me good marks for good sociology/education essays on deaf languages, social problems and now WTF they saying ' why do you get a what this special operation they have - oh implant' then i say ah cochlear implant nah im too deaf for that, id never be a hearing person, and its is unethical to me AND THEY STILL DONT FUCKING GET IT...


Forgive me Sir, but I feel that I must correct you on this.

It is NOT unethical to be hearing, it IS unethical to force someone into something they do not want or to change them before they have had a chance to decide for themselves what they really want.

THAT is what is & is not unethical.
But it's nice to have a place to vent and others would totally get what I mean. i don't usually express anger with hearing people making ignorant comments for the reasons you've mentioned - they just don't know. I do try to inform them like "yes, I can lipread but it's a myth that deaf people are perfect lipreaders" etc etc but I don't address them with rage on a daily basis nor am I even capable of that.

But here? I will vent because I need to get these things off my chest instead of having them build up and fester inside me.

I do not care who you are, hearing, deaf, HOH, it does not matter. Everyone needs to vent at some point in time...otherwise you become like a balloon full of helium gas. Sooner or later you will reach a point where either you let it out or it will come out on its own at the most embarrassing moment.

Besides, there is more room outside the body than there is inside the body.
I wasn't actually bashing religion, I was just pointing out that you can't define who a person is.

A person should be defined by their character and their actions, NOT by their disability...or lack of hearing.

I word it this way because many do not see being deaf as a disability. In my opinion, it is in many ways a blessing. I know that everyone here has a story to tell about the stupid things hearing people have said to you, but think of all the other comments that you never hear because you are deaf or HOH...:aw: now THAT'S a blessing. :)
well, I do ask for a cart if there are not anymore to be seen (in smaller stores) and the customer only has a few carrayble things...and some stores that I frequent will not let you take the carts outside because of so many thefts....but for someone with a lot of groceries, etc., no I wouldn't ask for that cart....

And the reading lips thingy...I'm getting so sick of it...but trying to have more patience in my golden years with people who are so ignorant and think I'm so helpless....geez...perhaps respond that "yes, I read lips...and do you have false teeth"?...or...."I would read yours, but ur breath smells really bad...what did you have for lunch"?

Look them square in the face & say, "your mouthwash ain't getting it." :0)
The stupid things people say

Years ago, some deaf friends & I were in a restaurant having coffee when I heard these 2 elderly Ladies talking about us deef & dumb people. immediately I stood up & got everyone's attention & signed to the group at the same time I told the elderly women, "they are deaf not dumb." I think those elderly women wanted to find the nearest hole & hide in it. :lol:
Years ago, some deaf friends & I were in a restaurant having coffee when I heard these 2 elderly Ladies talking about us deef & dumb people. immediately I stood up & got everyone's attention & signed to the group at the same time I told the elderly women, "they are deaf not dumb." I think those elderly women wanted to find the nearest hole & hide in it. :lol:

Good for you, pal. :thumb:
So today I went to the Urgent Care clinic because my ear kept bleeding (wouldn't stop)...of course, my eardrum had ruptured. The nurse went on and on about how I might get hearing loss. Dumb bitch didn't even think...I'm using a sign language interpreter because...???

Your poor ear! Hope it okay now.

LOL at nurse!!! That one of stupidest thing I ever read hearing person do!
3. one day, i was shopping at Sally beauty supply. the woman at the register said, "oh good for you honey, you have $$$. i didn't know deaf people could make money."

ROTFLMAO this woman was effing bimbo ! :giggle: -really, how stupid can you be! :laugh2:

I was grocery shopping several years ago when two women, in their early 20s came up to me to tell me I was wearing hearing aids because I was a sinner. They said God had decided to punish me for doing evil things by making me hearing impaired.

next time, somebody says something like that, reply:
Holy sh*t! and what did YOU do to be struck with such stupidity??!
I hope it's not contagious! scoot scoot away from me!!

and quickly leave :laugh2:

some hearing people are so friggin ignorant it pisses me off.

1. girl from my old high school: "i feel so bad for you :( i would kill myself if i was deaf" like being deaf is suffering from a malignant disease??? :roll:

2. one time at my old HS, in my spanish class, someone asked "would you rather to be deaf or blind" and some bitch replied, "no offense to you kate, but i would rather be blind. it must really suck to be deaf." :mad:

3. one day, i was shopping at Sally beauty supply. the woman at the register said, "oh good for you honey, you have $$$. i didn't know deaf people could make money." :wtf:

oh i got a funny story for you!!!!
not too long ago, i was at the mall with my bestie (who's hearing and fluent in SL). we were walking around and chatting in asl of course. people were staring at us like we were from mars or so then my bestie said out loud "here's some sign language for you bitches :fu:" and then she looked at me and was like, "what? thought we might give these haters something to look at."
HA HA, That's a funny story.
I go to a hearing school, and kids that don't know me like to make fun of me behind my back. I'm really good at reading lips, so I take out my iPod and headphones, tune it to the song with the most bass, and tell them to listen to it and try to talk to everyone. They instantly understand.
I love doing that.