AD Pet Peeves


New Member
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
There are a few things that bother me (e.g., pet peeves) about AD.

For example, it is annoying when someone posts that they are going to be offline...and then on top of that - they continue to post anyway. I guess that goes along with the new (or perhaps not so new) trend of "attention whores."

Another thing that annoys me is when a person asks for an opinion but gets mad if you don't agree with his/her personal view. What is this, junior high school? My Momma was right when she told me - "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen."

I'm sure I can go on and on. :) Do you have pet peeves regarding AD?
The main one you mention where people get hysterical if you don't agree with them. That bothers me too.
yeah that annoys me too, but I ignore 'em and lets them yap, yap, yap whatever they want. :lol: I wouldn't freak over the issue, I just walk away...and go elsewhere...

And your mother is right...aren't our parents always right :roll:
Two of my pet peeves are bad spelling/punctuation and lack of emoticons or explanations to make sure one is understood.

As far as spelling and punctuation are concerned, I don't expect ADers to write perfect posts that are completely free of errors, but I would hope the number of errors is kept to a minimum. Spelling and punctuation errors make it really difficult for me to read posts on my Braille display.

Given the fact that e-mail is a non-verbal form of communication, it's oftentimes difficult to know what a person is trying to communicate. Since we can't hear voice inflections (no pun intended), what is supposed to sound joking or sarcastic can come across as mean and catty. This is why it's important to include emoticons such as :) :lol::aw::shock::D and :laugh2:.
There are a few things that bother me (e.g., pet peeves) about AD.

For example, it is annoying when someone posts that they are going to be offline...and then on top of that - they continue to post anyway. I guess that goes along with the new (or perhaps not so new) trend of "attention whores."

Another thing that annoys me is when a person asks for an opinion but gets mad if you don't agree with his/her personal view. What is this, junior high school? My Momma was right when she told me - "If you can't take the heat, then get out of the kitchen."

I'm sure I can go on and on. :) Do you have pet peeves regarding AD?
You pretty much described attention whores. ;)

You're right... it does get annoying when someone says something like "Well, I'm going to bed everyone. Good night!" and then sign off (or keep posting).

There are also people who keep bumping threads repeatedly for no good reason.

I think it's a secret agenda... the purpose of gaining a huge increase in post counts. ;)
hhhmmm.... my AD pet peeves would be... poor spelling/grammars... and spamming with 2342342432 links in one thread :whistle:
I hate it when the thread totally goes off topic because one person is so focused on the wording of another post and misses the point ENTIRELY. Then the other person is so focused defending his/her wording, also missing his/her point ENTIRELY. So 2 pages are wasted on this, and there seems to be a very short attention span here, so people get bored of that thread and stop posting! And I get sad because I liked that thread!
I hate it when the thread totally goes off topic because one person is so focused on the wording of another post and misses the point ENTIRELY. Then the other person is so focused defending his/her wording, also missing his/her point ENTIRELY. So 2 pages are wasted on this, and there seems to be a very short attention span here, so people get bored of that thread and stop posting! And I get sad because I liked that thread!

Cause, maybe like 85% to 90% has attention span disorder on this AD.

I'm one of the 5% attention whores who does anything to get attention.
My biggest pet peeve could be the miscommunication that happens but nobody is at fault for that . Just have to make sure to ask each other for clarification before jumping to conclusions. I am sure it would make things a lot easier and I know I have been guilty of doing that from time to time. Nobody is perfect. :)

Nothing else really bothers me anyway. Everyone is different and that's what makes this forum fun and interesting. :wave:
most of the time that they doesnt bother me at all. Its their own unique way, i cannot critize them what they do or did. In exchange, respect for others what they have. Some of them are lucky or not, cannot underestimated them.

there are only TINY bother is: drama. its bored me out.
And receiving visitors message from a member that has never posted here even if they have been a member for a while.
AD isn't my second home so I don't care.

like deafbaja said, if you can't take it, get out. leave the site and do something important. ;)
My pet peeve:

Certain CI users/parents of same coming onto a pro deaf culture website and forcing their audists atitudes down the throats of others.
My pet peeve:

Certain CI users/parents of same coming onto a pro deaf culture website and forcing their audists atitudes down the throats of others.

Awww..u are tooo sweet. :)