5 Things you can't live without?

... Mafia Wars... DVDs... my girlfriend... sleeping... Coca-Cola...
Hey Vampy, come play mafia wars with me?

family (husband, kids, grandkids, etc) (ok, dorky brother too)
Holly dog (isn't she a cutie?)
internet (half my friends are in here)
pager (the other half my friends are in here)

I CAN live without these, but would it be as much fun? naahhh.
Hey Vampy, come play mafia wars with me?

family (husband, kids, grandkids, etc) (ok, dorky brother too)
Holly dog (isn't she a cutie?)
internet (half my friends are in here)
pager (the other half my friends are in here)

I CAN live without these, but would it be as much fun? naahhh.

oh my!! you says dorky brother!!
i cant lives without for good reasons..

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The five things I can't live without 1) My bible 2) boxing gloves 3) family&friends 4) my G1 5) my computer
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1) Women
2) Protein powder
3) Guide dog
4) Bass
5) Cell
1. Love
2. My family (my husband and our furkids)
3. My health
4. Positivity to balance things out
5. My white cane
God's grace covers it all for me. Without it, nothing else on a list is important. With it, my list is complete. If I'm lacking anything, His grace will provide for me. :)
1=Knowing that God and Jesus love me no matter what.
2=Health (needs work)
3=Goals and Projects
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The five things I can't live without 1) My bible 2) boxing gloves 3) family&friends 4) my G1 5) my computer

Wow, you box? That's great, I would to be able to do that :P

I noticed a lot of men say women, but the women aren't say they can't live without men...:giggle: Men would be on my list if I had 10...
Well round these parts we rank women purdy high. That's cause we respect our momma.

I reckon we need um for ice tea fixin and button mendin too! Not to mention who would we hold tha door open for????? Another cowboy>??? People might talk.
Well round these parts we rank women purdy high. That's cause we respect our momma.

I reckon we need um for ice tea fixin and button mendin too! Not to mention who would we hold tha door open for????? Another cowboy>??? People might talk.

I doesn't seem like men respect women around here:lol:
1. My family
2. My PA girlfriends
3. My pager
3. Internet
4. Wine
I doesn't seem like men respect women around here:lol:

I have noticed that a few places up North. I have held doors open for ladies going into stores and they look at you funny. Happens when you say hi just walking down the street too. Oh, and forget about buying a lady a drink just for the heck of it. They seem to think you have a hidden agenda if you do that up North. Down here it just means "Howdy, have a nice day"
I have noticed that a few places up North. I have held doors open for ladies going into stores and they look at you funny. Happens when you say hi just walking down the street too. Oh, and forget about buying a lady a drink just for the heck of it. They seem to think you have a hidden agenda if you do that up North. Down here it just means "Howdy, have a nice day"

It's true, we are afraid of men who want to buy us drinks :( We do think you have a hidden agenda. And the only place I can remember being where people we polite everywhere, was Denver. Around here, we are hustle and bustle I guess. I think of myself as polite, hold doors and all that.