2011 AllDeaf National Meet

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Feb 27, 2003
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Fellow ADers,

Jiro, Naisho and I were discussing about hosting the next AD national meet somewhere in the Northeast. We're thinking NYC/NJ area since two of us live in the area and we can get things in place. It will be held next year in 2011, but we're not sure what date yet. That's where you guys come in. :h5:

If you're interested in attending, which month and week would be good for you and why? Would you be interested in staying at a nearby hotel? Any ideas you want to share with us, or suggestions you have for us? :aw:

Last year's AD national meet in NYC was a success, and we would like to do it again! :naughty:
if it is in late 2011 - I'll check back with youse guys

any idea... issue... concern... question.... let us know!
Sometime when the Yankees are in town maybe??? Wouldn't mind seeing the new stadium
If you wait until the summer or later, I'd definitely be on board. By that time, I should have a decent paying job and living in Washington, DC. Short trip by train/bus.
Wirelessly posted

Only chance of me heading down to the States would be in late spring to early fall.
If it's going to be somewhere in late June to any time in July then I should be available to meet up with youse all. :)
A good chance I may go again! I'm pretty sure I would stay with a friend again, so no hotels for me.

As for the best time.. hmmm anytime after March would be good. When it's not too cold!!
My suggestions:

1) NYC or Boston, so no hotel needed for us since I can stay with a friend in either city.
2) Must be on a weekend...preferably friday + saturday.
3) As Daredevel said....after March when it's not so cold....and when my ASL skills will be better by that time :)
4) *Lots* of *cute* guys must be there
5) If it is *before* May 22, 2011, then the meet-up location can't be a place where you get carded hard. If it is *after* May 22, 2011, then anywhere's good :) Place can't be expensive either. ^_^ <3
Wirelessly posted

I'm thinking about same day as Deaf Nation event on September 24, 2011.
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This is a good opportunity to re-organize myself the trip back to NYC - if I can save some money for the flight.....will check this thread periodically and see if I can make it!
I would definitely make an effort to go! :)
Sure!! I know I owe a lot one of member (FEMALE) here that I visit to spend with alone first! While, at the same time if this member is available then we would love to be going there too. I pray that it won't conflict with those special birthdays dates who i care with AD 2011.

*crossed fingers* I hope no conflict dates and a little warm like spring or summer is awesome for me! So i can bring lighter bag to carry by traveling. lol
Why not other city somewhere rather than NYC/NJ area again?
NJ is a good place since it has lots of transportations nearby. I d like to go to NJ this time.
Well - I would never be able to go. No way I could afford it or take that much time away from the family obligations.
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