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  1. C

    Babies are born liars

    Yeah. That. Seriously, just because a baby isn't in physical distress, eg. pain, hunger, wet, doesn't mean they don't have a need that must be met. There are emotional/psychological/spiritual needs, too, like being picked up, held, played with. Trying to get these needs met by...
  2. C

    Breastfeeding in public around the world

    I breastfed my Cora until she weaned herself at age 2.5 and I had no problem with nursing her in public. I never covered up with a blanket or anything, because she hated it. Who wants to eat with a blanket over their head? I only had one problem, one mall security guard came up to me and told...
  3. C

    Movie theaters, assisted listening devices, and the ADA

    Does the ADA require movie theaters to have assisted listening devices for the HoH? Could the ADA be interpreted to say this? What about if the theater advertises that they have them, but they are not working?
  4. C

    How To Raise A Thinking Child...

    Here is a really great page of Christian parenting resources (links) that are based on actually following Christ's example.
  5. C

    How To Raise A Thinking Child...

    Heath-- I cannot fully express how WRONG that little table is! That is not a Christian way to parent. The Lord was not referring just to adults when he spoke of love and respect and reasoning with one another. And the rod referred to with regards to child rearing is not a stick to beat...
  6. C

    Court Judge: Pay Interprefer

    re. Divorce & who pays for terp, If a hearie can file for divorce for any reason, but the rules say that deaf must pay for terp in some cases, then what u have is: 1) Unequal access to courts, which is unconstitutional and a very dangerous slippery slope. Where do u stop & who decides...
  7. C

    What Religion are You

    You can't, in all fairness, call self-professing Christians liars (by saying that they're not Christian), and then try to claim that ur not going into any debates.
  8. C

    What Religion are You

    You are quite right of course. I have a fairly thorough understanding of both, seeing as I was raised an active Unitarian Universalist, and having at various times been first Atheist then Agnostic for a while. I was tired when I posted this poll, and I realized my faux pas as soon as I reread...
  9. C

    What Religion are You

    Just curious! No offense if I left yours out.
  10. C

    any of you HoH peeps...

    Yeah, somedays I do wish I'd just go all the way deaf. ITA w/what Anij said. It's frustrating hearing gobbledy-gook, and I find myself getting a headache trying to sort it all out. I actually wear earplugs somedays when the auditory processing just isn't working, to keep from getting the...
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    a Deaf DJ?

    Hey! I take exception to that! I'm quite proud and happy to be "not normal"! Of course, my lack of normalcy has nothing to do with whether I can hear... heehee
  12. C

    tty payphones

    Can I call a relay service with it, so I can talk to my hearie bf? If so, do I just call the relay service, and then the tty will pop out?
  13. C

    tty payphones

    I am a recently-LDA, and I had a question about payphones with a tty. I recently needed to make a phone call, and i noticed that the mall where I was had a tty-payphone shown on the directory map. So we went to where it was, and the tty had some sort of metal plate over it, and I couldn't...
  14. C

    School Expels Girl for Having Gay Parents

    While I agree that they, as a private school, had the right to do what they did, I don't think that it was terribly Christian of them to do so.
  15. C

    Advantages of being deaf

    Advantage (to my new-found d/hh-ness): I can't hear my 7-yr old whine anymore! Disadvantage: She can now whine bilingually! (aloud and in ASL!)
  16. C

    new to forum, new to HoH/d/Deafness (don't know which yet!)

    Hi, I'm 30 years old, mom to a 7 1/2 year-old, previously hearing, disabled (due to unrelated condition.) I've always had some mild hearing loss in my left ear, but not that big a deal! I've also had an increasing (over the last 5+ years) problem overcoming background noise to hear what...