What Religion are You

what religion are you

  • Jewish

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Catholic

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Protestant

    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • LDS/Mormon

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • nondenom. Christian

    Votes: 10 14.7%
  • Buddhist

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Wicca

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other Pagan

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Atheist or Agnostic

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 24 35.3%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Just curious! No offense if I left yours out.
I guess its best for me to select nondenominational Christian, although I really don't like using the term Christian. To be more specific about my beliefs, you could say liberal Christian, or post-modern Christian.
I gotta say, even though I am a Christian...do NOT assume that I am "right wing." Far from it, really. And, quite frankly, don't ask me my opinion on abortion or gay marriage. James Dobson and Pat Robertson, including Jerry Falwell DO NOT EVER speak for me or represent my views, neither do the likes of Jack Hyles.
Sorry, I don't mean to bitch or complain at this thread's author, but I do believe Atheist and Agnostic should be two separate categories. Again, not to stir up anything. That is just my opinion.
pek1 said:
I gotta say, even though I am a Christian...do NOT assume that I am "right wing." Far from it, really. And, quite frankly, don't ask me my opinion on abortion or gay marriage. James Dobson and Pat Robertson, including Jerry Falwell DO NOT EVER speak for me or represent my views, neither do the likes of Jack Hyles.

The more people like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Falwell will open their mouths, or attempt to become involved in politics and influence policies, the less people will continue to follow them.
apathrev said:
The more people like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Falwell will open their mouths, or attempt to become involved in politics and influence policies, the less people will continue to follow them.

That is a lie, why are they so rich and still famous on tv???
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I think being a minister is one of the easiest jobs in USA
and you can be rich doing that.

I'm not sure being a minister is an easy job if you do it for the right reasons. If it's solely for financial gain, yeah, I can kinda see your argument.

But if you're doing it because you're wanting to help people, taking on other people's problems to the degree you do as a minister can be draining. And also--if you're doing it for the right reasons--you may be very busy, having to make a lot of visits...including hospital visits, which are again very emotionally taxing as well as taking a lot of time and effort.
apathrev said:
The more people like James Dobson, Pat Robertson, and Jimmy Falwell will open their mouths, or attempt to become involved in politics and influence policies, the less people will continue to follow them.

We can only hope, can't we?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I think being a minister is one of the easiest jobs in USA
and you can be rich doing that.

Show me the money, honey...all I got were my nerves fried. You must not get out much, huh, Miss P? :ugh:
Athestism is NOT a religion. :thumb:

And yes, I agreed with Patrick-- Agnostic should be separated from Atheist. My husband is an Agnostic and we DO have entire different beliefs.
I have no religion and no beliefs in any gods, so I picked atheism. The meaning of atheism I use is lacking belief in gods. For agnostism, the meaning I use is lacking knowledge about the existence of gods. Some people say that someone could be both if they both have no belief in any god and think that there is no way to find out either way. That is using a meaning of atheism that means having no belief, rather than positively saying that there is no god. There's lots of stuff here on different meanings different people give to atheism and this page is on what is called agnostic atheism. There is even a page on agnostic theism. I know of someone who is a agnostic Christian.
gnarlydorkette said:
Athestism is NOT a religion. :thumb:

And yes, I agreed with Patrick-- Agnostic should be separated from Atheist. My husband is an Agnostic and we DO have entire different beliefs.

I don't see a problem with a question of one's religion including Atheism. I think its almost like asking someone "what are your political views," and someone responding "I'm do not get involved with politics."

But I definetely agree that grouping Atheism and Agnosticism is a mistake. If you're going to do this, you might as well group all Christian groups together.
There's no such a religion out there - they are just names to separate people's beliefs.

Jesus is my only God without a religion, because He has no name for a religion. His real Name is Yahweh. :)
apathrev said:
Sorry, I don't mean to bitch or complain at this thread's author, but I do believe Atheist and Agnostic should be two separate categories. Again, not to stir up anything. That is just my opinion.

You are quite right of course. I have a fairly thorough understanding of both, seeing as I was raised an active Unitarian Universalist, and having at various times been first Atheist then Agnostic for a while. I was tired when I posted this poll, and I realized my faux pas as soon as I reread it. However, I couldn't go back and change the options.
apathrev said:
I guess its best for me to select nondenominational Christian, although I really don't like using the term Christian. To be more specific about my beliefs, you could say liberal Christian, or post-modern Christian.

i second that. i used to be indepedence baptist but i am glad i left it because i am not a type to judge anyone. i was raised by my step dad who is a preacher.
Catholics, methodists, jehovnah witness, lutherans, episcopals, etc ARE christians BUT those people believe in something. Like jewish doesn't believe about jesus rise and he died for us so they used a group as "jewish" - jewish means to let people know that they don't believe in Jesus who died for us and rise for us. It is just a term to let other people know what they believe in. God does NOT need classified. It is very hard for people to understand what the scriptures really mean....very often people get misinterpretations of the scriptures. That's all. So, I don't call myself as a methodist or episcopal or etc. I call myself as a christian. Sure, many scriptures I still don't understand BUT I still am a christian. Regilouses are SILLY for being called themselves as methodists, cath, etc. It's nonsense. It's like they are mad at others because they don't agree with others on the scriptures what it means to them. So they decided to label themselves as cath or meth or etc. Just christian but hard to understand the scriptures mean rather than label yourself. God does NOT need the name of the regiliouses.

So, I am a Christian.

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