School Expels Girl for Having Gay Parents

anyway, yall need to give Reba a break, she isn't charge or authority over
that private school. Leave Reba alone yall.

If yall got question, write to the school there, not her.
Yall asked the wrong person.

Miss*Pinocchio said:
anyway, yall need to give Reba a break, she isn't charge or authority over
that private school. Leave Reba alone yall.

If yall got question, write to the school there, not her.
Yall asked the wrong person.


Eve, my friends, many of them are divorced and remarried send their kids to private Christian schools here. They accept them here but if they refuse a child of gay parents as it was done in this article Liebling showed to us. Then it is double standard here.

Liebling, in my area we have private schools which mostly come from religion alike Bapitist Church, Catholic Church and Christian schools. They have very strict rules there, they do not accept kids who are not bright, trouble makers,and the ones who dress funny but I do not know if they accept gay kids there or having gay parents. Thank for bring this article up here.
While I agree that they, as a private school, had the right to do what they did, I don't think that it was terribly Christian of them to do so.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
anyway, yall need to give Reba a break, she isn't charge or authority over
that private school. Leave Reba alone yall.

If yall got question, write to the school there, not her.
Yall asked the wrong person.
I appreciate your concern but really I am not bothered by anyone's posts. :)

You are right that if anyone has a question about that specific school's policy or that specific situation, then they should contact the school. I can't answer for them.
Liebling:-))) said:
What about Court of Human Rights?
What about it? There is no "Court of Human Rights" that has jurisdiction in the United States.

What if the parents want only private school?
Guess what? We don't always get what we want.

Sure, but where is the freedom of the parents’ rights?
There are plenty of liberal private schools available. The parents can even get together and establish their own private school if they want. They can establish a "gay-friendly" private school if they desire. That is what freedom is all about.

Because sometimes the wealthy parents just want a good academic school but they are not willing to follow the rules or support the staff. So, they are not accepted.

Some poor families strongly desire Christian education for their children but they can't afford the tuition. They strongly believe in and support the rules and philosophy of the school. The school accepts them, and finds donors to pay the tuition.

Okay, this is your opinion.
No, it is not my opinion. It is the law in the United States.

No, I see the different. Why should she pay private school for her daughter when she thinks her private life comes first? It shows that she want the best education for her, not think about her private life.
I think that it proves the mother cares more about herself and her own pleasure, then the education of her daughter. In life, everyone makes choices. Mom made her choice, so she has to live with it.

I see that stupid rules force a mother into liar because she wants that school for her daughter. Yes, I know it’s not right.
Well, that is not my school or my rules, so I am not defending them; I only defend their right to establish their rules.

Oh I see.
The parent’s private background is important to school’s reputation than consider the children’s interest. Right?
It is important for the school to enforce the rules equally for everyone. If they don't, no one will trust them.

... How do you feel when they judge your private background before let your child into private school?
No problem. I wouldn't apply to a school for my child unless I already agreed with their beliefs, rules, methods, and curriculum.

I would not like it because it’s my business. I would tell school why they worry about my private life since I thought they consider my children’s interest?
That is exactly why it is important to interview the parents and discuss school rules ahead of time. Parents are the strongest influence on their children. If the parents won't support the school administration, and they rebel against the rules, then how can the school expect the child to succeed as a student at the school?
jazzy said:
They did not want a child of gay parent to attend private school but let child of adultery parent (divorced and married again) to enroll private school. It is double standard if they want to set good example.
I never read any of that in the article, nor on their website. Do you know more about this particular school than the rest of us? Otherwise, you shouldn't make false statements about that school.
^Angel^ said:
I do understand where Liebling is coming from on this, I don't know what the rules had stated for the Christian private school but the rules should not involved the parents lifestyle, cause the parents are not enrolling for private school just the child why worry about the parents whether they're divorce or gay, I mean it's none of the school business to know what the child's parents lifestyle are...IMHO, the school should be more concern on the child's education than worry about other things that are outside of the school....

I find this unfair, the child wasn't gay so I don't see no rules that were broken, and what I think is the school freak out once they found out the child's parents were gay and they decide to kick that child out of the school without having to deal with a gay parents...

I don't understand why most of you said it is because of the rules, where did it say that if the parents is gay , then you child can not enroll in that school.. We don't even know what the rules were, but the point is, it should not effect the child from enrolling the private school just cause of their parents lifestyle may be...The child should be able to get education anywhere...

*nodding agreement sadly* I has the same feeling as you.
You can tell the school whatever your want, it is still their prerogative to call the shots, just as it is your prerogative to go elsewhere.

No problem. I wouldn't apply to a school for my child unless I already agreed with their beliefs, rules, methods, and curriculum.

Reba:That is exactly why it is important to interview the parents and discuss school rules ahead of time. Parents are the strongest influence on their children. If the parents won't support the school administration, and they rebel against the rules, then how can the school expect the child to succeed as a student at the school?

Well, Is it harm to ask them why they want to know my private life and want the ground of their explanation? I would thank them for their ground of explanation then will tell them that their school is not right place for my children and thank them again for an interview in polite way and leave without criticism their rules but give them think twice.....

We (German parents) are straightforward people and can tell them what we think/what we disagree in respectful way and then leave without criticism their rules.
If they have to agree to this rule then stick with it in respectful way.

No, it is not my opinion. It is the law in the United States.

I answered your previous post that it's your opinion because you said.
It is not unfair discrimination.

Liebling, in my area we have private schools which mostly come from religion alike Bapitist Church, Catholic Church and Christian schools. They have very strict rules there, they do not accept kids who are not bright, trouble makers,and the ones who dress funny but I do not know if they accept gay kids there or having gay parents. Thank for bring this article up here.

Yes, we have strict rule at public/private school here in Germany. The violence/disrespect children have to go to boarding school or secure home after receive 3rd and final warning for disown school's rules. Secure home/boarding school are not cheap. The parents have to pay out of their pocket with the support from Welfare service - depend how much monthly income the parents bring home. It's not easy for the parents to put their children to other public or private schools because they demand children's school report from previous private or public school. The school are only doing to protect their reputation and consider children's interest, not worry about parent's private background.

Well, that is not my school or my rules, so I am not defending them; I only defend their right to establish their rules.

I also defend to protect children rights and also parent's private rights, too because it's unfair to punish an innocent child. I know you would say to blame the parents, not school . All what I say is: the school should do SOMETHING to punish a mother INSTEAD of punish a girl. I believe it affect a girl real badly which it's not right why she have to leave. I aware that she knows for a long time that her mother is a gay and accept what she is. I believe a girl will not hate her mother for that because she knows the stupid rule force her mother into liar.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
anyway, yall need to give Reba a break, she isn't charge or authority over
that private school. Leave Reba alone yall.

If yall got question, write to the school there, not her.
Yall asked the wrong person.



We are here to talk about the link where I added in my thread in first place why we are agree to disagree to this.

This is simple way for Reba to look other thread if she don't like my thread. We have no problem to have Reba here to disagree with us. She can come to my or other threads whatever she likes.
Remember, this is freedom of speech, we can debate with agree/disagree in respectful way. Every threads in this forum are open and welcome. What's this forum for?

What's your problem?

P.S. We (parents) know where to find school if we have question about the interest of our children.
Thank you.
Yes, it´s mainly important to have law to not let school to have kind of abuses on the children.
Oh, they aren’t allowed to ABUSE the children, but then again, we don’t see this as being abusive. Furthermore, I am glad that one person’s “rights” don’t trump another’s. In other words, the rights of the lesbian couple do not out-weigh the rights of the private school or the other parents and children in that school.

They have human rights in America.
Of course there are human rights, just no appointed “court of”.

I don't know what the rules had stated for the Christian private school but the rules should not involved the parents lifestyle, cause the parents are not enrolling for private school just the child why worry about the parents whether they're divorce or gay, I mean it's none of the school business to know what the child's parents lifestyle are
That’s the beauty of freedom, it applies to all, not just the minorities. It personally appalled me when I went to San Francisco and saw the gay parade going down the street with extremely provocative floats. I did not feel it was appropriate to be exposing children to such lewdness. Yet, they have their rights, so I took my children ELSEWHERE. This lesbian couple has the right to do just what I did and take their children ELSEWHERE.

I don't understand why most of you said it is because of the rules, where did it say that if the parents is gay , then you child can not enroll in that school.. We don't even know what the rules were, but the point is, it should not effect the child from enrolling the private school just cause of their parents lifestyle may be...
I believe Reba already addressed this issue
Thank you for your inquiry regarding a student that had been enrolled at Ontario Christian School. The student is not attending Ontario Christian, as the family does not meet admissions criteria. The ministry of Ontario Christian is to promote discipleship of Jesus Christ as defined by the Bible and consistent with historical Christianity. The school forms a voluntary partnership with parents who seek the same discipleship. Therefore, the school requires that at least one parent be a confessing Christian and active in the local Christian church. In this case, the parent does not meet the criteria by participating in a homosexual relationship. We regret that this relationship was not disclosed at the time of admission, as that information would have
prevented enrollment and the occasion for misunderstanding.
The mission of Ontario Christian School is to provide for the children of Christian parents a Biblically-based, quality education that nurtures students to grow in knowledge, conviction and maturity; therefore, our focus is to equip students with the vision and skills to engage all relationships and culture under the authority of Jesus Christ.

The child should be able to get education anywhere...
She can….anywhere ELSE.

Eve, my friends, many of them are divorced and remarried send their kids to private Christian schools here.
I am sure that is true, and I am also sure that it was discussed in full with the school’s knowledge prior to enrollment, and that if it wasn’t those children would be expelled for the parent’s lies as well. However, divorce and remarriage are not necessarily unbiblical in nature. My divorce was condoned by the church because I had biblical grounds for a divorce (my husband cheated on me and was caught in the act). I had to go through years of abuse before he gave me biblical cause for a divorce. It was a relief when he finally did.

Well, Is it harm to ask them why they want to know my private life and want the ground of their explanation? I would thank them for their ground of explanation then will tell them that their school is not right place for my children and thank them again for an interview in polite way and leave without criticism their rules but give them think twice.....
That would be the wise way to handle the situation. I personally wouldn’t even consider putting my child in a school that did not keep a philosophy similar to my own.

If they have to agree to this rule then stick with it in respectful way.
I believe they did. The parent was the one who decided to lie to the school and then cause such an uproar about the school enforcing the rule.

I answered your previous post that it's your opinion because you said.
But it isn’t an opinion, it is a fact. Maybe where you are from it isn’t the same, but here in America, our rights are considered fact, not opinion.

This is simple way for Reba to look other thread if she don't like my thread.
This MINE MINE MINE attitude belongs in a nursery school, not a bulletin board forum. As far as I know, we are all free to discuss here, not just the one who started the topic.
Eve said:
This MINE MINE MINE attitude belongs in a nursery school, not a bulletin board forum. As far as I know, we are all free to discuss here, not just the one who started the topic.

:confused: Why you took my post as quote? You are supposing to take Miss *P´s post as quote instead of made an exaggerately post because I tried to explain Miss *P. :dunno:

Anyway, I responsed to explain Miss *P´s post since she said that we should leave Reba alone. ;)

We are here to talk about the link where I added in my thread in first place why we are agree to disagree to this.
This is simple way for Reba to look other thread if she don't like my thread. We have no problem to have Reba here to disagree with us. She can come to my or other threads whatever she likes.

Remember, this is freedom of speech, we can debate with agree/disagree in respectful way. Every threads in this forum are open and welcome. What's this forum for?

What's your problem?
Last edited:
Reba said:
Our Christian school doesn't have that kind of requirement. Many of the parents of our students are unsaved (non-Christians). Our church's philosophy is that the children should be exposed to Jesus' love, and thru them, their parents can also be reached.

However, the parents do sign a contract that they will support the teachings of the school, and the conduct code for the students.

Attending a Christian school is totally voluntary, so if parents don't agree with the school's teachings or conduct code, then they are free to send their children elsewhere.

Our school never has and never will accept government vouchers (which aren't even offered in our state) or government funding of any kind.

Most Christian schools depend on organizations like Christian Law Association to defend them in lawsuits. The lawyers from CLA work totally pro bono (for free). They charge no fees. They are supported by contributions.

in Arkansas.. private schools do accept vouchers for kids to attend the private schools.. yes vouchers are paid by taxpayers.. believe it or not..
Why you took my post as quote? You are supposing to take Miss *P´s post as quote instead of made an exaggerately post because I tried to explain Miss *P.
I am not supporting anyone. I am merely put off by your attitude telling people to leave your topics. Why start a topic if you have no intentions of responses? This isn’t the first time you have done this. I know exactly what Miss P. said, but I was referring to your response.

in Arkansas.. private schools do accept vouchers for kids to attend the private schools.. yes vouchers are paid by taxpayers.. believe it or not..
Not ALL private schools accept the vouchers. And yes, vouchers are issued by the government and paid for with tax funds.
Liebling:-))) said:
Well, Is it harm to ask them why they want to know my private life and want the ground of their explanation?
No harm at all. I think that is fair.

I answered your previous post that it's your opinion because you said.

No, it is not my opinion. It is the law in the United States.

It is not unfair discrimination. [/color]
That's right, it is the law, not my personal opinion. Our laws have very specific regulations regarding discrimination. Not all discrimination is unfair or illegal.

I also defend to protect children rights and also parent's private rights, too because it's unfair to punish an innocent child. I know you would say to blame the parents, not school . All what I say is: the school should do SOMETHING to punish a mother INSTEAD of punish a girl. I believe it affect a girl real badly which it's not right why she have to leave. I aware that she knows for a long time that her mother is a gay and accept what she is. I believe a girl will not hate her mother for that because she knows the stupid rule force her mother into liar.
From what I have read, the school is not trying to "punish" anyone. They are just enforcing their enrollment criteria.
Reba said:
I never read any of that in the article, nor on their website. Do you know more about this particular school than the rest of us? Otherwise, you shouldn't make false statements about that school.

I did not make false statements here. I guess u don't understand me. Thank you for your time. Take care bye.
I don't understand why Liebling is in here debating...
because she lives in Germany....
and she is trying to dictate on how we should live in USA.

Why don't you come live in USA? :|
jazzy said:
I did not make false statements here. I guess u don't understand me. Thank you for your time. Take care bye.
I'm only referring to YOUR statement:
"They did not want a child of gay parent to attend private school but let child of adultery parent (divorced and married again) to enroll private school. It is double standard if they want to set good example."
Again, I did not see any proof that the school had a double standard. If you have proof, please share it. If not, please do not make that accusation. That's all.
Luckysmile23 said:
in Arkansas.. private schools do accept vouchers for kids to attend the private schools.. yes vouchers are paid by taxpayers.. believe it or not..
Our state does not have vouchers.

Not all private schools are Christian schools. Even in states that do have vouchers, many Christian schools refuse to accept them.

Can you please explain how "vouchers are paid by taxpayers"? I am not familiar with the Arkansas system. Are the vouchers a form of tax rebate for the parents, or are they straight cash payments to the parents, or what?