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  1. V

    Deaf Culture in Florida ?

    That makes sense. If you are relatively young and want to interact with others your age, the Florida deaf/hoh culture leaves a lot to be desired -- not to mention everything here is too spaced out. But I figure that is a problem everywhere.
  2. V

    Can't hear, can't sign either - social outcast!

    Roserodent, I can totally relate to you about not being able to hear, but can't really sign either. It's like being trapped between a rock and a hard place. Now I just let everyone and anyone know that I have hearing loss, and usually they excuse me if I don't hear them right away or sometimes...
  3. V

    Is being deaf a disability or not?

    I'd like to say how much I LOVE this thread. It is so encouraging to read and I want to save some of the responses and print them as a reminder that I can do anything I set my mind to do! Thank you everyone! :)
  4. V

    What are some of your personal accomplishments you're proud of?

    1. Finishing undergraduate in 3 years and graduating at 20 years old. 2. Starting up my own website and 'meeting' lots of like-minded people, starting to form business joint ventures and learning the ropes so I can start a business.
  5. V

    finally found people I can relate to, woohoo!

    Welcome, Viper. I also grew up not knowing any Deaf or HOH people. I still don't know many in person, but I've met quite a few online! :)
  6. V

    Hello from Arizona

    Welcome, Nichole. I have the same kind of hearing loss, one ear is worse than the other. I'm pretty much new here too, but good to see another young person! :)
  7. V

    Have any of you felt extremely lonely & lost at some point...?

    This is something I had to work on too and I'm finally getting it. The more I accept my hearing loss, the less lonely I feel. I also agree with OceanBlue that you need to get out there and do something, even if it's by yourself. It sucks at first, but then it becomes like second nature and you...
  8. V

    Bans 'do not cut abortion rate'

    I don't agree with banning abortion but I do agree with this statement. I think that's where a lot of people get upset. A woman has a right to her own body, but if she can't control herself enough even when she knows she can't afford kids or if she's with a questionable man (or several men)...
  9. V

    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    Ah, books... my guilty pleasure. I could easily blow an entire paycheck on some if I didn't have the discipline. This is for 2010, so far. Anyone wants to join me in book rehab? :) As a Man Thinketh - James Allen The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and...
  10. V

    Nice to meet you all!

    Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone :)
  11. V

    A Relationship Phobia?

    Yes, it's a good idea to take time for yourself and grow as a person. If you're more confident with yourself, the right person will be attracted to that. If you keep thinking you need to be in a relationship or something is wrong with you if you're not, you'll give off a desperate vibe... this...
  12. V

    Miss Beverly Hills Lauren Ashley Opposes Same Sex Marriage

    :gpost: I agree with this judge. And also the fact that people should be able to hold any view she wants. I don't agree with her views, but you can't tell her what to think. People are all for freedom of speech until somebody insults them.
  13. V

    The $555,000 Student-Loan Burden

    Of course, I agree this lady mismanaged her loan. However, I think the fact that people see school loan as "good debt" they are not careful with it. So they go to school for jobs that don't pay well enough. It's fine if you want a job that doesn't pay well enough... but not if you get a huge...
  14. V

    True or Not True?

    Heheh. Thanks to the Japanese and their Hello Kitty. I love cats but I will never understand Hello Kitty!
  15. V

    The $555,000 Student-Loan Burden

    I wanted to go to dental school but I realize I don't want to be $200K in debt for something I'm not 100% sure I'm going to like. Btw school/student loan doesn't automatically make it "good debt." It can still be bad if you have too much money loaned for school and your job doesn't pay you...
  16. V

    Miss Beverly Hills Lauren Ashley Opposes Same Sex Marriage

    I agree, it is a human rights matter. Not only that, married people get many more rights. It's only fair. These days many people don't get married for religious reasons. They get married because that's what society thinks you should do and because they want to. Also for the legal reasons. Yes...
  17. V

    What are you thinking about? Part II

    I second that. Same here! :P
  18. V

    Nice to meet you all!

    Hi everyone! :wave: My name is Valerie, I currently reside in South Florida. I'm pretty young, 22 years old, but I've had hearing loss in both ears for almost 17 years now. Growing up I've always isolated myself because I stuck out like a sore thumb. I grew up not knowing anyone with hearing...