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    Franken reads 4th Amendment

    Franken received multiple Emmy nominations for being a writer on Saturday Night Live.
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    fox news caught rallying the crowd

    More like promoted.
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    fox news caught rallying the crowd

    Fox news just didn't want this to happen. That's all.
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    Do You Have the Right to Flip Off a Cop?

    The real question is: Is it a good idea to flip off a cop?
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    Drawing Blood Will Help Stop Drunk Driving, Police Say

    Alcohol impairs people's judgment. So they believe that they are capable of driving, when in fact they are not.
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    Kanye West Makes a Fool Out of Himself

    Kayne West isn't mature.
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    Media shocked by D.C. Tea Party turnout

    "The spirit of America on display was overwhelming" Yep, Like fabricating the turnout number to over two million. Or displaying hitler, stalin, communist, marxist, and tyrant signs.
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    Drawing Blood Will Help Stop Drunk Driving, Police Say

    No, this is a terrible idea. Imagine what would happen if the suspect starts to struggle when the police officer is trying to insert the needle.
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    PSAT??? When???

    I would take the PSAT at the earliest opportunity. It's great practice for the SAT and gives you an idea of the exam layout.
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    Some Parents Choose Not to Allow Their Kids to Hear Obama's National Address

    I read the education speech transcript. I couldn't find any hidden political agenda or socialist remarks.
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    How many czars in White House?

    This thread reminds me of the California legislature. :P
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    Some Parents Choose Not to Allow Their Kids to Hear Obama's National Address

    The point of an education is to gain critical thinking skills. Kids should be exposed to different viewpoints to broaden their horizons.
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    Cost of Californian Wildfire

    I hope that FEMA can pick up the tab if California goes over the budget for fighting fires.
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    Pepsi Drinkers - RED ALERT!!!

    This reminded me of the Wendy's finger in chili incident a few years. I really want to call :bsflag: on the couple finding frog remains inside the soda can. But I'll wait for the investigation.
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    Video w/transcript: Cheney not a fan of Obama

    A better topic to discuss would be if Cheney ran for president.
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    Michael Jackson is not Alive...

    I don't think the media will let him rest in peace.
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    Fun game, IV drink

    Blood. Preferably from someone else. Am I doing this right?
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    Facebook vs Myspace which is better?

    facebook looks more professional
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    World population projected to reach 7 billion in 2011

    The internet will advance to a degree where we can live in a virtual reality world!