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  1. ssnorwaygirl


    Hi! I am a Newbie here too. Hope to hear more from you. Robin
  2. ssnorwaygirl

    do you spank your child?

    Yes, but only on very rare occassions. Such as when they were disrespecting both themselves and myself, and when they deliberately put themselves in harms way after being forwarned. I had to learn, LOL, that children may hear, but they don't always listen. I've got 3; ages, 22, 16 and 5. Had...
  3. ssnorwaygirl

    Positive Discrimination?

    Could you explain your use of the word "pathology"? I lost over 50% of my hearing due to scarlett fever when I was 5ish. If I understood why the wording is being used, it could help clarify a few things for me. R
  4. ssnorwaygirl

    Positive Discrimination?

    But, I am hearing impaired, I am not deaf. There actually is a difference. I don't know what other term you could use since I can't really say I am deaf per se. R
  5. ssnorwaygirl

    Those Born 1930-1979

    I graduated high school in 1981. LOL R
  6. ssnorwaygirl

    Dinner Date

    Sebastian's Inlet is beautiful. Every once in a while you can catch me riding my bike along the bike path that runs from Melbourne Shores down to the bridge, over into Indian River County and back to Melbourne. It's a very calm, aside from the traffic, nice ride. R
  7. ssnorwaygirl

    Deaf people and guitars.

  8. ssnorwaygirl

    Positive Discrimination?

    Oh I agree. However, one must remember that it is easier to be stupid than smart. :eek3: Robin
  9. ssnorwaygirl

    Positive Discrimination?

    Wow. This was an interesting read. As a hearing impaired woman, and that means I don't fall into either the hearing or deaf world per se, it sure is insightful. I've been discriminated by both groups, so at my age I've pretty much chalked it up to ignorance on both parts. I want to go into...
  10. ssnorwaygirl

    Football Season is here woohooo!!!

    My Alma Mater, Florida State had a real crappy season this year. It was actually painful watching them play.
  11. ssnorwaygirl

    Dinner Date

    I love Lee and Rick's Oyster Bar. Basically, I am ready to go anywhere that has raw oysters, seafood and a good rum and coke. R
  12. ssnorwaygirl

    a linguist says "hi!"

    I don't sign at all. Mainstreamed 100%. I have to say, I like your avatar name. I majored in history, so it jumped right out at me. R
  13. ssnorwaygirl

    Can A Big Age Difference Between Two People Hurt The Relationship?

    I dated a guy that was the same age as my mother and one morning I came to the kitchen only to listen to them talk for around an hour about everything they did when they were younger, you know, similarities and all, and that freaked me out enough that I felt we were too far apart in ages. He...
  14. ssnorwaygirl

    Deaf people and guitars.

    I'd love to learn how to. God knows, we have enough of them sitting around the house. My oldest son plays in a band, and I was trained as a concert pianist, but haven't played in years and years because we had to sell the oversized thing because of a lack of room and the difficulties in moving...
  15. ssnorwaygirl

    Can A Big Age Difference Between Two People Hurt The Relationship?

    Honestly, I think it all depends on the individual. R
  16. ssnorwaygirl

    pics of you

    Hey hey. Finally figured it out. :rl: Sorry the pics are so BIG! I haven't any other pics of me done recently and these were done in April. The first one is one with my son. So, there you have it. I feel rather good that I learnt something new today.:applause: R
  17. ssnorwaygirl

    pics of you

  18. ssnorwaygirl

    pics of you

  19. ssnorwaygirl

    pics of you
