Recent content by SpiritOfTheWolf

  1. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Meet pek1 and Snickers in Person!!

    I haven't heard of anything. I keep in touch with some other Deaf friends who are still here in Minnesota but nothing much going on right now. Generally every year they have a Deaf Day at Valleyfair but I'm not sure when that is this year. Usually its in like June or July.
  2. SpiritOfTheWolf communicate

    My mom has never expressed any desire to learn sign language. Sometimes I wish she would, but other times I find her ignorance to be a blessing cuz I can communicate with other Deafies in her presence about private stuff without her knowing what I'm talking about. She hates it when I date Deaf...
  3. SpiritOfTheWolf

    How do you view a long term committed relationship?

    Generally unless a couple is legally married no matter how long they've been together it's not an actually marriage. Except in many states and some countries a Common Law Marriage can be recognized. A Common Law Marriage is basically a couple who has lived together as husband and wife for a...
  4. SpiritOfTheWolf

    I have question for deaf guys?

    I'm a single Deaf guy. :P I don't live in MD tho... I tend to look for partners online... My last girlfriend was from New York. She moved here for awhile, but she moved back after we broke up. We're still good friends tho.
  5. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Male opinion/Did he cheat?

    Trust is a 2 way street. If he wants you to trust him he should be more open about what he's up to. I'm sorry but a husband who doesn't even bother to call his wife and let him know where he is is at least irresponsible and disrespectful. How can you expect to trust him if he doesn't even have...
  6. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Broken Hearts/Breakups

    I generally move on pretty quickly. Not because I'm insensitive, but I'm not the kind of person who dwells on what I've lost. Life is too short to carry torches for people who obviously aren't interested in maintaining a relationship with you. I just move on while remembering the good times. I...
  7. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Rebound Relationship:

    Yeah I've gotten into rebound relationships before. There's no better way to get over one person than to get under another. ;) Seriously it's easier to cope with heartbreak when you've got someone there to remind you how special you are. Instead of dwelling on your emotional pain you start to...
  8. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Would you??

    I've been in several long distance relationships... they don't last. Only ONE woman I got involved with long distance ever met me in person. I try not to do them anymore. I'm getting too damn old to waste my time anymore.
  9. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Deaf and Hearing Relationships

    Personally I think whatever label you feel most comfortable with for yourself is what is appropriate. I am like 90% deaf in my right ear and completely deaf in my left ear but when I wear my hearing aid I can understand someone talking to me one on one with no background noise. Some people may...
  10. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Drivers at UPS

    Nice to know but unfortunately the UPS around here only hire for part time. I need full time work... unless the money was good enough to only work part time.
  11. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Our Deaf Team are Growing!!

    Pyramid Scheme. Good to see so many of you being skeptical. That's smart.
  12. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Curious abt people who are taken or not.

    Single... bit over a year now. :(
  13. SpiritOfTheWolf

    Deaf and Hearing Relationships

    Everyone has different preferences. Me personally I *HAVE* dated hearing women, but none of them were like you (active within the Deaf community). Needless to say those relationships were short lived. So I myself probably wouldn't get involved with a hearing woman again unless she was fluent...
  14. SpiritOfTheWolf

    St. Louis Park Deaf Program Reunion (Minnesota)

    I heard thru the grapevine that the Deaf Program at St. Louis Park is closing and there is a reunion planned for former students who have attened the SLP Deaf Program on June 24th. At this time that's all the information I have. I think the people who are organizing it are basically trying to...