Recent content by LeezaC

  1. L

    are there any captioned free internet tv?

    Hulu isn't Free I am back! Yah yah yah....but I came here only to kick my butt asking for help with internet TV with CC. Comcast/Xfinity doesn't offer closed caption if I want to watch internet TV for free. Is there an app that has the CC feature? Let me know! Thanks! LeezaC
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    Who is single here?

    Why do we all complain about being single, married, divorced, gay, lesbian, etc? It is pretty much normal in our everyday lives we have to face. I, myself, am single since May 2007. I have a little girl who will be 4 soon in February 2009. I hope someday when I feel better mentally and...
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    Wanna race? I now have a Quickie P-220 bright green/yellow with joystick. It's alright, it's a year old and I think the battery is leaking bec I ride too fast I probably damage it underneath. LOL BAM! BAM! Good to be back. My Two cents, LeezaC
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    I have had this name LEEZAC for a long time as long as I could remember. Thanks for replying. My two cents, Lisa
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    HEH! Thanks SG! :D
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    Brian, No, I don't live in Texas, I live in California. Thanks for the warm welcome. :D My two cents, LeezaC
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    Ha ha ha ha...Thanks for welcoming me back. I've read some posts that I can't comment they are either full or closed. I don't see much of a difference on ALLDEAF but I see that you still keep yourself busy. LOL :giggle: :D My two cents, LeezaC
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    10 year top that will cure deaf to be hearing

    Reply to DeafIronChef 10 years is too soon to tell that we will become hearing again with better technology (not CI or whatnot). I'd rather die and come back a normal, able-bodied person. I am in a wheelchair with mild Cerebral Palsy (or CP). For most of these people who are religious and...
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    I've been gone for quite a long time, I don't read much here on ALLDEAF. Looks like I am a bit behind on reading the news in the deaf community. I've notice that some things haven't changed one bit I am not going to get into it. I hope all is well for all of you. You are most welcome to have...
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    General Question About VRS

    Hi all, just asking a question I'd want to know about using VRS on a pager if any? I'd like to get VRS on my pager but knowing that my sidekick 3 doesn't have the video bandwidth features available. Your response is greatly appreciated. THANKS! LeezaC
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    Ellen Degeneres and Portia split?

    Aquarians Bipolar? I pretty much don't think Aquarians are biopolar in some ways. I am an Aquarius I was born in January. My daughter was born in February three days after my birthday instead of the due date in March she would have been a Pisces. I don't know anything much about about my own...
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    Who is single here?

    Desperate Being Single Some of you have a funny way of showing how desperate you are in trying to find someone special by broadcasting your feelings on here. "I am not able to find a man or a woman to fall in love. Please help me!" What the f*** is that supposed to help to find someone...
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    Who is single here?

    LeezaC here, I want to say how sorry I am to hear about your recent breakup with Calvin. I was out of the loop for a while and not keeping up with my reading on AllDeaf. You and Calvin were a beautiful all-American (perfect or ideal) Deaf couple I have known to talk with online. You're right...
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    Me & BabyAngel in Ohio

    Good Gracious!! You girls are gorgeous you'd knock a guy's feet off!! Sorry to have missed the big fest this year. BUT, I intend to go NEXT YEAR. I am going to save lots of money for my trip to Ohio. Is that right, Bear? LOL Thanks for sharing such beautiful picture of you, Rebelgirl and...
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    Web Master Assistant

    Are you legit?? I am in the process of becoming a full-fledged webpage designer. I'd like to know if I can do something fun to get paid maybe? PM me LeezaC