Recent content by Bwani32

  1. B


    Ummmm There are many deaf kids and adults in the Flint area. Michigan School for the Deaf is located in Flint, as far as Royal Oak I can't think of anything right there, but there is an interpreting agency in Pontiac called Deaf CAN. At the very least they can give you some advice. :mrgreen:
  2. B

    Police: Man Takes Train With Bow and Arrow

    WOW ! I hope not. Good to see you showing your face around here once in a while. Thanks again for the info I asked for, eventhough it still doesn't make sense to me.
  3. B

    16th Born to the Duggar!

    They did a tv program about this family. It is amazing that she can pull all of it off. She home schools all of them, each of the older ones have a younger one to watch and take care of. The babies don't get buddies until they are done nursing. Each child has several chores, dinner, laundry...
  4. B

    need some more insight....

    I don't know if it has been mentioned yet, but there is a book called A Basic Course in Sign Language, it is what the colleges around here use. They break the book down into lessons and the lessons are all on a topic. States, verbs, etc.. it also has a different syntax rule with each lesson...
  5. B

    Bowl or Plate?

    Bowl here too I also like bowls better. In fact I prefer to use a teaspoon for most things too! So maybe I am the weird one.
  6. B

    Still Alive!!

    Good to see you!
  7. B


    I actually remember Showbiz. Didn't they have a giant animatronic bear character named "Billy Bob?" Yes they did! And Fatz the Gorilla. Showbiz was so much better than Cuck E Cheese. If I remember correctly though, Chuck E Cheese just recovered the animatronic bots in different animals...
  8. B

    Yo, Cental

    Hey! Maybe you TRSers are lame, but don't you go knockin' us VRSers .. those are fighten words! LOL How are you doin?
  9. B

    Yo, Cental

    You guys crack me up. I thanked C for entertaining me on the late shift, I guess I should thank you too. The banter between you two Priceless.. Do you know eachother IRL?
  10. B

    So, I am jumping in

    It has been suggested to me that I actually introduce myself. I have been lurking on this board for quite some time and have decided to come out of my shell and join in all the fun. I don't know what to put in here as an introduction... Let's see... I am currently working as a VRS...
  11. B

    Let's pretend

    Thank you RebelGirl... I guess I should apologize for hijacking this thread... and back to your regularly scheduled programming..
  12. B

    Who's Hearing? Who's deaf?

    sounds good.
  13. B

    Let's pretend

    Well, I wouldn't say that I have more reason than you or AJ do. You two seemed to have quite the following here. :applause: But thank you, I hope that I will be as accepted by others on this board.
  14. B

    Who's Hearing? Who's deaf?

    Yes, I am a VRS interprter... what do you want to know, I don't mind sharing. You must be able to type like a million wpm huh? :bowdown:
  15. B

    Let's pretend

    Anytime anytime... honestly sometimes I wish I had the courage to just get into this board a little more, I feel like I am stepping over a line, you all seem to know eachother... but tonight I guess I decided to throw caution to the wind. Besides it's really slow here at work tongiht ;)