Yo, Cental

cental34 said:
Its my thread and I'll cry if I wanna.

Cry all you want. I am going to bed, a long day for me tomorrow. Going to see my boyfriend tomorrow-wont be back til Sunday night. Good night.........

LOL Have a good weekend! :hug:
You guys crack me up. I thanked C for entertaining me on the late shift, I guess I should thank you too. The banter between you two Priceless.. Do you know eachother IRL?
Bwani32 said:
You guys crack me up. I thanked C for entertaining me on the late shift, I guess I should thank you too. The banter between you two Priceless.. Do you know eachother IRL?

IRL? Is Relay Lame? Yup, it sure is.
Hey! Maybe you TRSers are lame, but don't you go knockin' us VRSers .. those are fighten words! LOL

How are you doin?
i found this emoticon and it made me think of me and cental. but his bottle is a bottle of coke, and mine is a bottle of Amber Bock.

AJ said:
i found this emoticon and it made me think of me and cental. but his bottle is a bottle of coke, and mine is a bottle of Amber Bock.


Seriously dude, lay off the booze. Drink Green Tea, if you must drink something nasty. :beer:
cental34 said:
Seriously dude, lay off the booze. Drink Green Tea, if you must drink something nasty. :beer:

green tea is the best man.
AJ said:
:popcorn: im rooting for CT

Since when was my name CT? Since when did you have the authority to change people's names?! Fine, I can play to. I hereby dub you Captain Assclown.
cental34 said:
Since when was my name CT? Since when did you have the authority to change people's names?! Fine, I can play to. I hereby dub you Captain Assclown.

oh no my friend. its captain pirate andy.