Dzhokhar Tsarnaev gets DEATH!

Both California and Massachusetts are very liberal states. California sentenced Scott Peterson to death and today Massachusetts sentenced Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death. I thought the defination of word liberal means you don't believe in violence of any kind. It also means your against the death penalty if you're liberal. Just like i think that fort hood shooter Malik Hasan should get death too. In the old days when a soldier shoots his own men you get the firing squad. But todays society will not stand for that.

Thats certainly not a liberal view. Liberals of all stripes suppport violence when it suits their ideology.
In america the dems were the traditional party of slavery and jim crow.
In canada it was the liberals who declared martial law and invaded montreal in 1970 with the army...
So on..
Pacifism isnt liberalism...pacifism comes in different colors...rarely is it liberal though..
he is a terrorist and the death penalty was seek out for him. The nature of his crime was a terrorist act and was decided to use the death penalty
there was a lot of talk about this b/c we do not have the death penalty in my state. I think this should be put on the ballot again and see how people vote for it now.

Then how come that 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui got life in prison? Besides Virgina has the death penalty. But he wasn't convicted in federal court. Thats why George W Bush was right to keep Gitmo Bay open. I don't trust the justice system. But i trust military courts than civilian courts.
Then how come that 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui got life in prison? Besides Virgina has the death penalty. But he wasn't convicted in federal court. Thats why George W Bush was right to keep Gitmo Bay open. I don't trust the justice system. But i trust military courts than civilian courts.

Incorect, Zacarias Moussaoui already convicted on terrorist charge and jury sentenced him to life in prison without parole at ADX Florence.

Gitmo Bay is detention center that temporarily detain anyone who suspect of terrorism before they are send to US for trial on terrorist charge so it is not intent to detain anyone permanently, even many of them are released after questioning and investigation.

All criminal charges are done by civilian court only, unless you are member of military that can be done by military court.

It seems like you have no idea about how ADX Florence looks like and it is one of worst, notorious prison that locked you for 23 hours per day for rest of your life, even you have ZERO social and some inmates committed suicide because they cannot stand anymore. The solitary confinement is worse than death.

Death is easy method to terminate the life that where you don't have to suffer in solitary confinement for rest of life.

News said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never reach death chamber because federal hasn't execute anyone since 2003 and there are 80 people on death row and federal doesn't have drug supplies for lethal injection.
I think it is best interest to lock Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in ADX Florence until his execution date so he can be transferred to Indiana in extremely tight restraint bed.

This is going to be his new home the sink toilet and water fountain is all in one unit , YUCK !
One day, we will see news about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev complains that he cannot move the stool at ADX Florence so he all try to remove the stool too hard, too hard. :lol:
I thought he was chechnian, from chehnya?

Ah right, political ****ed country - Chechnya. Russia went war with Chechnya and had a long battle with them due to US bribing weapons and hummers to Chechnya, and now what US get? a BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBING. :hmm:
News said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may never reach death chamber because federal hasn't execute anyone since 2003 and there are 80 people on death row and federal doesn't have drug supplies for lethal injection.

Well Tim McVeigh did
Federal and state are TOTALLY separated.

Federal trumps state but death penalty at federal is very rare - only 3 people executed before 2003.
Tsarnaev could spend years appealing his death sentence. Seventy-four people have been sentenced to death since the federal death penalty was reinstated in 1988, but only three have been executed. Tsarnaev's lawyers fought unsuccessfully to move his trial out of Massachusetts, where they argued there was too much of an emotional impact to find truly impartial jurors. The change-of-venue issue may be one of the grounds for appeal.
Not possibly at all.
Do you know who 74 people on death row are? Were they terrorists like Tim and Tsarnaev? Terrorists are the first ones to die. I am aware that Tim didn't want to fight back so he took it because he knew that what he did was very wrong. Lets see if Tsarnaev wants to fight back or not. BTW, he will die either by execution or in prison. No way he will live longer than 2 years from now due to his terrorism. Therefore we have to wait and see what the judge will say after the survivors and families of the dead victims speak out.
Do you know who 74 people on death row are? Were they terrorists like Tim and Tsarnaev? Terrorists are the first ones to die. I am aware that Tim didn't want to fight back so he took it because he knew that what he did was very wrong. Lets see if Tsarnaev wants to fight back or not. BTW, he will die either by execution or in prison. No way he will live longer than 2 years from now due to his terrorism. Therefore we have to wait and see what the judge will say after the survivors and families of the dead victims speak out.

Where is source to support your assumption? I'm not interest about your assumption.

You need to read newspaper about issue with death penalty at federal level and federal is very slow with death penalty. They haven't execute anyone since 2003 and they don't have drug supplies to execute anyone, also lethal injection facing constitutional question and US Supreme Court will make ruling (Tsarnaev's case is not factored at all). If lethal injection is unconstitutional and the congress don't change the law so death penalty at federal level is effectively on moratorium.

Incorrect, anyone who sentenced to death penalty in 1988 will be executed first after appeal exhausted and it seems like federal has infinite appeal process.

You need to research first before make a statement.
Make Prisons a lot tougher than ADX Florence. Every been to a prison in Turkey?
Make Prisons a lot tougher than ADX Florence. Every been to a prison in Turkey?

they're in their prison cells for 23 hours a day. how do you make it a lot tougher than that?
Then how come that 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui got life in prison?
because maybe he's got valuable intel?

Besides Virgina has the death penalty. But he wasn't convicted in federal court. Thats why George W Bush was right to keep Gitmo Bay open. I don't trust the justice system. But i trust military courts than civilian courts.

you trust military courts than civilian courts? how so? why so?

This little boy is a big reason the death penalty was decided. :(
Let not forget the people that lost their lives that tragic day.