What are you thinking about? Part VI

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You mean a pontoon?

We are planning on getting one ourselves. Of course, my hubby wants one that is all decked-out, but man, that is going to cost a fortune if he gets his way :lol:

(But one of the things he wants on it is the enclosed shower/toilet, and I actually agree with that one. That way we can be out ALL day and not have to go back to shore and use an outhouse :lol: )

That isn't a pontoon he wants its a houseboat ... a mobile home home the water ... never seen a pontoon boat with a bathroom and shower ... just jump in the lake and let it go LOL the fish do !!!
I am thinking of my close friend. She is in the hospital unexpectedly. SOmething that she caught virus. She is in ICU and on the life support today. i am waiting for her hub to contact me if the visitors are allowed.. i ll find out more from there. Doctor try to figure out what s wrong with her. I did tell him to tell doctor if its amoeba or not. They all went to beach last weekend in long island.
I am thinking of my close friend. She is in the hospital unexpectedly. SOmething that she caught virus. She is in ICU and on the life support today. i am waiting for her hub to contact me if the visitors are allowed.. i ll find out more from there. Doctor try to figure out what s wrong with her. I did tell him to tell doctor if its amoeba or not. They all went to beach last weekend in long island.

I hope your friend will be okay. Sounds like she picked up something bad in the water.
Wirelessly posted

Frisky Feline said:
I am thinking of my close friend. She is in the hospital unexpectedly. SOmething that she caught virus. She is in ICU and on the life support today. i am waiting for her hub to contact me if the visitors are allowed.. i ll find out more from there. Doctor try to figure out what s wrong with her. I did tell him to tell doctor if its amoeba or not. They all went to beach last weekend in long island.

I hope she will be ok.
I am thinking of my close friend. She is in the hospital unexpectedly. SOmething that she caught virus. She is in ICU and on the life support today. i am waiting for her hub to contact me if the visitors are allowed.. i ll find out more from there. Doctor try to figure out what s wrong with her. I did tell him to tell doctor if its amoeba or not. They all went to beach last weekend in long island.

Sorry to know FF, hope she recovers soon.
You mean a pontoon?

We are planning on getting one ourselves. Of course, my hubby wants one that is all decked-out, but man, that is going to cost a fortune if he gets his way :lol:

(But one of the things he wants on it is the enclosed shower/toilet, and I actually agree with that one. That way we can be out ALL day and not have to go back to shore and use an outhouse :lol: )

That is what I have. It's awesome, we take it out on the lake as our "island" and take the jet skis and ski boat. That way people can take turns playing on the toys and relaxing on the "island"
Wirelessly posted

ncff07 - any news of your sister?
FF - how's your friend?
never forget it, don't fear it I knew on control anxiety figure out! I do it! treatment on better wellness. I will back on Friday coming soon :D
I am thinking of my close friend. She is in the hospital unexpectedly. SOmething that she caught virus. She is in ICU and on the life support today. i am waiting for her hub to contact me if the visitors are allowed.. i ll find out more from there. Doctor try to figure out what s wrong with her. I did tell him to tell doctor if its amoeba or not. They all went to beach last weekend in long island.

Oh no! Sending thoughts and prayers to your friend. Hugs!
Why do medical problems crop up in the middle of the night.
My 19 yr old daughter woke with a bad earache around midnight. Took some pain killers then came to me around 2:15 still in pain. After about 30 mins she was crying so we came to the ER and here we sit almost 2 hours after getting here.
Her ear also porforated while she's waiting to be seen by the dr.
At least she's get treated a lot faster than if we had waited to get her in to see her ENT, though it will be more expensive than an office visit.

So how did everything turn out at the ER?
So how did everything turn out at the ER?

After waiting a little over 3 hours from the time we arrived at the not very busy ER (maybe max 10 people at any time), my daughter was finally taken back to a room and was seen by a dr. Simply looked in ear & throat (she had a sore throat on Monday), confirmed the ear drum did perforate then prescribed antibiotics. Luckily they gave her one pill with the prescription since our pharmacy wouldn't be open for another few hours. We left about 3-3/4 hours after arriving.
She's feeling better. Though she probably should have stayed home, she went to work & is now hanging out with friends. She'll probably come home early to catch up on her sleep. I took a nap earlier today & will probably go to bed a little earlier than usual.
Thanks for asking :)
After waiting a little over 3 hours from the time we arrived at the not very busy ER (maybe max 10 people at any time), my daughter was finally taken back to a room and was seen by a dr. Simply looked in ear & throat (she had a sore throat on Monday), confirmed the ear drum did perforate then prescribed antibiotics. Luckily they gave her one pill with the prescription since our pharmacy wouldn't be open for another few hours. We left about 3-3/4 hours after arriving.
She's feeling better. Though she probably should have stayed home, she went to work & is now hanging out with friends. She'll probably come home early to catch up on her sleep. I took a nap earlier today & will probably go to bed a little earlier than usual.
Thanks for asking :)

Glad everything turned out ok! :)
I came home a while ago from the hospital. So far we all know that our friend's health such as heart brain, organs, blood and everything shows negative for any viruses or anything except her own breath that she could not able to breath on her own. Doctor decided to give her sedated (heavily medicine) to make her to sleep like a coma. SO Doctors can put the life support into her throat to give her lungs to rest somehow. They did test everything and don't see any virus or any other things. WEIRD so the specialist dr (pulumary sp?) will come in AM. They will stop giving her a medicine to make her wake up, and then they will turn off the life support to see if she can breath on her own. I hope that she wake up and stay still because of the life support thing is into her throat so she wont be panic. I pray hard that she will breath on her own because of her testing are all good except lungs that doctors don't know yet. My friends parents, brothers, cousin uncle and aunt came there. Just pray that she will be OK in AM.

thank you all. I don't understand why it has to happen to her because she does not smoke or asthma at all. its weird.
I came home a while ago from the hospital. So far we all know that our friend's health such as heart brain, organs, blood and everything shows negative for any viruses or anything except her own breath that she could not able to breath on her own. Doctor decided to give her sedated (heavily medicine) to make her to sleep like a coma. SO Doctors can put the life support into her throat to give her lungs to rest somehow. They did test everything and don't see any virus or any other things. WEIRD so the specialist dr (pulumary sp?) will come in AM. They will stop giving her a medicine to make her wake up, and then they will turn off the life support to see if she can breath on her own. I hope that she wake up and stay still because of the life support thing is into her throat so she wont be panic. I pray hard that she will breath on her own because of her testing are all good except lungs that doctors don't know yet. My friends parents, brothers, cousin uncle and aunt came there. Just pray that she will be OK in AM.

thank you all. I don't understand why it has to happen to her because she does not smoke or asthma at all. its weird.

Is she Michelle Sorace's sister in law?
geez...I told Michelle that I was sorry to hear about it and offered my support.

I saw your post on FB.. thanks. my friends hub would be very much appreciate for all of her friends who thought of her. it is like all of a sudden. She woke up and couldn't breath at all around 1 am and called 911 and they got her to hospital. I found out in the am and decided to leave from my work in the afternoon to see her but shes sleeping like shes in coma due to sedated. I hope she will breath on her own tomorrow in am.
anaphylactic shock? was she stung or bitten by a spider or something and allergic to it?
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