why magnet for implant?

Big deal- if anyone here doesn't watch Dr Phil's TV programme

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

no but do you?
Jiro: I have watched a few of his TV programmes. Easy to access what is coming up--drphil.com: shows of the week. A description of each programme is provided.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jiro: I have watched a few of his TV programmes. Easy to access what is coming up--drphil.com: shows of the week. A description of each programme is provided.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

You have expressed admiration for his "psychological theories". And you have taken his name as your screen name. Says all right there.

It's okay. We have a member who thinks that Rush Limbaugh is more than an entertainer, too. We correct him on his delusions, as well.
Erk. Dr Phil of TV is nothing more than a TV entertainer. I refuse to watch him.

Anyway we should probably get back to the original topic. :lol:

I refuse to watch the Jerry Springer show or any reruns of it. :P
Erk. Dr Phil of TV is nothing more than a TV entertainer. I refuse to watch him.

Anyway we should probably get back to the original topic. :lol:

If his website is any example, I don't think I would care to watch his show.
once awhile that I borrowed my wife CI and use the magnet end to pickup all the small nails in my wood shop. It's a great picker upper!
SneakerNet: would it be easier to buy a magnet to pick small nails in your wood shop?
I assume your wife doesn't hear while you use her Implant to pick up nails.

Jillio: drphil is my registered name NOT screen name. Also, mentioned before it is the same in the other group I belong: VampireFreaks.Com. "Retired" Goth! I also mention before- my sons suggested using his computer code name. Right tell the Goths_ GET REAL!

Correct-way out sense of humour!

Some of Phillip C McGraw's Ph D theories came from Aaron T Beck which emphases our thinking "influences our emotions". Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

There are various theories in this area as any Introductory Psychology will attest.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
SneakerNet: would it be easier to buy a magnet to pick small nails in your wood shop?
I assume your wife doesn't hear while you use her Implant to pick up nails.

I'm just teasing. I have half pound magnet in my shop.
A half pound magnet should pick up everything on the floor. Especially since the Implant magnet is so small-one would seem to have to kneel down to get anything on the floor. Clearly a decided improvement!

Have you tested whether soaking in Green Tea/green tea/GREEN TEA INCREASES the use of your magnet-- Moving furniture for instance?

People here with" bated breathe" awaiting the results! If positive immediately advise Wolf Blitzer CNN Situation Room of the "earth shattering news"! What you never of CNN?

Is the next diversion: does Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi works as well?

Will Jillio then prepare a special study does "foreign substances-liquid VS solid improve "magnetic attraction" of Cochlear Implants?
PFH will inform everyone that Magnet manufacturers dispute everything-bias selection criteria!

Enough for now and check out the test: how long magnets last in the swimming pool- Prof SKY's newest experiment.

Peace to Bottesini and her herd of hounds waiting for breakfast-chopped up organic bones from rhinos! Not to be humurous-of course!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
A half pound magnet should pick up everything on the floor. Especially since the Implant magnet is so small-one would seem to have to kneel down to get anything on the floor. Clearly a decided improvement!

Have you tested whether soaking in Green Tea/green tea/GREEN TEA INCREASES the use of your magnet-- Moving furniture for instance?

People here with" bated breathe" awaiting the results! If positive immediately advise Wolf Blitzer CNN Situation Room of the "earth shattering news"! What you never of CNN?

Is the next diversion: does Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi works as well?

Will Jillio then prepare a special study does "foreign substances-liquid VS solid improve "magnetic attraction" of Cochlear Implants?
PFH will inform everyone that Magnet manufacturers dispute everything-bias selection criteria!

Enough for now and check out the test: how long magnets last in the swimming pool- Prof SKY's newest experiment.

Peace to Bottesini and her herd of hounds waiting for breakfast-chopped up organic bones from rhinos! Not to be humurous-of course!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Good morning drphil. I am off with my husband to try picking up clearance Valentine toys for my two granddaughters. THey are so younng they dont' know the days and I am hoping to get them something really great at a very reduced price.

Their mother approves. :)
Good morning drphil. I am off with my husband to try picking up clearance Valentine toys for my two granddaughters. THey are so younng they dont' know the days and I am hoping to get them something really great at a very reduced price.

Their mother approves. :)

You tricky little thing. :D
SneakerNet: would it be easier to buy a magnet to pick small nails in your wood shop?
I assume your wife doesn't hear while you use her Implant to pick up nails.

Jillio: drphil is my registered name NOT screen name. Also, mentioned before it is the same in the other group I belong: VampireFreaks.Com. "Retired" Goth! I also mention before- my sons suggested using his computer code name. Right tell the Goths_ GET REAL!

Correct-way out sense of humour!

Some of Phillip C McGraw's Ph D theories came from Aaron T Beck which emphases our thinking "influences our emotions". Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

There are various theories in this area as any Introductory Psychology will attest.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Introductory Psychology??:lol: That is where you are making your mistake. You are attempting to apply minimal knowledge to an in depth topic.:laugh2:

No, we have been through this before. Dr. Phil does not, nor has he ever, incorporated the theories of CBT in his television program. Dr. Phil has no theories. He has never developed a theory, even when he had a license.

All but the most strict of the behaviorist theories assert that their is a direct connect between emotion, cognition and behavior. That is not unique to CBT. The difference between the theories is the way that the connection is addressed in practice.

If drphil were not your screen name, it would not be appearing as such in your avatar or your posting.

You really don't get it. Dr. Phil does not use any theory of practice in his T.V program. He is not practicing psychological therapy. In order to use the fundamental principles of any theory, he would have to be practicing, and he is not. And, if he attempts to, he will be charged with practicing without a license, and leave himselve open to numerous lawsuits by the people that appear on his show.
For the non readers of Phillip C McGraw Ph D consider some of his "non psychological" books: Self Matters , Life Strategies., Relationship Rescue, Family First ,Ultimate Weight Solution: 7 keys to Weight Loss freedom and Love Smart.

Jillio hasn't explained how he had a Ph D in psychology and suddenly "lost of all psychological knowledge" when he didn't renew his Texas licence to practice? Brain transplant gone "haywire"? I noticed mine says "registered user" however not to nit pick to extremes.

Bottesini: The real bargain hunter get the balance of Christmas gifts now-at rock bottom price. Smile and Prof SKY shares her secret with you. Hope your herd enjoyed the organic rhino bones.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
For the non readers of Phillip C McGraw Ph D consider some of his "non psychological" books: Self Matters , Life Strategies., Relationship Rescue, Family First ,Ultimate Weight Solution: 7 keys to Weight Loss freedom and Love Smart.

Jillio hasn't explained how he had a Ph D in psychology and suddenly "lost of all psychological knowledge" when he didn't renew his Texas licence to practice? Brain transplant gone "haywire"? I noticed mine says "registered user" however not to nit pick to extremes.

Bottesini: The real bargain hunter get the balance of Christmas gifts now-at rock bottom price. Smile and Prof SKY shares her secret with you. Hope your herd enjoyed the organic rhino bones.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I hadn't thought about the Christmas gifts, but will plan for next year. Prof Sky is smart. I thank here. Dogs are sad toys were not for them!
Bottesini: try something different for your herd of hounds: T bone steaks. In keeping your "thrifty" spending the 50% meat reduction section. Real bargains! Must use forthwith or freeze. Smile at all the money you are saving-Don't go broke! Another tip from Prof SKY shop in the early morning- the "pick of specials"!

Prof SKY has friends in "high places" to share fiscal secrets of " cash poor rich persons".
Seems she is a friend of person named Donald Trump- who claims to own a bit or real estate in the North Pole! NOT to be humourous !

Important -grub time in Toronto-gourmet beans with Rhino bones! Right-- tie everything in!
Can Jillio discover the "underlying psychological complex" of this meandering?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I hope the OP has gotten the responses s/he was looking for as this thread has gone way off-topic.
Bottesini: try something different for your herd of hounds: T bone steaks. In keeping your "thrifty" spending the 50% meat reduction section. Real bargains! Must use forthwith or freeze. Smile at all the money you are saving-Don't go broke! Another tip from Prof SKY shop in the early morning- the "pick of specials"!

Prof SKY has friends in "high places" to share fiscal secrets of " cash poor rich persons".
Seems she is a friend of person named Donald Trump- who claims to own a bit or real estate in the North Pole! NOT to be humourous !

Important -grub time in Toronto-gourmet beans with Rhino bones! Right-- tie everything in!
Can Jillio discover the "underlying psychological complex" of this meandering?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I am making note of these hints, and hope that Prof SKY knows cool bargain hunting for cats also. :)
Bottesini: Prof SKY also hunts "fresh gourmet mice". Free also!

In keeping with this thread discussion- magnets appear to have multiple use-not sure if improved with Green tea/GREEN TEA/Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi OR Vampire Freaks-Purple Tea?

Prof SKY checked with her friend Wolf Blitzer of CNN on the earth shattering tests done in alldeaf.Com-NO word yet!

Bottesini: you can relax now in the "Chair Rocking" TM Sky Enterprises Corporation ( North Pole 2999) Inc and savour V F Purple tea. Cheers

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07