why magnet for implant?

Why would anyone want a magnetic house, sleep in a magnetic bed? Would appear to be huge cost for what?

Are we missing something?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
What? Never heard of a"magnetic house/bed"? Something new?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
You have the magnet to hold the external part in alignment with the internal parts. Both the internal portion of the implant and external portion have coils that are used as antennas. The sound processor has a transmitting coil and the internal portion of the implant as receiving coil. The two coils are tuned to work together for maximum efficiency.

It seems like you should simply be able to use Bluetooth or WifI to do the same thing. However, there is a big difference with the implants. The sound processor actually sends “two” signals to the implant. I say “two” because they are a single signal with “two” functions. Function number is exactly what it seems like. The sound data is sent into the implant from the sound processor. The second signal is the power. Sending power through RF (radio frequency) is very inefficient. In a very simple way of the thinking, if you move a source twice as far apart, the power has dropped to 25% of what it was. Add to that the coil tuning. If the coil is not centered, too far, or too close, the coil tuning does not work and there is no transmitting. It is sending the power without the wires that is the problem.

The above post seems reasonable which why it has been used. Michael Chorost Rebuilt; talks about magnets in similar fashion in the book.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Sure I would. I'd worry about pinching my fingers and other parts of my body at times if some magnets move and slam together. But sitting in a room made of magnets wouldn't effect my body at all.

Watch Penn and Tellers BS on the subject sometimes. Here's a youtube video clip of it.
YouTube - Penn and Teller: Placebo Effect

Ron Jaxon

So says the Iron Man. :lol:
But seriously, I understand that magnetic forces have subtle effects on the human body, and I was just wondering aloud about the effects of having a magnet next to the brain, that's all.
Having magnets next to the brain which may have subtle effects on one's body raises the question-why has FDA and other government agencies allowed this if the effect is so obvious?
I understand this has been rejected here in Canada.So far haven't any effect in the last 3 1/2 years of implantation. What is the alleged effect to occur?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Having magnets next to the brain which may have subtle effects on one's body raises the question-why has FDA and other government agencies allowed this if the effect is so obvious?
I understand this has been rejected here in Canada.So far haven't any effect in the last 3 1/2 years of implantation. What is the alleged effect to occur?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

the FDA also approves fluoride in our water - think of that for a minute.
So I understand based on medical opinion re dentists notwithstanding the " wild theories" here in Google. Nothing new.

Still waiting for the alleged effect of magnets on my brain-not sure the supposed time frame? Is the minor fact that the magnet is facing outside to above the ear and NOT FACING THE BRAIN-have some bearing on the matter?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
The magnetic coupling is so far the best and least expensive way to hold the two components in alignment/close proximity. Remember some are over hair etc. and different head shapes. That is necessary in order to hold size and battery life of components as small as possible. If we move component's out of alignment or further away then more power is used and they already use quite a bit with battery technology as it is today. They continue to get smaller as new technology is discovered. As RonJ said, they are about as small as possible now and still do the job. There are however different strengths and most use the lightest that will hold things in place. In my case I had the magnet screwed in a bit tight when I first started wearing my CI and after having it on all day could feel a little indentation where it rode. Now have is adjusted weaker and no indentation anymore. as far as brain goes, there is no magnetic radiation anywhere near that far. To test that just take two magnets and put them together, they cancel out. If you take a magnet and pick up a paper clip and then try and pick up a second clip with the first, with a strong magnet you can but with the proper strength (week) you can't. Magnetism is dissipated. Guess I have a little too much fat on the head:) by the way, got my second implant exactly one year after the first last Friday. Now waiting for time to pass to get it activated and that time will go fast as we get older.
Don't they use magnets in the LHC (Large Haydron Colllider)?

Just think what could happen to your brain.......
DeafidomUK- "What could happen to your brain"? Yeah-what?

Still waiting after 3 1/2 years since the implant operation- no reaction yet-that I am aware of.

Welcome to alldeaf.com

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Don't they use magnets in the LHC (Large Haydron Colllider)?

Just think what could happen to your brain.......

True. Just look at the effect on the brains of Europeans and Brits as a result of all that particle acceleration in close proximity.
Why would anyone want a magnetic house, sleep in a magnetic bed? Would appear to be huge cost for what?

Are we missing something?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Yes, you are.

Yes, drphil, you are totally bypassing the humour in the post. I sincerely hope for your sake it is not deliberate.
Real chuckle - the massive scale of "a large haydron collider" to a cochlear implant magnet! A real slapper that one!
Assistance to get a "big head" by location!

Just checked in the neighbourhood- no" haydron colliders" around. Safe0-for the moment

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Real chuckle - the massive scale of "a large haydron collider" to a cochlear implant magnet! A real slapper that one!
Assistance to get a "big head" by location!

Just checked in the neighbourhood- no" haydron colliders" around. Safe0-for the moment

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Be nice to magnetism. It induces earthquakes, awakens volcanoes, rents continents asunder and kills flocks of birds in midflight. But maybe if we treat it nicely it will leave us alone.
Be nice to magnetism. It induces earthquakes, awakens volcanoes, rents continents asunder and kills flocks of birds in midflight. But maybe if we treat it nicely it will leave us alone.

Be nice to magnets? Yeah send to Mars- real attraction - up there- and no further bother for humans/volcanoes/bird flocks/earthquakes and Cochlear Implants.

Problem solved.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07