2010 Election Results

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Nancy, say bye bye to the plane with the mini bar :giggle::lol::giggle:
There are 50 democrats in senate now so they are majority due our vice president is democrat until Jan 2013.
thanks God!

I guess we don't have to worry about her hexing those who don't agree with her. :giggle:

On a more serious note, it was painful to hear about her gaffes. It was like watching the Jerry Springer show or Judge Judy. It's painful for me to watch people embarrassing themselves in front of millions and yes, I've heard rumors that the Springer show was staged for ratings.
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Anyone notice how all the democrats that were backed by Obama ..... lost?

Strange isn't it?

Even the Illinois Senate seat went to a republican ..... LOL
Anyone notice how all the democrats that were backed by Obama ..... lost?

Strange isn't it?

Even the Illinois Senate seat went to a republican ..... LOL

Yeah obama went to Ohio 12 times and Ohio was practically a clean sweep for Republicans...... Good job o!
Harry Reid wins in Nevada.

Now, 51 democrats in US senate.
sorry, Kokonutguy, it wasn't exactly the blood bath you hoped for. Democrats still control the Senate. :)
sorry, Kokonutguy, it wasn't exactly the blood bath you hoped for. Democrats still control the Senate. :)

We had expected that for weeks we would see huge wins in the HR and change in seatings in the Senate but not a majority win but certainly a shift from a once 60 seats now down to a simple majority. Even with 60 seats Congress still had trouble passing bills, imagine now with 51/52 seats. This arrangement is tactically in the favor of Republicans once 2012 rolls around. It is favorable to have control in the HR to initiate bills and pass them with Republican HRs setting the tone for a change with at least 231 seats (37 left to go at this time) where 218 seats is the majority magic number. A 51/52 seats majority in Senate does not mean "control of Senate" if you had learned anything over the last 4 years now when it came to passing bills.

Not a blood bath but a big thumpin where the American people have made their voices loud and clear, and a reminder of what's to come in 2012 if Congress lawmakers don't do their jobs be accountable for their own actions. We're looking at between 60 to 70 Republican HR seats and it'd be the biggest gain since 1938. It's really up to Obama on how he decides to work with Congress lawmakers rather than ignore Republicans like Mitch McConnell for 18 months while with his nose in the air sniffing, "I won."
We had expected that for weeks we would see huge wins in the HR and change in seatings in the Senate but not a majority win but certainly a shift from a once 60 seats now down to a simple majority. Even with 60 seats Congress still had trouble passing bills, imagine now with 51/52 seats. This arrangement is tactically in the favor of Republicans once 2012 rolls around. It is favorable to have control in the HR to initiate bills and pass them with Republican HRs setting the tone for a change with at least 231 seats (37 left to go at this time) where 218 seats is the majority magic number. A 51/52 seats majority in Senate does not mean "control of Senate" if you had learned anything over the last 4 years now when it came to passing bills.

Not a blood bath but a big thumpin where the American people have made their voices loud and clear, and a reminder of what's to come in 2012 if Congress lawmakers don't do their jobs be accountable for their own actions. We're looking at between 60 to 70 Republican HR seats and it'd be the biggest gain since 1938. It's really up to Obama on how he decides to work with Congress lawmakers rather than ignore Republicans like Mitch McConnell for 18 months while with his nose in the air sniffing, "I won."

Remember, there are some moderate democrats in senate that will side with republicans on some issues but only problem is filibuster policy can make looks ugly.

In bold, otherwise, there will be federal shutdown if Obama and GOP cannot agree on budget plan so anything that Obama wants is just void.

Do you think that Obama have a good chance to win the re-election if Obama decides to side with house GOP and closer with majority of Americans?
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