Pics of you - Part V

I am gonna have to agree with Jiro on this one. You treat all guns as if they are loaded and just because it is a paintball gun does not mean it can't injure or kill someone.

the paintball gun has injured someone. in the eye. poor bastard. I've played paintball many times in the past. When "ALL CLEAR" command is announced - the players are supposed to put the plug in the barrel or cover the barrel with a cap so that the players can take their mask off.

but... some forgot to do secure their barrel and yea - you can guess what happened next.

Umpire-in-the-training...that was last season. That day, we have several umpires in the training with licensed umpires. I had fun that day.
Umpire-in-the-training...that was last season. That day, we have several umpires in the training with licensed umpires. I had fun that day.

I think that is the first time I ever saw you not smiling!

I wore a purple bracelet today also :D " Sexual orientation has nothing to do with who you are as a person and should never be a reason to take your own life. "~ KMVM

I wore a purple bracelet today also :D " Sexual orientation has nothing to do with who you are as a person and should never be a reason to take your own life. "~ KMVM

Nice tattoo. You look good. :D