The Lounge thread: Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part XIV

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He is a well-liked AD member here who was away for a while. He lives in NYC.
well-liked? :hmm: I think I am both hated and liked :lol:

you will see why :devil:
Yup that's right. More like well-known.
xspinningisfun you just joined recently, so you had no way of knowing. The very highly well-known veteran AD'ers you will meet is likely in this thread "The Lounge Thread"
Jiro, Jclarke, Shel90, LakeTahoe, Bottesini, OceanBlue, sequoias and me as well as others. You can see by our posts counts and VIP members.

I am not well-known. I want to be mysterious. :giggle:

Anyways..I got up early to get ready to make my 3rd trip to PA in less than a week. I had a very weird dream about the elementary school I attended. It must be from seeing all of my old school friends on Facebook. The dream was really weird and it seemed so real. Creepy!
I am back from a week-long vacation. By the way, Botts, just read your good-bye post and it made me laugh! :lol: I sure missed posting my strange Canadian meals on AllDeaf this week! :)
I am back from a week-long vacation. By the way, Botts, just read your good-bye post and it made me laugh! :lol: I sure missed posting my strange Canadian meals on AllDeaf this week! :)

Well, at least you are back! We are glad. :wave:
Just got home from my 4th trip to PA in two weeks. Went to my best friend's house to pick up her two girls since she just had surgery yesterday and then 4 kids and I went to my other friend's house for a birthday party for her sister's 2 kids. Had a great time but I was disappointed in my daughter and my friends' children because they all left one of my friend's two deaf boys out even though they both have excellent oral skills along with fluency in ASL and all of the hearing kids are codas who can use sign language. I was really bothered by the fact that my daughter and my best friend's daughters ignored the two deaf boys. Tried to explain to them even though they all should know better cuz they all have at least one deaf parent!

Anyways, it was good to see my girlfriends and finally I met my friend's 19 year old fiancee. Damn, he is already a great sign language user and he just met her a year ago. I was VERY impressed. Most of my friend's hearing boyfriends or hubbies cant even sign a sentence and this guy is halfway fluent in ASL. Makes me happy for my friend as she went through so much crap with both of her ex hubbies. Hope this one will be the one!

Well, I am off to bed as I stayed at the birthday party for 8 hours after driving 3 hours to get there plus I had to drive 3 hours back home. Good night everyone!
Wait Shel!! Maybe it was just because they are boys. And the girls wanted to socialize with girls.
Wait Shel!! Maybe it was just because they are boys. And the girls wanted to socialize with girls.

No, even the hearing sons of my deaf friends socialized with the girls not with them.

My daughter and several of my friends' hearing children have a history of leaving deaf children out whenever kids get together even if they are girls too. I just wish there was something I could do..other than lecture and lecture my daughter over and over again.
Im back after a couple of days away, hows everybody
I am back at work today, feeling better (only that my eyes are senstive today)
Well, at least you are back! We are glad. :wave:

:aw: :) Thank you very much Botts!

I haven't been around much even though I got back on Saturday because I have been busy busy busy! Hopefully I'll be able to pay longer visits to AD throughout next week!
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