Who got snow?

We got snow today, just during early morning at workplace and it's rare to have full snow in south.

I thought you live in Chicago?
We got some snow yesterday but because of our recent spring-like weather it didn't stick. It melted away as quickly as it came.
We were having snow here but we are expected to have more snow tonight and tomorrow. The temp's 22. Really cold/windy outside.. :cold: Brrrrrrr.. (I had to turn up the heat to keep me warm... )
Oh, finally found this topics.. last thursday "Blast Storm" rarely "Thundersnow" from noon to 4 PM got hits 5 inches of snow. I went outside and nearly stranded in the snow on my wheelchair. someone helped me to rescue my chair out of stuck area, on the way to store.. after the shopping, the car parked illegally in hashed area, the store manager came out of door, I asked manager to calling the owner's car over PA system. finally the owner got into car then the manager very mad and swearing at the somolian driver and I pointed at the sign "No Parking Anytime", that reserved for ppls who on the wheelchair easy accessible to the store doors and even other both side of hashed area reserved for handicapped space area. the video camera caught license plate and the police would send the fined ticket to the owner's address. That's "Cop Shop" inside of my store the police using a video camera to watch out illegally parked and "Fueling up and escape" (Gas Thieves).
Some areas in Georgia saw some snow while other areas (such as mine) didn't have any. According to a friend of mine, the snow in her area was kind of slushy.
Snowing heavily here in B-more..
no snow now but bitter cold tonight. I will check weather tomorrow morning.
it is supposed to be 90 here tomorrow
same here. it's snowing in here. :mad2: