Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

because you don't want gay marriage.

We allowed other kind of marriage like interracial marriage but where is gay marriage?

Gay people should have legal marriage as option to ensure the full equality as heterosexual couples.

You must have me confused with someone else.
You must have me confused with someone else.

Indeed. You never made such a statement. Nor implied as such.

txgolfer, I have to respect Jiro's request to cease any discussion about GLBT in this thread and if you want to clear the confusion then just PM me or post in other thread.

kokonut - no doubt about you placed me and Jiro on your ignore list. Jiro wants us to stop discuss about GLBT in this thread.
I don't know and it doesn't happen to me.

It has happened to me but only once. No ID required here either to pick up my meds or any of my families meds. But what really drives me crazy is that I cannot buy a sudafed product for my wife. She has to be there and present her ID by law! If I want to buy it for her I must say it is for me and lie and present my ID. Stupid, stupid law!
ok then why are you so fearful and terrified enough to want this law to pass when there isn't much voter fraud case in Texas?

Thank you for YOUR WORDS...."there isn't much"....these are also the infamous words applied to S.S.fraud, Medicare fraud, Food Stamps fraud, you get the idea.
Also thank you for saying..."Texas".....just one of 50, so these "little but here, little but there" all add up to one big snowball rolling down the hill.

Actually - the article did.

Administration blocks Texas voter ID law - CNN.com

This article is a result of a writers opinion and we, the citizens of America, are entitled to our opinion BECAUSE we have first-hand live knowledge (it is commonly called "life experience")

driving is a privilege. voting is a right. so your little car accident is related to this thread...... how?

You are correct in saying driving is a privilege and that does play into this discussion about voting ID. I know you are not stupid enough to realize that anyone who will not follow the law and take the time to properly get an ID to drive and insurance that is REQUIRED for this privilege, is also someone who endangers everyone on the road. These same people are just like those whom try to vote illegally. That is why I mention my first-hand live experience with a non-ID situation and the numbers of likewise situations all over Americas everyday. People need alegal ID on their person and have no excuse for not having one.

so you're disputing Justice Department's claim about lack of voter fraud in Texas?

I didn't say that. The government did.

the law is very clear on this -

it prohibits any form of difficulty or obstacle in voting. it appears that Texas intended to make it difficult for non-white people to vote. you appear to be fearful of voter fraud (or minorities) and you have failed to show me a concrete evidence of such case.

Remember the election two years ago? What did the New Black Party do to prevent people from voting in New York? And who conveniently ignored the video proof? That is right...the Justice Department and A.G. Holden. Now the law ain't so clear.
It has happened to me but only once. No ID required here either to pick up my meds or any of my families meds. But what really drives me crazy is that I cannot buy a sudafed product for my wife. She has to be there and present her ID by law! If I want to buy it for her I must say it is for me and lie and present my ID. Stupid, stupid law!

Blame on "wars on drugs".

Original Sudafed is ingredient that used for meth and that's pathetic for sure.
Remember the election two years ago? What did the New Black Party do to prevent people from voting in New York? And who conveniently ignored the video proof? That is right...the Justice Department and A.G. Holden. Now the law ain't so clear.

AG Holder. and you're mistaken.

New Black Panther Leader Defends Group In Voter Intimidation Case | Fox News
As chairman, Malik Shabazz was one of three Black Panthers charged in a civil complaint with violating the Voter Rights Act in the November 2008 incident, and Samir Shabazz specifically was accused of brandishing what prosecutors called a deadly weapon.

The Obama administration won a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panthers didn't appear in court to fight the charges. But the administration moved to dismiss the charges in May 2009. Justice attorneys said a criminal complaint against Samir Shabazz, which resulted in the injunction, proceeded successfully.

The injunction states that Samir Shabazz cannot appear at a polling station in Philadelphia until after 2012.

Read more: New Black Panther Leader Defends Group In Voter Intimidation Case | Fox News
Remember the election two years ago? What did the New Black Party do to prevent people from voting in New York? And who conveniently ignored the video proof? That is right...the Justice Department and A.G. Holden. Now the law ain't so clear.

What's interesting is how the DOJ handled this with their obstructionism and politicization of the Philly NBPP voter intimidation case.

Democratic member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights walked out of the panel’s meeting Friday to block acceptance of a report critical of the Justice Department’s handling of a voting-rights investigation involving the New Black Panther Party.

Commissioner Michael Yaki Michael said the report, the product of a year-long inquiry into the 2008 case, was “cooked” by conservative members of the panel’s majority to “lay an indictment against the Obama administration.”

The commission’s inquiry centers on the actions of New Black Panther Party members — one armed with a club — who were videotaped outside a Philadelphia polling place. The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, then under the Bush administration, filed a voter intimidation lawsuit against the party members. But much of the case was dismissed during the Obama administration.

The report on the Obama Justice Department’s actions criticizes the administration for refusing to cooperate with the commission review and for instructing some of its employees not to provide information to commission officials.

Commissioner Todd Gaziano said the Justice Department responses to requests for information represents “unprecedented stonewalling.”

Civil rights panelist walks out of meeting on Panther probe - USATODAY.com

It has happened to me but only once. No ID required here either to pick up my meds or any of my families meds. But what really drives me crazy is that I cannot buy a sudafed product for my wife. She has to be there and present her ID by law! If I want to buy it for her I must say it is for me and lie and present my ID. Stupid, stupid law!
I had to show my ID at Walmart once because I bought spray paint. They said they had to be sure anyone buying spray paint was at least 18 years old. HELLO! I was in my 50's at the time! :roll:
I had to show my ID at Walmart once because I bought spray paint. They said they had to be sure anyone buying spray paint was at least 18 years old. HELLO! I was in my 50's at the time! :roll:

They do it for alcohol sales, too. Is this a county ordinance requiring stores to ID for spray paint? Or a new store policy? What's funny, there are many taggers that are older than 18 years old. Or maybe they're requiring ID because of paint huffing?
They do it for alcohol sales, too. Is this a county ordinance requiring stores to ID for spray paint? Or a new store policy? What's funny, there are many taggers that are older than 18 years old. Or maybe they're requiring ID because of paint huffing?
I think it was for the huffing. It was a Walmart policy but apparently it was short lived because they don't do it anymore (that I know of). I'm the queen of spray painting furnishings and accessories for re-purposing stuff, so I do buy a lot of the product. (Not huffing or tagging, thank you.)