Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

Okay, for starters DOMA is the law of the land. The president swore an oath to uphold, support and defend the constitution and enforce the laws that are in place. He has already violated these things several times. I do absolutely just like you have the right to my own opinion. I am not one of those Christians that supports gay rights. Thank you very much!

DOMA is obviously unconstitutional and the president doesn't have to defend this law.

If you want government ban on gay marriage so I won't respect your belief/opinion, unless you keep to yourself.
If you are driving there is!
driving is a privilege. you're required to have a driver license with you at all time whenever you're driving.

If you are voting in many states you cannot do so without it! Most people and I mean most people do have ID's. If they get government assistance they probably do have an ID or did have one at one time in order to get the assistance to begin with. ID's are cheap. If they are that important everyone should have them if the need them. In other words everyone 15-16 and above should have one anyway because they do need one! There is voter fraud in other states. Dead people voting??? It should never happen in this country. If illegals could vote without ID and further system checks why wouldn't they? Especially if they are receiving government benefits!
so do you have any proof that cases of voter fraud are significant enough for a legislative change?
About the OP. I'm here in Houston, TEXAS and each time I go to pick up my prescription medicine I must present a picture id (my drivers license), every time I go to my credit union to withdraw cash I must present my drivers license, everytime I re-new my auto registration I must produce my driver license and insurance papers. I could go on and on and on about being required to have my id with me at all times but you get the idea.
Therefore, since I carry it with me all the time, I would have no problem with pulling it out to show so I could vote. As the matter of fact, in the 47 years of being able to vote I can not remember one time that I did not pull out my id.
All these people walking around without a legal id are just making excuses, after excuses and others are doing it for them and even the court is doing it for them...nothing but excuses.
I promise you a thousand times over that if I had to go to court for some reason (say: traffic ticket) they would DEMAND I produce a id. So why in hell's name is the court making us us suffer while making excuses for people walking around with no form of legal id!!!

Interesting side, in my area, I'm not required to present photo ID or non-photo ID to pick up my medicines.

For bank, obviously and it is for security purpose, that's normal.

Non-photo ID requirement to voting has been for while, it started after 9/11, I think so.
Okay, I have said it before! YES!
oh ok :dunno2:

Well sometimes lately I am beginning to wonder! At least we used to be considered a Christian nation. That is my opinion.
ah yes... gladly enough - that is your opinion....

and the fact is - this was never a Christian nation and that is a fact (repeated for emphasis purpose) but we can agree to disagree even if you dispute that fact.
DOMA is obviously unconstitutional and the president doesn't have to defend this law.

If you want government ban on gay marriage so I won't respect your belief/opinion, unless you keep to yourself.

That's not the way it works. It must first be declared unconstitutional but until it must be upheld and enforced. I don't hate gay people by the way, I just don't approve of their lifestyle.
driving is a privilege. you're required to have a driver license with you at all time whenever you're driving.

so do you have any proof that cases of voter fraud are significant enough for a legislative change?

I'll have to agree with rolling7 on this one. What is the big deal??? It is already law in most states or many. I can't get a library card without ID. I can't travel outside the U.S. without an ID or in this case passport. I can't generally cash a check without an ID. Young people can't buy beer and cigs without ID. You don't check into the hospital without an ID usually. So what is the really big idea against it? :dunno2:
That's not the way it works. It must first be declared unconstitutional but until it must be upheld and enforced. I don't hate gay people by the way, I just don't approve of their lifestyle.

It already unconstitutional by federal court and Obama Admin can stop defend the DOMA whatever he wants. He feels that DOMA is obviously unconstitutional then no need to defend.

Don't approve their lifestyle? that's fine and you are not obligated to support their lifestyle due to your religious reason, however you should treat them as respect and civil.
That's your right and aren't you glad you live in a place where you can have that opinion?

If you want issue an opinion about minorities so should to be yourself, especially personal and doesn't influence on our government.

Government isn't place that where discrimination takes against on minorities.
I'll have to agree with rolling7 on this one. What is the big deal??? It is already law in most states or many. I can't get a library card without ID. I can't travel outside the U.S. without an ID or in this case passport. I can't generally cash a check without an ID. Young people can't buy beer and cigs without ID. You don't check into the hospital without an ID usually. So what is the really big idea against it? :dunno2:

The passport is ONLY one mandatory ID for oversea, even driver license with photo isn't accepted.
It already unconstitutional by federal court and Obama Admin can stop defend the DOMA whatever he wants. He feels that DOMA is obviously unconstitutional then no need to defend.

Don't approve their lifestyle? that's fine and you are not obligated to support their lifestyle due to your religious reason, however you should treat them as respect and civil.

DOMA is going back to court. It is not over yet. The president himself does not have the power to declare any law unconstitutional. That is for a court to decide.

I do respect gay people who respect themselves. What I mean by that is that I don't respect openly gay people parading in the streets protesting by sick indecent means and methods and shoving it in my face. I know this does not apply to most gays. I would not have a problem with having a friend that is gay. Actually I already do. I work with a gay man and we are friends. His partner just died and now his mother too. I am very sad for him and am praying for him for comfort.
DOMA is going back to court. It is not over yet. The president himself does not have the power to declare any law unconstitutional. That is for a court to decide.

I do respect gay people who respect themselves. What I mean by that is that I don't respect openly gay people parading in the streets protesting by sick indecent means and methods and shoving it in my face. I know this does not apply to most gays. I would not have a problem with having a friend that is gay. Actually I already do. I work with a gay man and we are friends. His partner just died and now his mother too. I am very sad for him and am praying for him for comfort.

Red - I don't say that president has power to declare any law unconstitutional and DOMA is on all way to US Supreme Court for final ruling. The president is free to not defend the law if it is obviously unconstitutional.

Blue - Like I said, the obligated means commit to support somewhere. You are NOT required to support gay rights on your personal side but for government, it is different way.
I'll have to agree with rolling7 on this one. What is the big deal??? It is already law in most states or many. I can't get a library card without ID. I can't travel outside the U.S. without an ID or in this case passport. I can't generally cash a check without an ID. Young people can't buy beer and cigs without ID. You don't check into the hospital without an ID usually. So what is the really big idea against it? :dunno2:

there's a difference between privilege and rights. what you said above is a privilege. voting is not a privilege.... it's a right.
uh..... why would illegals participate in voting?

and are you saying that these people - the American citizens who are poor, minority and disabled are making excuses? and did you know that Justice Department has already concluded that there is hardly any evidence of voter fraud in Texas?

is your suffering and agony caused by people walking around with no ID? did you know there is no law requiring one to carry ID on oneself at all time?

I don't know! You are the one with the idea of illegals participation in voting. I never said those without a legal id were illegals.

It is also YOU whom is using "poor, minority and disable". This is your way to try to put words in my mouth and to deflect from the real issue. You want suffering? You want a real live example of suffering? Then sallow this. I'm waiting to go to small claim court (for over a year) due to an accident cause by the other driver hitting my car. That driver
had no driver license and no insurance. You are not stupid enough to know that the courts and automobile insurance companies has a ton of actual proof that this happens everyday in every state of the union. So why don't you admit it?

You are also not stupid thought to know there has been plenty of cases where "dead" people voted. Even the court knows this. A recent study to match the information giving on voters registration cards found what was given did NOT actually match what was supplied.

You want a lot of proof of fraud but I say that instances of voter fraud might be insignificant to people like you but I fail to see how requiring a legal id puts an undue burden on most people of any color and/or income bracket. You must be of opinion that the minorities, elderly and young who are registered voters don't write checks, rent cars, don't drive cars, don't fly out do any of the things that require a photo id.
For gay marriage and other civil rights, I disagree with you.

:lol: Well the constitution agrees with me and that's what I care about. We have a method for making laws in this country.....thankfully
Red - I don't say that president has power to declare any law unconstitutional and DOMA is on all way to US Supreme Court for final ruling. The president is free to not defend the law if it is obviously unconstitutional.

Oh really?
:lol: Well the constitution agrees with me and that's what I care about. We have a method for making laws in this country.....thankfully

I hope there are GLBT friendly voters override your way.
If you want issue an opinion about minorities so should to be yourself, especially personal and doesn't influence on our government.

Government isn't place that where discrimination takes against on minorities.

Actually, Freedom of speech IS a right.