Obama administration blocks Texas voter ID law

Interesting side, in my area, I'm not required to present photo ID or non-photo ID to pick up my medicines....
Your pharmacist doesn't require identity proof before handing over meds? :-o

because you don't want gay marriage.

We allowed other kind of marriage like interracial marriage but where is gay marriage?

Gay people should have legal marriage as option to ensure the full equality as heterosexual couples.
I hope there are GLBT friendly voters override your way.

it's time to cease this GLBT talk in this thread and get back to subject. feel free to create a new thread about GLBT. I don't really want to see GLBT issue in just about all threads.
it's time to cease this GLBT talk in this thread and get back to subject. feel free to create a new thread about GLBT. I don't really want to see GLBT issue in just about all threads.

Sure, no problem.
I don't know! You are the one with the idea of illegals participation in voting. I never said those without a legal id were illegals.
ok then why are you so fearful and terrified enough to want this law to pass when there isn't much voter fraud case in Texas?

It is also YOU whom is using "poor, minority and disable".
Actually - the article did.

Administration blocks Texas voter ID law - CNN.com
Texas is among eight states to require official photo identification in an effort to stop what officials say is voter fraud. Opponents of the laws say they disenfranchise poor, minority and disabled voters

This is your way to try to put words in my mouth and to deflect from the real issue. You want suffering? You want a real live example of suffering? Then sallow this. I'm waiting to go to small claim court (for over a year) due to an accident cause by the other driver hitting my car. That driver
had no driver license and no insurance. You are not stupid enough to know that the courts and automobile insurance companies has a ton of actual proof that this happens everyday in every state of the union. So why don't you admit it?
driving is a privilege. voting is a right. so your little car accident is related to this thread...... how?

You are also not stupid thought to know there has been plenty of cases where "dead" people voted. Even the court knows this. A recent study to match the information giving on voters registration cards found what was given did NOT actually match what was supplied.
so you're disputing Justice Department's claim about lack of voter fraud in Texas?

You want a lot of proof of fraud but I say that instances of voter fraud might be insignificant to people like you but I fail to see how requiring a legal id puts an undue burden on most people of any color and/or income bracket. You must be of opinion that the minorities, elderly and young who are registered voters don't write checks, rent cars, don't drive cars, don't fly out do any of the things that require a photo id.
I didn't say that. The government did.

the law is very clear on this -
The landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 gives the federal government the power to oversee any changes in voting procedures in states and jurisdictions with a history of voter discrimination.

it prohibits any form of difficulty or obstacle in voting. it appears that Texas intended to make it difficult for non-white people to vote. you appear to be fearful of voter fraud (or minorities) and you have failed to show me a concrete evidence of such case.