Legal Weed Sales

I have seen all walks of life and not everybody would listen and would do whatever they want to whether we like it or not. Its called HUMAN.

Not everybody handle stress the same way. Don't forget that, Reba.

Government have two choices really, one is to say no, and prohibit contraband OR educate the public and regulate contraband.

Prohibit contraband, people are going to try find way around and cheat the system. Usually they don't give a damn about it.

Educate them, not all of them will get it but majority would be likely heed the education and follow it. Regulation helps spot the problem and try to give help those who need them.

Which way is better?

Those are NOT ways to cope with stress; those are ways to give in to stress and make it worse. I hope you were being facetious.
Reba Why should it? Why should people be wee mindless sheep and just obey obey obey?
Why reba?
Why should people just obey?
Why did people in communist russia risk the gulag for reading samizdat literature?
The risks were huge. Peoples lives were ruined. Gulags were harsh places. the kgb werent push overs.
Just to read? stories? silly words?
Why couldn't these idiots just read pravda and shut up
Why did these people ignore the gov, who knew for them what was the best things to read
Why did people ignore the state?
Wrong question reba
can you demonstrate through critical reasoning any proof whats so ever that pot and only pot compelled this man to be a cannibal?
ill wait
(lights cigarette, drags smoke deeply, exhales)
One, it is very rare... Oh better put this way, EXTREMELY rare and I do not believe cannabis is root cause. I do not think they tell full story behind. Some psychoactive chemical don't stay in body and perhaps they have not found something that is really cause that man go nuts. Perhaps he tried krokodil and that dope disappeared from his body before autopsy have chance to find it.

OR it is government cover up trying to keep marijuana illegal.

At this time DEA is trying to come up with hard proof that Marijuana is very dangerous drug and is causing increase crime, they have not come up with solid evidence and its been over a year already.

Again Reba the answer will vary. Different people have different motives. Why do people j walk? why do people speed? why do people pirate movies? why cant people, who according to the gov, just be wee mindless sheep damn it!!! why cant people just do what they are told!!!! being human is grand isnt it?
Well unjust laws get certain replies. If your gonna push me to answer for everyone i wont. But one answer should work as its the only answer that in the end makes the best reply to such a dumb gov policy. and the only one that truly matters here
"because they want to". period.
You're still avoiding the question. Of course, you're not required to answer, and that's enough explanation in itself.

My question is, what is it about marijuana that people want to smoke it? Just because it's there? I doubt it.

If it's "because they want to" why do they want to? Is it a pleasurable experience?

Why i prefer my coffee black as opposed to it with 5 cream and 5 sugar is for me and only me to decide.
Yes, and you have a reason for your choice, right?

If tmw the .gov made such tastes illegal i wouldn't change my tastes over fear. Thats how tyranny grows. Who the hell does the gov think they are in dictating to individuals what individuals can consume?
I'm not asking about the law. I'm asking why people have to use pot regardless of the consequences. What is the attraction?

thats a good dose of fascism if you ask me. and looking at where america has ended up i think prohibition is one of the great debacles that has ruined it as a free nation.
That's a red herring to my question.

Unjust laws are just that. Unjust. I'm not going to be a sheep. i am a man. i have a mind. i want to use it. i like choices. it matters to me. the ability to freely decide. its part of being human. Obey or else. yeah thats what governments and states are founded on and propagated on. doesnt mean i have to fall for it. i need critical thinking. i know the risks and have decided the risks are acceptable for me to partake in my tastes. regardless on what some law form 80 years ago dictates ot me otherwise.
OK. So, why do people use pot?

Reba. you are still asking the wrong question. Why i like my tastes as opposed to yours is a good psych paper. In regards to law it isnt a good question. Why the need to regulate individuals personal tastes with the use of force?
Thats my question to you.
You seem to think that I'm out to regulate pot use. Where have I said that?

I'm not asking about personal tastes. I'm asking why people use pot? There must be some reason people smoke marijuana. If it does nothing for the user, what's the point?

As to the question why people in poverty spend limited loot on pot? again individuals will have different answers. your not gonna get a one sized fits all answer. im sure cable costs more, and really your better of buying pot then cable or you choose any other product people waste loot on.
its their loot to waste. not my business. it shouldn't be yours or the govs
my opinion of course, for what its worth
Bottom line is, no one can or will answer me.

That's your right, of course.
Has anyone been to a fracture ward in a hospital lately? Why ride bikes? Why? Why?? WHY????
You're still avoiding the question. Of course, you're not required to answer, and that's enough explanation in itself.

My question is, what is it about marijuana that people want to smoke it? Just because it's there? I doubt it.

If it's "because they want to" why do they want to? Is it a pleasurable experience?

Yes, and you have a reason for your choice, right?

I'm not asking about the law. I'm asking why people have to use pot regardless of the consequences. What is the attraction?

That's a red herring to my question.

OK. So, why do people use pot?

You seem to think that I'm out to regulate pot use. Where have I said that?

I'm not asking about personal tastes. I'm asking why people use pot? There must be some reason people smoke marijuana. If it does nothing for the user, what's the point?

Bottom line is, no one can or will answer me.

That's your right, of course.

Honestly, there is no one answer like Hoichi said. Everyone has different reasons.
Reba. Here is my answer. I am not physic. Thus i do not, nor can i tell you what other peoples motives are in either j walking, using pot, reading samizdat, ect ect ect.
i do not know what drives other people. but i do know people are all driven by DIFFERENT motives, thus asking me for one motive for a vast amount of people is to me foolish.
I can make educated guesses based on my experience but those guess are just that.
Reba i do not know what drives the inner workings of the deepest human desire. but i do know its folly to have a government wish to regulate human desire. prohibition demonstrates that. yes my reason for licking my coffee black as opposed to with 5 creams and augur is i prefer my coffee that way. your asking psychological questions in a thread which is about a legal issue yet you refuse to ask legal questions. odd.
i am not refusing to answer you. truly that is my answer. I do not know. what other peoples motives are. If i did know that i would be the richest asshole in the world. wouldn't i? how is recognizing the massive prison apparatus propped and crated largely due to prohibition and its consequences a red herring? i have never claimed pot does nothing, everything does something. i claim that peoples motives and mileage varies as to what drives them to do it. like anything.
So heres again my question to you. you do not have to answer it of course that is your choice. but ill ask you again
reba why did people in soviet russia risk the dire consequences of a ruined life in the gulag or worse for reading illegal literature? stories. words.
Why reba?
Because those words where there?
Because the paper and txt looked good?
Why did they risk life and limb ruin and rack to simply read what was illegal?
Why? If you answer that question sincerely you may stumble onto the answer of your question
try it
ill wait
(drags cigarette, looks into the dim smoke as it rises)
can you demonstrate through critical reasoning any proof whats so ever that pot and only pot compelled this man to be a cannibal?
ill wait
(lights cigarette, drags smoke deeply, exhales)
Pot makes people relax? False. See, this insane man was not relaxed. That's what I meant when I said a person who is not cool (not sane) could go nuts when stoned like him. If he was carrying a gun, he would shoot everyone instead. Don't you think so?

I support that sane people get high to relax. Come on, I am sure you have encountered some stoned friends at Gally who behaved like crazy (not relaxed).
One, it is very rare... Oh better put this way, EXTREMELY rare and I do not believe cannabis is root cause. I do not think they tell full story behind. Some psychoactive chemical don't stay in body and perhaps they have not found something that is really cause that man go nuts. Perhaps he tried krokodil and that dope disappeared from his body before autopsy have chance to find it.

OR it is government cover up trying to keep marijuana illegal.

At this time DEA is trying to come up with hard proof that Marijuana is very dangerous drug and is causing increase crime, they have not come up with solid evidence and its been over a year already.

and DEA, and government brainwashed people that pots are dangerous.

I support to reform the federal drug law (strictly limited to trafficking, restore the control of drug law to state or local, and disband the DEA.

Bye, bye DEA (1973-2014)
Like religion or politics there's too many opinions to use this site to debate weed.
I'd suggest refreshing update info by researching what doctors and scientists have found and make it a personal choice. And please don't go out there and be a idiot and ruin it for people who do benefit from it.
I have seen all walks of life and not everybody would listen and would do whatever they want to whether we like it or not. Its called HUMAN.
I agree that human nature is rebellious and self centered.

Not everybody handle stress the same way. Don't forget that, Reba.
Reacting with violence or self destruction is not handling stress. To handle something means to manage or resolve it. Actions that cause further stress are not managing or resolving that stress.

Government have two choices really, one is to say no, and prohibit contraband OR educate the public and regulate contraband.
If something is legal it's not contraband.

Prohibit contraband, people are going to try find way around and cheat the system. Usually they don't give a damn about it.
That is human nature.

Educate them, not all of them will get it but majority would be likely heed the education and follow it. Regulation helps spot the problem and try to give help those who need them.
The government has been educating people about the dangers of alcohol and tobacco for decades without success. Regulation hasn't done much to help anyone either.

Which way is better?
Neither. Because of human nature, societies' problems will continue and get worse. Individuals only can change for the better with a change of heart and lifetime direction. That can only come from within, not without.
Honestly, there is no one answer like Hoichi said. Everyone has different reasons.
Each person has a different reason for turning to pot but there is only one thing that makes pot desirable. That is, if pot has no pleasurable effect on the brain, why use it?
Wow! You think pot is the only thing they spent? Its myth, sorry my friend!

Anyone can grow weeds, it is not that hard as you think it was. There are many foolish thing poor people do spent on so it is not just pot.

Same with poor people spent money on alcohol, gambling, whores, etc what does pot make any difference?

:laugh2: Why not? What do you call when poor people spend money on pot instead of food or rent?
My question is, why would people risk job loss or arrest to use pot? Eating junk food isn't illegal, so it doesn't have the same immediate risk as using pot. Also, pot isn't required for life the way food is, so it can be avoided easier than food can be.

Why do people risk getting arrest breaking any law? People risk getting during the liquor prohibition by buying bootlegged booze , maybe they feel it's worth the risk . Or maybe they find it excited to smoke because it's illegal. I would not be surprise if some kids tried pot only because it's illegal , that would half the fun to some kids .
There is more to it, people DO die from bad booze. Those who brew alcohol don't give a damn, and can produce lethal alcohol to unsuspecting drinkers. Its because NO one control alcoholic beverage. Same with Drug, there are bad drug out there and users DO die from it, why? No regulation, that is why!

example <--- check #7 out of 12

Why do people risk getting arrest breaking any law? People risk getting during the liquor prohibition by buying bootlegged booze , maybe they feel it's worth the risk . Or maybe they find it excited to smoke because it's illegal. I would not be surprise if some kids tried pot only because it's illegal , that would half the fun to some kids .