Legal Weed Sales

Why would someone in poverty or in a tight financial situation be willing to spend limited resources on pot?
Obviously, it's an addiction. Someone like that usually asks his/her friend or family for money to pay for food or rent because his/her money was spent on pot. Dumb move!
I would only agree that alcohol and gun don't mix well, for one thing too much alcohol can cause man to get aggressive easily, while cannabis it does the opposite. Its almost impossible to get aggressive when stoned. When one gets stoned, they get mellowed and relaxing and gone slow. Usually laugh at drama as they (Stone) sees no point of venting shyt.

I would easily trust stoned guy carrying firearm but scare shytless when around drunk guy with gun.

Like I said in earlier, we often see fights at tavern, bars, etc but never seen any fights though bunch of pothead and I can show you proof. Did you know that there was hempfest in Seattle Washington that host for years, probably close to 10 years already I think and NOT even one incident that occurred over there EVEN bunch of people there smoked and share joints around! Mayor knew it, and approved it anyway for several years allowing hempfest going on.

And I know it too well, I have been around potheads for years. This is the reason why I support legalize, regulate and TAX Cannabis! Wait! Did I say tax? Yes! I hate paying tax and I think its far fairer to tax them instead of prohibit them.

IMO, gun owners should not drink and/or smoke weed. I don't trust them. In other words, people who are not gun owners and do those stuffs are harmless.
Probably because it's the cheapest pleasure they can get? Going to the movies, bowling, or any other entertainment is probably more expensive.

That's what I think as well.
edit. why bother
im gonna roll a fatty instead.................
Not really, no difference,
When one has issue with their lives, there are tons way for them to cope them. Here is list

FOOD, some would eat too much, it cost a lot money
Drink, could get drunk
Looking for trouble to get attention
beat up spouse or loved one

So, Marijuana isn't only way for somebody to cope, sometimes somebody would do crazier things other than smoke joint to calm themselves down.
So really, it depends on individuals so "One size fits all" approach isn't effective as government wanted it to be.

Probably because it's the cheapest pleasure they can get? Going to the movies, bowling, or any other entertainment is probably more expensive.
Not really, no difference,
When one has issue with their lives, there are tons way for them to cope them. Here is list

FOOD, some would eat too much, it cost a lot money
Drink, could get drunk
Looking for trouble to get attention
beat up spouse or loved one

So, Marijuana isn't only way for somebody to cope, sometimes somebody would do crazier things other than smoke joint to calm themselves down.
So really, it depends on individuals so "One size fits all" approach isn't effective as government wanted it to be.

People can get addicted to exercise as well.
When you say they need chemicals so badly to enjoy life, that implies addiction. How can you not see that? Especially when in the case it's actually a wrong assumption about pot use on the first place.
I'm not implying addiction. I'm asking why people use pot even when it could cause them to lose a job or get arrested. What makes it worth the risk?

SOME people have sure, but it's actually pretty easy to avoid. There are ways to pass a drug test. Pot use is a misdemeanor, there are different charges for different amounts. I'm not sure of the exact amount but the possession charge for it to be a felony is not the amount of pot a casual user would have them. AND casual users tend not to have it on their person at all times which lessens the risks that much more. I got pulled over once and my car was searched because of where I worked, I didn't have any weed on me but I did have papers and a bowl in bag, they gave me back my papers and kept my bowl, not charges. You can get arrested, because it's not like you're going serve jail time, you pay a fine.
The risk is still there. Granted, not everyone needs to take drug screenings for their job or potential job but many do.

Also, if casual pot users don't serve time in jail, why do so many proponents of legalizing pot complain about pot smokers being thrown in jail? I've read many sources who state that, including ADers' posts on that point. Which is it?

It may be true that SOME people may go to dangerous areas to get it, but again that's not common, and generally not necessary. If someone is buying it in dangerous areas, they probably already live there. Everybody knows somebody that smokes it, it's pretty easy to get, and from people not as seedy as you think.
I didn't say anyone was seedy but it can be risky. Where it is risky, why do it?

. . . Same thing with pitying people for something you don't understand.
Feeling sad about the direction our society is headed is perhaps something you don't understand.

But as hoichi pointed out, some of that's BECAUSE it's illegal.
My question (which doesn't get answered) is, since it is illegal, why do people do it?

What's more it isn't a "new" direction society is taking. It being illegal had been what's new to society, just like alcohol. The only reason it has been illegal is because DuPont made a new synthetic material and hemp was it's competition, so they lobbied to get it made illegal. They used lies and misconception to do so. Things like "smoking marijuana cigarettes make white kids listen to jazz music" "smoking marijuana cigarettes makes a black man look at a white woman". Great reasons for it to be made illegal right?
None of that addresses the question of why people use chemicals for "recreational" purposes. It only rationalizes making it legal and socially acceptable.
I would only agree that alcohol and gun don't mix well, for one thing too much alcohol can cause man to get aggressive easily, while cannabis it does the opposite. Its almost impossible to get aggressive when stoned. When one gets stoned, they get mellowed and relaxing and gone slow. Usually laugh at drama as they (Stone) sees no point of venting shyt.
Well, my former friend while being somber was obsessed with his ex-girlfriend who was his number one enemy. When he got high, it got worse. It didn't calm him down. Other friends and I got tired of hearing him constantly talking about wanting her dead. My point is that if a person who is not cool could go nuts when stoned.
Not really, no difference,
When one has issue with their lives, there are tons way for them to cope them. Here is list

FOOD, some would eat too much, it cost a lot money
Drink, could get drunk
Looking for trouble to get attention
beat up spouse or loved one

So, Marijuana isn't only way for somebody to cope, sometimes somebody would do crazier things other than smoke joint to calm themselves down.
So really, it depends on individuals so "One size fits all" approach isn't effective as government wanted it to be.

Those are the choices over pot? Hell I'll take pot over doing bad things you listed (well maybe except sex but you can't do sex all the time).
I'm not implying addiction. I'm asking why people use pot even when it could cause them to lose a job or get arrested. What makes it worth the risk?

The risk is still there. Granted, not everyone needs to take drug screenings for their job or potential job but many do.

Also, if casual pot users don't serve time in jail, why do so many proponents of legalizing pot complain about pot smokers being thrown in jail? I've read many sources who state that, including ADers' posts on that point. Which is it?

I didn't say anyone was seedy but it can be risky. Where it is risky, why do it?

Feeling sad about the direction our society is headed is perhaps something you don't understand.

My question (which doesn't get answered) is, since it is illegal, why do people do it?

None of that addresses the question of why people use chemicals for "recreational" purposes. It only rationalizes making it legal and socially acceptable.

Remember, it was illegal for blacks and whites to get married. In some people's point of view, weed is not as harmful as the other drugs or alcohol and should be legalized.
People on low income buy junk food that loaded sugar so how do feel about that? Sugar is bad for your health and very habit forming, that is why sugar is in everything . Some people like to smoke as it's very relaxing and there no side effect like there is in pills .
My question is, why would people risk job loss or arrest to use pot? Eating junk food isn't illegal, so it doesn't have the same immediate risk as using pot. Also, pot isn't required for life the way food is, so it can be avoided easier than food can be.
Reba, not all state will arrest one when they smoke pot. New York State where I live, they don't arrest people for smoke joint anymore. What they do is just give you ticket and pay 100 dollars fine for first offense, 200 for second offense. Of course, few states would arrest and thrown to jail but that is wasting taxpayer's money.

Also, here in NY, police can not arrest anyone for having marijuana in homes, unless they are in for business (Proof is required).

I know deaf couple, and help them with their domestic issues. Once she called cop (While she was drunk) accused her boyfriend for domestic violence, really she is the one that started, anyway, she showed cop bag of cannabis true business! Cop said, this is just nothing we are not here for this one. We are here to resolve the domestic dispute and ACT like an adults, and we are not going to arrest anyone UNLESS one start to hurt anyone. Mind you, 4 kids was there in front of them!

So the days of throwing pothead into jail is pretty much over for many states.
With food, yes there is risk. Too much food can lead obese and lead to diabetic complication, it is now epidemic already. Where is epidemic for potheads?

My question is, why would people risk job loss or arrest to use pot? Eating junk food isn't illegal, so it doesn't have the same immediate risk as using pot. Also, pot isn't required for life the way food is, so it can be avoided easier than food can be.
My question is, when it's illegal to use, why do people take the risk of losing a job or getting arrested?

But it is relevant as to use. Why would someone in poverty or in a tight financial situation be willing to spend limited resources on pot?

Again Reba the answer will vary. Different people have different motives. Why do people j walk? why do people speed? why do people pirate movies? why cant people, who according to the gov, just be wee mindless sheep damn it!!! why cant people just do what they are told!!!! being human is grand isnt it?
Well unjust laws get certain replies. If your gonna push me to answer for everyone i wont. But one answer should work as its the only answer that in the end makes the best reply to such a dumb gov policy. and the only one that truly matters here
"because they want to". period.
Why i prefer my coffee black as opposed to it with 5 cream and 5 sugar is for me and only me to decide. If tmw the .gov made such tastes illegal i wouldn't change my tastes over fear. Thats how tyranny grows. Who the hell does the gov think they are in dictating to individuals what individuals can consume?
thats a good dose of fascism if you ask me. and looking at where america has ended up i think prohibition is one of the great debacles that has ruined it as a free nation.
Unjust laws are just that. Unjust. I'm not going to be a sheep. i am a man. i have a mind. i want to use it. i like choices. it matters to me. the ability to freely decide. its part of being human. Obey or else. yeah thats what governments and states are founded on and propagated on. doesnt mean i have to fall for it. i need critical thinking. i know the risks and have decided the risks are acceptable for me to partake in my tastes. regardless on what some law form 80 years ago dictates ot me otherwise.
Reba. you are still asking the wrong question. Why i like my tastes as opposed to yours is a good psych paper. In regards to law it isnt a good question. Why the need to regulate individuals personal tastes with the use of force?
Thats my question to you.
As to the question why people in poverty spend limited loot on pot? again individuals will have different answers. your not gonna get a one sized fits all answer. im sure cable costs more, and really your better of buying pot then cable or you choose any other product people waste loot on.
its their loot to waste. not my business. it shouldn't be yours or the govs
my opinion of course, for what its worth
You get the idea, and it's just partial list. I could go on. Can't root just Maria Juana as sole cause problem. There are other things that would have been worse.

The problem with Marijuana law is that since Marijuana stays in human body for so long that they can't hide from drug test, high risk losing job yes EVEN long after one last smoke. Solution? Forget Marijuana, try other harder drug so one won't get bust, and it is even more dangerous that way. For instance crack? It stays in one body only 24 hours, easily hide from random drug test but the addiction is less forgiving. Or even worse Meth (Ice), once one use them, its pretty much over. Jesus, hope Krokodil wouldn't even come to America. Not sure what Krokodil is? Google it up! Its scarier!

So, point is, if we take Marijuana law out and regulate them. Those who smoke cannabis will less likely going try harder drug to evade random drug test.

Those are the choices over pot? Hell I'll take pot over doing bad things you listed (well maybe except sex but you can't do sex all the time).
Not really, no difference,
When one has issue with their lives, there are tons way for them to cope them. Here is list

FOOD, some would eat too much, it cost a lot money
Drink, could get drunk
Looking for trouble to get attention
beat up spouse or loved one

So, Marijuana isn't only way for somebody to cope, sometimes somebody would do crazier things other than smoke joint to calm themselves down.
So really, it depends on individuals so "One size fits all" approach isn't effective as government wanted it to be.
Those are NOT ways to cope with stress; those are ways to give in to stress and make it worse. I hope you were being facetious.
Reba, not all state will arrest one when they smoke pot. New York State where I live, they don't arrest people for smoke joint anymore. What they do is just give you ticket and pay 100 dollars fine for first offense, 200 for second offense. Of course, few states would arrest and thrown to jail but that is wasting taxpayer's money....
Not all do arrest. However, in the places and times where they did arrest it didn't stop people from using, right? Why?