Legal Weed Sales

Just curious, do you support to allow gun owners with OC or CCW to enter bar and have a drink?
I support the law that allows it but I don't support the practice of drinking and carrying.

The reason I support the law that allows it is because without allowing carrying into places that have bars that means even restaurants like Applebee's could be off limits.
I find it sad that so many people need to use chemicals in order to enjoy life.

It's also sad that the government is taking advantage of people's weaknesses by deriving a tax revenue from their need for drugs. :(

It's a sad commentary of our society that people need chemical pleasure so badly that they would spend lots of money, risk losing their jobs, and put themselves in dangerous situations.

To be clear, I have supported decriminalizing pot use by making it a ticket type misdemeanor. I do think casual users were often over sentenced. Only the dealers should be "hunted down."

However, anyone who commits another offense while under the influence, such as driving while impaired, should face severe penalties.

As I have posted here, and prior, I don't support harsh prison sentences for simple pot users.

Prohibition doesn't work because society craves its pleasures above all reason. That's very sad, and it's only going to get worse. I understand that. I know the self destruction of our society is inevitable but that's certainly no reason for me to celebrate.

If one is living paycheck to paycheck or on SSI/SSDI, how does their financial situation improve by throwing away money on drugs or alcohol? Do drugs change their situation in a positive way?

All of that. Not all drugs are created equal, crack, you're thinking about crack. You have preconceived notions with no basis in actual experience so you are seriously never going to understand just how different people are and how different various drugs are.

That someone that uses drugs, any drugs doesn't necessarily need chemicals to enjoy life. It duesnt boil down to that fir everyone, this is where you are wrong.

You can respond, convinced you're right so I'm done, I might as well go try to convince the stop sign at the end or the street that it's a fire hydrant. Oh and I quoted the last one because shel never said that drug use would improve a deaf persons financial situation.
I support the law that allows it but I don't support the practice of drinking and carrying.

The reason I support the law that allows it is because without allowing carrying into places that have bars that means even restaurants like Applebee's could be off limits.

Oh I see, I got it now. :ty:

I was unsure about support to allow or against to allow, so I like to see opinions from different people's especially gun owners before I make my consider about my belief.
Okay I will try another approach. Do you think every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic and is a slave to it and will be doomed to financial ruin and their lives doomed?
All of that. Not all drugs are created equal, crack, you're thinking about crack.
I never said anything about crack.

You have preconceived notions with no basis in actual experience so you are seriously never going to understand just how different people are and how different various drugs are.

That someone that uses drugs, any drugs doesn't necessarily need chemicals to enjoy life. It duesnt boil down to that fir everyone, this is where you are wrong.
If drugs aren't used for either chemically inducing pleasure or for blocking out the pain of life, then what is their purpose?

You can respond, convinced you're right so I'm done, I might as well go try to convince the stop sign at the end or the street that it's a fire hydrant. Oh and I quoted the last one because shel never said that drug use would improve a deaf persons financial situation.
I never said that shel said that. She posted that some deaf people with financial and job problems sometimes turned to pot. I questioned the reasonableness of this by users because buying pot with their limited resources would seem counterproductive to their financial problems. Are you saying that's not accurate?
Okay I will try another approach. Do you think every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic and is a slave to it and will be doomed to financial ruin and their lives doomed?
No. And I never posted anything stating that I thought every person that uses pot is an addict that will be doomed to financial ruin or that their lives are doomed. Why are you so defensive about things I never said?
I never said anything about crack.

If drugs aren't used for either chemically inducing pleasure or for blocking out the pain of life, then what is their purpose?

I never said that shel said that. She posted that deaf people with financial and job problems turned to pot. I questioned the reasonableness of this by users because buying pot with their limited resources would seem counterproductive to their financial problems. Are you saying that's not accurate?

I know you didn't say anything about crack, I'm telling you that the situation you're describing is one typical of hard core drug use. That's the problem, you don't understand weed. I'm saying you didn't respond pertantly. She was giving a reason, mind you that's just one of many many reasons, behind pot use, the pit use itself not being a solution is irrelevant to the reason.
No. And I never posted anything stating that I thought every person that uses pot is an addict that will be doomed to financial ruin or that their lives are doomed. Why are you so defensive about things I never said?

Oh please, all you've been posting about is the rack and ruin of drug use. You didn't have to explicitly say it. My point is that weed and alcohol are the same. Weed is not like other drugs, and most of your statements are more pertinent to cocaine it heroine. Most people don't become raging alcoholics, just like most people that smoke weed aren't raging pot heads. This thread is weed, not other drugs.

I'm not defensive. I don't even smoke it anymore. But weed has an undeserved reputation. That underserved and ignorant view pisses me off. You are just one if the many many people that don't understand it.

It's kind of like wanting stricter gun control laws because a handful of people misuse them :D
I know you didn't say anything about crack, I'm telling you that the situation you're describing is one typical of hard core drug use. That's the problem, you don't understand weed. I'm saying you didn't respond pertantly. She was giving a reason, mind you that's just one of many many reasons, behind pot use, the pit use itself not being a solution is irrelevant to the reason.
Where did I describe anything close to hard core drug use?

Shel gave a reason and I gave a response specific to that one reason. I didn't say that was the only reason for pot use.
It's a sad commentary of our society that people need chemical pleasure so badly that they would spend lots of money, risk losing their jobs, and put themselves in dangerous situations.

To be clear, I have supported decriminalizing pot use by making it a ticket type misdemeanor. I do think casual users were often over sentenced. Only the dealers should be "hunted down."

However, anyone who commits another offense while under the influence, such as driving while impaired, should face severe penalties.

As I have posted here, and prior, I don't support harsh prison sentences for simple pot users.

Prohibition doesn't work because society craves its pleasures above all reason. That's very sad, and it's only going to get worse. I understand that. I know the self destruction of our society is inevitable but that's certainly no reason for me to celebrate.

The first paragraph explicitly shows your ignorance of the costs risks and effects of weed. That paragraph describes addiction.......and AGAIN not everyone that smokes it is addicted. You probably have absolutely no idea how many casual smokers there are in America. People that have a little bit less often than they have beer. But you make it sound like they cruising seedy neighborhoods and going to sell their first born for a dime bag. Bit that's because you don't get it ;) why are you being so defensive anyway?
You really don't need to feel sad for someone has a beer at the end of the day, or smokes a bowl on Saturday night. They don't need your pity any more than someone that's deaf. You just feel it's wrong, you don't understand it.
The first paragraph explicitly shows your ignorance of the costs risks and effects of weed.
Is it not true that people have lost their jobs or been arrested and thrown into jail for pot use? Is it not true that people who have bought pot put themselves into contact with some dangerous characters in unsafe areas? If that didn't happen then why the necessity for legalizing pot? Is it not true that people are willing to spend money that they can't afford for pot?

That paragraph describes addiction.......and AGAIN not everyone that smokes it is addicted.
I have never said anything about addiction. I've never claimed that everyone smoking is addicted.

You probably have absolutely no idea how many casual smokers there are in America.
What is your point? If there are more casual users than I counted that it would somehow make pot smoking more acceptable? As in anything I've ever posted, I've never determined the virtue of any action based on the numbers of people who do something.

People that have a little bit less often than they have beer.
What does that prove? I don't think one is better than the other.

But you make it sound like they cruising seedy neighborhoods and going to sell their first born for a dime bag. Bit that's because you don't get it ;) why are you being so defensive anyway?
I've never said that. For some reason you want to exaggerate my statements beyond reason.

Except for Colorado, in the US, buying non-medical marijuana has been illegal, correct?

I'm defensive of the misinterpreting of my posts.
You really don't need to feel sad for someone has a beer at the end of the day, or smokes a bowl on Saturday night. They don't need your pity any more than someone that's deaf. You just feel it's wrong, you don't understand it.
As I originally posted, I'm sad for our society, in its direction and behavior. I see where it's headed, and it's not a good ending.

That is absolutely nothing the same as someone that's deaf.
Is it not true that people have lost their jobs or been arrested and thrown into jail for pot use? Is it not true that people who have bought pot put themselves into contact with some dangerous characters in unsafe areas? If that didn't happen then why the necessity for legalizing pot? ?

Yes that is true. The above problems you point out are, as you agree due to prohibition. Then why not celebrate a small step to its end?

what people do with their money is irrelevant to the issue its prohibition.
I think pulling alcohol and guns into this conversation is basically off topic. I cannot help but comment on that though. Up here we have incidents of drunk people with guns every freaking day.

What better way to tell your girlfriend that you have two small preschool children with that you love her... than to get drunk and pistol whip her and threaten to kill her in front of them.

The domestic violence call up here is all too often an alcohol fuelled funfest featuring a homicidal drunken maniac with a gun. Somewhere in there is usually a terrorized woman and children. That is just one of several common scenario's up here having to do with drunk men with guns.

Stoned men with guns not so much. Pot just doesn't bring out the beast so much. More like brings out the guitar or the garden tools, or the running shoes, or a good movie at home with snacks. Not much drama in a good chess game or working on the stained glass project with 350 pieces and twenty two colors, or the restoration job on the ol' pickup.
When you say they need chemicals so badly to enjoy life, that implies addiction. How can you not see that? Especially when in the case it's actually a wrong assumption about pot use on the first place.

SOME people have sure, but it's actually pretty easy to avoid. There are ways to pass a drug test. Pot use is a misdemeanor, there are different charges for different amounts. I'm not sure of the exact amount but the possession charge for it to be a felony is not the amount of pot a casual user would have them. AND casual users tend not to have it on their person at all times which lessens the risks that much more. I got pulled over once and my car was searched because of where I worked, I didn't have any weed on me but I did have papers and a bowl in bag, they gave me back my papers and kept my bowl, not charges. You can get arrested, because it's not like you're going serve jail time, you pay a fine.

It may be true that SOME people may go to dangerous areas to get it, but again that's not common, and generally not necessary. If someone is buying it in dangerous areas, they probably already live there. Everybody knows somebody that smokes it, it's pretty easy to get, and from people not as seedy as you think.

SOME people use guns to kill a lot if people, maybe no one should have guns so we can avoid that. And before you go taking that's an analogy, it's the idea behind the reasoning, not an exact comparison. Same thing with pitying people for something you don't understand.

But as hoichi pointed out, some of that's BECAUSE it's illegal. What's more it isn't a "new" direction society is taking. It being illegal had been what's new to society, just like alcohol. The only reason it has been illegal is because DuPont made a new synthetic material and hemp was it's competition, so they lobbied to get it made illegal. They used lies and misconception to do so. Things like "smoking marijuana cigarettes make white kids listen to jazz music" "smoking marijuana cigarettes makes a black man look at a white woman". Great reasons for it to be made illegal right?
I think pulling alcohol and guns into this conversation is basically off topic. I cannot help but comment on that though. Up here we have incidents of drunk people with guns every freaking day.

What better way to tell your girlfriend that you have two small preschool children with that you love her... than to get drunk and pistol whip her and threaten to kill her in front of them.

The domestic violence call up here is all too often an alcohol fuelled funfest featuring a homicidal drunken maniac with a gun. Somewhere in there is usually a terrorized woman and children. That is just one of several common scenario's up here having to do with drunk men with guns.

Stoned men with guns not so much. Pot just doesn't bring out the beast so much. More like brings out the guitar or the garden tools, or the running shoes, or a good movie at home with snacks. Not much drama in a good chess game or working on the stained glass project with 350 pieces and twenty two colors, or the restoration job on the ol' pickup.

Aaaahhhh but see it is relevant, AND just illustrates the point perfectly. Marijuana has less drastic effects on a person than alcohol, yet it's legal but pots not. So I say yes, the comparison of alchohol is valid.
I agree...I asked them why do that. They said that life sucks so why not? I just feel bad that they feel that they have to see alcohol and weed as the only source of entertainment.

I know people that smoke weeds and that is NOT why they got high. That is coming from people you know, not everyone think their life sucks.