just got back from the drs office

My daughter had a lot of therapy to strengthen her oral facial muscles. We did a lot and now at 17, you'd never know. One I remember involved holding a lollipop in her mouth and pulling, but having her suck on it to keep in in place. She could not use her teeth. I know your little guy is a little young yet for that, but it was one that my daughter really liked.
Love those chubby cheeks! Such a wonderful stage. Enjoy and try not to worry too much. :D
OMG! lol @ the litterbox, my sister has 2 kitty cats and I was the one that likes 2 chase April around. I remembered when my mom was a crazy cat lady since she had 4 kitties but gave them up because of me in her care.
my daughter...oh lord..she has a cat that shes named "nellarina" and this cat follows her EVERYWHERE. even though she makes it wear baby clothes. we have 3 right now..and 1 dog. i used to have pygmy goats but my neighbor threw a titty baby fit. they would wear clothes and i leash trained them and everything!
oh good! i am glad there is SOMETHING we can do about that. as far as toys and stuff, if they can get him interested in them, that will be a huge start. ive noticed one thing though...he loves different textures..he loves water, carpet, and i caught him running his hands through the litter box..gross! luckily we had just changed it but at least there ARE things that capture his attention.

Sounds like he is very kinesthetic. That can certainly be capitalized on. But I wouldn't recommend using a litter box.:giggle:
not to make light of his oral motor dysfunction whatever, i am glad for it in this case..because that is the first thing most babies do, shove into their mouth! i just had to wash his little handies off.
I want to see more pictures of the cuttie pie!!!
cutie pic of your little boy. glad he found something so interesting to touch and so. :)
i am too..except he has almost stopped eating solid food now..i think its the pediasure,
but even without it and when i know hes hungry, he wont touch it. he gagged on yoghurt this morning..blah. oh well, we have feeding therapy this week at least!
as for more pictures...here you go!!!! http://www.facebook.com/bilingual.illiterate
i have zillions! there are some of me even, if you can handle pictures of fat stressed out housewives. yep.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

My kid's OT included a lot of textures and generally getting messy. Also lots of motor planning activities. The clever OTs always had a fun way to practice. One of my kid's favorites was scooter board time. I have a feeling that Frankie will like it.
i am too..except he has almost stopped eating solid food now..i think its the pediasure,
but even without it and when i know hes hungry, he wont touch it. he gagged on yoghurt this morning..blah. oh well, we have feeding therapy this week at least!
as for more pictures...here you go!!!! http://www.facebook.com/bilingual.illiterate
i have zillions! there are some of me even, if you can handle pictures of fat stressed out housewives. yep.

When you say stopped eating solid food, do you mean he is regressing?

That is something I would have the doctor check.
my daughter...oh lord..she has a cat that shes named "nellarina" and this cat follows her EVERYWHERE. even though she makes it wear baby clothes. we have 3 right now..and 1 dog. i used to have pygmy goats but my neighbor threw a titty baby fit. they would wear clothes and i leash trained them and everything!

omg ROFL, I remember when I put a rubber dress on my cat Jake's tail and then he scrached me!
not to make light of his oral motor dysfunction whatever, i am glad for it in this case..because that is the first thing most babies do, shove into their mouth! i just had to wash his little handies off.

See there? There is positive side to everything!:giggle:
i am too..except he has almost stopped eating solid food now..i think its the pediasure,
but even without it and when i know hes hungry, he wont touch it. he gagged on yoghurt this morning..blah. oh well, we have feeding therapy this week at least!
as for more pictures...here you go!!!! http://www.facebook.com/bilingual.illiterate
i have zillions! there are some of me even, if you can handle pictures of fat stressed out housewives. yep.

I have a great nephew that was getting his diet supplemented with pediasure because he has this texture aversion to many foods and wasn't getting proper nutrition. Once they added the pediasure to his diet, it was all he wanted. His mother is an RN, and she finally started only allowing the pediasure after he ate a small amount of a solid food he could tolerate.
i was going to do that but they said absolutely not, since he is developmentally delayed...it might be because of his face muscle thing..blah. i dont know! we will be seeing a pediatric GI soon though.
i was going to do that but they said absolutely not, since he is developmentally delayed...it might be because of his face muscle thing..blah. i dont know! we will be seeing a pediatric GI soon though.

I'd say let the GI guide you through this one. Quincy didn't have any developmental delays. He was just hypersensitive to textures. But that pediasure must be some good stuff, since they don't want anything but that after tasting it!:giggle:
it IS good..but hes just turning down everything. oh well. at least he..can live off this stuff i suppose.
on a better note..his "tube riders" came today! so cute!!!

so cute!!!!
He is so cute. How old is he? My great-niece who is 23 months old has not crawl or walk yet, spend a lot of phsycial therapy. No improvement and now they suspect she may have palsy. They are going to do mri on her head. Wait for medi-cal to approve this to pay MRI. Wanted to say thank you for sharing him with us. Made me smile. :)