how can i find single deaf "harvard" intelligent girl?

i dont know what stalking is, all i know how to follow and then, walk away.

educate me, harvardgirl ;D
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

Or more like stalking for dummies. :lol:
This thread=:giggle:

Look. Don't worry so much. Why would you want a girl who is rich? It doesn't matter how much money the person you love has. I'm certainly not rich, but it's better that I'm happy and preparing for my future than being rich, right?

I could understand if you want a girl who is intelligent, but you can't equate intelligence with Ivy League. I got into Harvard for undergraduate, but I didn't go there because I need to save money for law school. I go to a state university instead, but that doesn't mean I'm not intelligent. It just means I couldn't afford Harvard, even with some scholarship money.

You're looking in the wrong places right now.

Oh, by the way, I'm not single, so please don't even go there...
Wirelessly posted

Ask Harvard girl out on a date, simple solution and solve your problem.
Oh, by the way, I'm not single, so please don't even go there...

oh? I was under impression that you are single.... :(

now I will study hard and get into Harvard Law School to prove myself to you :mad2:
oh? I was under impression that you are single.... :(

now I will study hard and get into Harvard Law School to prove myself to you :mad2:
:lol: same, was under the impression too. Guess you got owned. :Owned:
It seems to me that your parents raised your hope too high about getting a girl from Ivy League schools.

Lots of girls educated and uneducated wouldn't date you because it's obvious you're a weak whining loser who think they should be lucky to date you. Well, who wants that sort of attitude?

A word of advice: start focusing on your studies and stop thinking about getting a girlfriend from Ivy League schools. You've got all your life to work on finding a right woman.
I don't think Matajan is well-educated. His behavior and pattern shows on, and - I will say this - many people know what stalking is.

give it a second though about it.
Here's some tip/advice how do you attract intelligent women..1) Don't fake it. 2) Dont defer to her intelligence. 3) Be Curious. 4) Be honest about what you know.

I'm concerned here, because you're one of the "brainy babes" so maybe when you meet a really intelligent women, you might find it difficult to carry a conversation.

Good Luck!