Homophobia issue

Good story there! :rofl: I like that one. That was pretty well written!

You guys are hilarious.. yes, denfinately Heath is....

guido said:
WTF? I thought you were deaf. The only way anyone is going to be able to understand the point of that clip is if they can clearly hear the dialogue.

Whether you're deaf or not. You're still a homophobic idiot.

I am Deaf and it doesn't take a 3rd grader to figure out what happened on the video clip.
Alright, let's knock it off and no, I am not a homosexual. At least now, you know what God had to say on the issue of homosexuality that is between God and you.
Gosh, other again for being homophobia... Hey Alex and LinuxGold, Please Get Richard Simmons...


Heath, you will get OWNED by him.
CyberRed said:
. They should leave you alone, because of what you belief is your business.

I agree! Let me say this, though. I believe in tolerance to others (and by that, I mean EVERYBODY!). I don't agree with Heath's stance on homosexuality, but I respect his position on it. I also happen to find things that I DO agree with Heath on. Same with some of the other Christians on the forum.

I know I've done my fair share of bashing on here in other threads, but come on, people. Why must we continually debate things like this? We know that we're not changing anybody's opinions here. We know that certain people on this forum are against homosexuality, and other "hotly debated" topics. It's no surprise. Lets give it a rest.

Instead of inflaming people with these topics, lets TRY to find things we DO agree on. I want to add, I'm not trying to change this forum and make it boring. I like arguing and debating just like the rest of you, but when we end up saying the same exact thing, in the same exact topics, it gets old.

Doncha think?
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree! Let me say this, though. I believe in tolerance to others (and by that, I mean EVERYBODY!). I don't agree with Heath's stance on homosexuality, but I respect his position on it. I also happen to find things that I DO agree with Heath on. Same with some of the other Christians on the forum.

I know I've done my fair share of bashing on here in other threads, but come on, people. Why must we continually debate things like this? We know that we're not changing anybody's opinions here. We know that certain people on this forum are against homosexuality, and other "hotly debated" topics. It's no surprise. Lets give it a rest.

Instead of inflaming people with these topics, lets TRY to find things we DO agree on. I want to add, I'm not trying to change this forum and make it boring. I like arguing and debating just like the rest of you, but when we end up saying the same exact thing, in the same exact topics, it gets old.

Doncha think?

Yep, I agree ! They are just wastin' their time for postin' like this repeatly. I will not post over and over just for debatin' or arguin'. It wastes my time. *chuckles* I know I don't respond back to some ADers' threads when debatin' /or arguin' because, of different beliefs/point of view/perspective. Can't change that. I am easily tired of it after a few times of debatin' or arguin'. I just simply move on to other thread for a change and post.
Owen Wilson is actually a bisexual, he said it himself.

Heath just gets on my nerves with his ramblings on religions and HIV/AIDS. He has exhibited incredible ignorance.
I have no respect for Heath because he WANTS to make the laws and impose on people.
Deaf Images said:
If God tells you to jump down the deep ravine, will you do it?

Poor sucker!



Look... That what Heath wrote via PM.
Heath said:
Man, I'm gay and no longer to demand on bible, I'm sorry to everyone for be homophobia :cry:
C"mon Heath. There is no shame in admitting that you drive stick. Lots of guys are doing it.