Homophobia issue

guido said:
Heath, if homosexuals are dogs, then you're a little bitch.

You are sick.

If homosexuals are dogs, then normal people are human beings.

Dogs are not normal human beings. A dog having sodomic relations with another dog is not normal behavior.

A man having sexual relations with a woman is normal behavior.

God settled the issue in The Holy Bible and those sexual behaviors God outlined were for our own safety of our sexual health for a very good reason.
dogs barking....*rips* Heath goes ahhhhh, his pants got off!

By the way....I agree with TrippLA...Jesus LOVES everyone no matter what. Go to Tacoma and see the red glowing sign at night that says "Jesus loves you"
I'm sure there are signs like that in many places in the US, even bumper stickers on the cars.
Of course Jesus loves you, but that doesn't mean Heath loves you.
sequoias said:
dogs barking....*rips* Heath goes ahhhhh, his pants got off!

By the way....I agree with TrippLA...Jesus LOVES everyone no matter what. Go to Tacoma and see the red glowing sign at night that says "Jesus loves you"
I'm sure there are signs like that in many places in the US, even bumper stickers on the cars.

Hello Sequoias, thanks for agree with me but I had hard time to make Heath accept with anything in the world. Back in 2001, we were tripped to Dallas that where my grandma's friend live in suburb and forced me for went to church, then grandma said "Gay/Lebsian is sinful" and minister said "Go read bible book and quit being gay". I said "No way, don't fuck up with me" then grandma slapped my head and minister was show the bible book at my front of head. I threw bible book out and I said "God love everyone and homosexual is regular human" and "I refuse to quit gay and keep to be gay for my life" then minister was yelled at me and I was attacked him. One guy called police to got me out of church and brought to police station, I was explained what wrong with stupid church and police was charged against minister, many people agreed that he got fired. My mother was mad at my grandma for abused me and some guys got good point, and agree with me about "God Love Everyone, Homosexual is nothing to be wrong and just regular life".

That's sad about poor minister got arrested and never seen grandma again but my mother is bisexual, she love to much activity with other girls. That's how funny is... she said conservative christians got fucked up and not popular as in pre-1970's. I have admit that some people in Islam is good and nothing to be wrong. If any questions then feel free to PM me or post here.
I have Heath on my ignore list and ahhhh it is more peaceful with not be able to read his ignorant posts :whistle:
I know I am new here. I was looking through this and I am a christian. I hate it when people use the bible to say stupid things they believe are in there. My sister is a minister is a minister and her and I have gone through and through the bible and no where we have found does it say Homosexuality is wrong. We even went against the bishop and shut him up as well. I believe if you are going to preach the bible live by the bible. It does say however do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And also it says Do not judge lest ye be judged yourself. I think if people actuall sat down and read the bible and didn't read what other people told them they would realize how wrong they are.
You know Heath; I get the feeling that fundamentally you’re an OK guy. I mean, I’m reasonably sure that you don’t deliberately try to harm other people like a lot of people do. And I respect and admire your desire to raise a strong nuclear family. I also emphatically agree with you that our society is disintegrating at an alarming rate because of the irresponsible behavior of a large segment of its population. I fully believe that we should round up every drug dealer in the United States and throw them into a gigantic concentration camp which is surrounded by a massive high-voltage death fence. But you’re really pissing a lot of people off with your ridiculous interpretations of Judeo-Christian philosophy. If your God truly believes that love between a Caucasian man and an Hispanic woman is inherently sinful, then your God can go fuck himself. Even if He/She/It really exists (which is dubious), why should I or anybody else give a flying fuck about His/Her/Its freakwad bullshit opinions? If your God thinks homosexuals are ‘dogs’, then why does He/She/It permit this behavior to exist? That’s the problem with all religion—it’s so full of self-contradictions and easily refutable statements of fact that any intelligent five-year-old child can see that it can’t possibly be an accurate expression of the truth. There is just absolutely no way to dispute the fact that we evolved from lesser life forms, and that the Earth is NOT 4000 years old! It just can’t be done! I think society would be far better served if we all incorporated Judeo-Christian ethics into our everyday lives and into our relationships with other people, and just discarded all the mystic mumbo-jumbo about an afterlife which just ain’t gonna happen, and all the self-serving persecution of innocent people whose activities harm no one. History clearly records that Jesus wasn’t even trying to start a religion—he was trying to run for political office, stepped on the wrong toes out of sheer stupidity, and got his ass fried for it. In all probability, he was just as much of a con man as Joseph Smith, Katherine Kuhlman, Mary Baker Eddy, or Benny Hinn. Christian ethics themselves are laudable; Christian beliefs are nothing more than the schizophrenic ramblings of socially irresponsible people who are afraid of death.
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All I got to say to you , TrippLA that God will bless your grandmother and God will bless that minister.

God is not gonna bless your mother for leading you asthray neither is God gonna bless you for being a homosexual. That police officer should have obeyed God and refused to arrest your grandmother and your minister.

That policeman should have arrested your mother for child abuse. What if your mother's teaching you homosexual behavior when you were under 18 and you caught HIV / AIDS then your mother should have been locked up for child abuse by causing your own slow death through homosexual HIV / AIDS behavior and your mother should have been protecting you from evil sodomic behavior.

Your grandmother and the minister did the right thing. You should have been in school and being able to be an innocent care-free boy and growing up normally under your family's protection and God's Guidance to become the strong fine young man God intended you to be and marry a beautiful woman to be your wife and start a family after having a very good job, education and training from college or a certified vocotional training center.
Levonian said:
You know Heath; I get the feeling that fundamentally you’re an OK guy. I mean, I’m reasonably sure that you don’t deliberately try to harm other people like a lot of people do. And I respect and admire your desire to raise a strong nuclear family. I also emphatically agree with you that our society is disintegrating at an alarming rate because of the irresponsible behavior of a large segment of its population. I fully believe that we should round up every drug dealer in the United States and throw them into a gigantic concentration camp which is surrounded by a massive high-voltage death fence. But you’re really pissing a lot of people off with your ridiculous interpretations of Judeo-Christian philosophy. If your God truly believes that love between a Caucasian man and an Hispanic woman is inherently sinful, then your God can go fuck himself. Even if He/She/It really exists (which is dubious), why should I or anybody else give a flying fuck about His/Her/Its freakwad bullshit opinions? If your God thinks homosexuals are ‘dogs’, then why does He/She/It permit this behavior to exist? That’s the problem with all religion—it’s so full of self-contradictions and easily refutable statements of fact that any intelligent five-year-old child can see that it can’t possibly be an accurate expression of the truth. There is just absolutely no way to dispute the fact that we evolved from lesser life forms, and that the Earth is NOT 4000 years old! It just can’t be done! I think society would be far better served if we all incorporated Judeo-Christian ethics into our everyday lives and into our relationships with other people, and just discarded all the mystic mumbo-jumbo about an afterlife which just ain’t gonna happen, and all the self-serving persecution of innocent people whose activities harm no one. History clearly records that Jesus wasn’t even trying to start a religion—he was trying to run for political office, stepped on the wrong toes out of sheer stupidity, and got his ass fried for it. In all probability, he was just as much of a con man as Joseph Smith, Katherine Kuhlman, Mary Baker Eddy, or Benny Hinn. Christian ethics themselves are laudable; Christian beliefs are nothing more than the schizophrenic ramblings of socially irresponsible people who are afraid of death.

Although as a professed Christian, myself, I disagree with your view on mysticism and Jesus' role, this has to be one of the most intelligent responses I've seen in a long time. Please take note of my signature. I applaud you, monkey boy.
The KJV Holy Bible had alots to say about the subject of homosexuality in both The Old and The New Testament and liberal pastors, liberal ministers are ignoring the truth and not telling you what God really had to say. They want to hold the " Feel Good " type of church services and not proclaim God's Hard Hitting Truth. Repent or ye will perish is what Jesus Christ said and look what is happening today !!!!! God in the Old Testament said the same thing God warned people to turn away from immoral sexual practices and idolatry and what happened ????? God sent His Son Jesus Christ to speak the Hard Hitting Truth and die for the whole world so that many will live and obey God's instructions to accept Jesus Christ into your hearts and turn away from sin, repent then Heavenly Father Abba will hear your prayers all the way from Heaven and respond to your prayers and you will shout praises and joy because you are living in obedience to God, The Lord Jesus Christ and The Spirit of God is really in you.
Damn, This Thread Is Getting Bunch And Bunch Of Homophobia, Heath Need To Be Permanently Banned From This Forum And Heath Is Doing Wrong Thing To Do. Bible, Bible, Bible, Bible And Bible Is Obiviously Nothing, I Am Getting Tired And Tired Of Heath And He Is So Sick. Now, I'm Getting Out Of Thread And Wait For Admin/mod To Get Him Out Of The Closet, That Violate Our Rights And Personal.
I fully agree that Heath should be banned if he does not discontinue his expressions of bigotry. But please—the big font does nothing to embellish or validate your viewpoint. We would get the message just as clearly with 12-point non-bolded… :lol:
TrippLA said:
Now, I'm Getting Out Of Thread And Wait For Admin/mod To Get Him Out Of The Closet

Now THAT would be hilarious... :lol: (Reread your own sentence a little more closely).
Levonian said:
Now THAT would be hilarious... :lol: (Reread your own sentence a little more closely).

The humor in your statement is that this forum is referred to as "the closet," and a popular figure of speech for someone who has not yet professed themself openly as gay is said to "not come out of the closet." Therefore your statement could be mistrued to mean that Heath is stuck in the proverbial closet, and will not come out, meaning Heath is gay but has not told anyone.
guido said:
The humor in your statement is that this forum is referred to as "the closet," and a popular figure of speech for someone who has not yet professed themself openly as gay is said to "not come out of the closet." Therefore your statement could be mistrued to mean that Heath is stuck in the proverbial closet, and will not come out, meaning Heath is gay but has not told anyone.

I means that admin/mod will get him out from "The Closet" forum.
TrippLA said:

guido said:
The humor in your statement is that this forum is referred to as "the closet," and a popular figure of speech for someone who has not yet professed themself openly as gay is said to "not come out of the closet." Therefore your statement could be mistrued to mean that Heath is stuck in the proverbial closet, and will not come out, meaning Heath is gay but has not told anyone.

What he said. :lol:
After Heath get permanently banned then we will have huge party and kick bible thumper out from this forum.