Homeowner killed the fleeing female burglar

Is it allowed to say that (offensive)? I recently got a warning from Calvin saying that if I say things like that (inappropriate language) one more time, I will be banned. Did you ever get a warning like I did? If so, be careful and we have to watch our mouth. :lol:


Take another wild guess.
Just shows you dont read anything.... post #91
Way before you were born.
My apology... I didn't read your reply to DHB. It doesn't make sense since when an alarm triggers, a burglar runs away because the alarm gets people's attention. You need to be more specific like how they broke in and how they left. For example, they could have broken in through your window that was not secured by the alarm system, they left with your stuffs through your front or back door that triggered the alarm. Or were they still inside while the alarm was triggered?
Which choice (Firearms or alarm) would be best for this location (Address shown below), when few armed crooks broke in that house with homeowner present at 3 am?

1981-2043 Switzer Hill Rd
Beaver Dams, NY 14812



Use google satellite map and tell me which is best choice... Firearm or an alarm for that house?

My apology... I didn't read your reply to DHB. It doesn't make sense since when an alarm triggers, a burglar runs away because the alarm gets people's attention. You need to be more specific like how they broke in and how they left. For example, they could have broken in through your window that was not secured by the alarm system, they left with your stuffs through your front or back door that triggered the alarm. Or were they still inside while the alarm was triggered?
Yet you recommend it to other people?
Why not? I saw the sign like this in my neighborhood.

As for me, I am not a homeowner so I am not gonna pay for the system to be installed permanently which I can't take with me when I move out per rent policy. However, I think I make a good recommendation for homeowners who want their homes secured.
Perfect example of advertisement of sentimental value within that specific property.. a tempting opportunity for will be thieves. What that means is that it is really telling burglar that they have something so valuable worthing trying to break in.

Why not? I saw the sign like this in my neighborhood.

As for me, I am not a homeowner so I am not gonna pay for the system to be installed permanently which I can't take with me when I move out per rent policy. However, I think I make a good recommendation for homeowners who want their homes secured.
Which choice (Firearms or alarm) would be best for this location (Address shown below), when few armed crooks broke in that house with homeowner present at 3 am?

1981-2043 Switzer Hill Rd
Beaver Dams, NY 14812



Use google satellite map and tell me which is best choice... Firearm or an alarm for that house?
Alarm works 24/7. Gun no...you are deaf so how can you hear them breaking in? Bang bang your head while you are sleeping. DUH!
My apology... I didn't read your reply to DHB. It doesn't make sense since when an alarm triggers, a burglar runs away because the alarm gets people's attention. You need to be more specific like how they broke in and how they left. For example, they could have broken in through your window that was not secured by the alarm system, they left with your stuffs through your front or back door that triggered the alarm. Or were they still inside while the alarm was triggered?

well, I thought for sure you knew all this info... it just shows more and more your inept of the product you are preaching.

Have you heard of "delayed siren" No?
well let me explain that a bit to you, are you tucked in?
Ok. When the little punks broke into a basement window behind my childs toys it triggered the alarm system, which is immediately relayed to the clowns working at ADT. They try to contact the homeowner via home phone ( now Ive been at work over 4 hours already ) so my home phone is ringing... but the alarm siren is on delay for 2 minutes.
Now while these clowns at ADT can not get a hold of me at HOME, they then procede to call the little po-po's at Quick trip eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. now at this time, the alarm probly started sounding at my house, while the punks already have most of my stuff. Startled they grab and scat like roaches in the beam of a flashlight, back out the basement window. Now, the po-po were probly having a sugar fit, decided its possible a false alarm and continue with their diabetic sugar feast while these happy go lucky punks run down the alley with a few hundred dollars worth of free products, cash and other things I possibly forgot about.
Then my neighbor calls me to say come turn this thing off, she worked nights, slept during the days. I get there and see all this and call the po-po myself, they said they got the call and they will be there shortly, this is around 11-12ish...now im pacing, not touching anything, surveying the damage and missing items, while the po-po decides to take a nap after overloading on sugar for the afternoon. 8pm rolls around, dark, im tired and stressed. they come in, take notes and leave, then 10pm the crime lab finally shows up and fingerprints everything...finally done at 12am in the morning... Now, Im cleaning house, up all night, then repairing a busted window the next day instead of going to work and finally take a nap.
are you asleep yet?
Now, I call around, and get an estimate to have all the old basement windows replaced with glass blocks, secured of any future entries, new steel rear door and security storm door.
never and issue after, also I had ADT to remove their POS system and refund me 100% from install and previous months because it failed to do anything useful.
And i lived happily ever after.
The end.
Alarm works 24/7. Gun no...you are deaf so how can you hear them breaking in? Bang bang your head while you are sleeping. DUH!

you cant feel vibrations? the slightest noise/bump/walking on the floor wakes me and I cant hear it.
you cant feel vibrations? the slightest noise/bump/walking on the floor wakes me and I cant hear it.
Feel the vibration when an intruder tiptoes into my bedroom? :lol: You think they make noises like that while you are sleeping. They don't know that you are deaf, even though they try to keep it quiet. Anyway, they can take your things on the first floor while you are sleeping on the second floor. When you wake up and notice that things are missing, you cry and think "damn I had a gun under my pillow so what's the use? I better get ADT back!".
:giggle:...It's so easy for people to swipe Home Security Signs and stick them into their yards!...If it helps, then good!...If not...then a gun will do the trick. Years ago, I caught someone trying to enter my bedroom window and I had a shotgun at the time...I rolled onto the floor, grabbed the shotgun, pointed it and the would-be burglar took off running into the woods. I cut all the lights on in the house, along with the security lights outside...took my shotgun out there, looking for the SOB....If I would have seen him, I'd filled his azz with shot gun shells....Never had a problem since.
well, I thought for sure you knew all this info... it just shows more and more your inept of the product you are preaching.

Have you heard of "delayed siren" No?
well let me explain that a bit to you, are you tucked in?
Ok. When the little punks broke into a basement window behind my childs toys it triggered the alarm system, which is immediately relayed to the clowns working at ADT. They try to contact the homeowner via home phone ( now Ive been at work over 4 hours already ) so my home phone is ringing... but the alarm siren is on delay for 2 minutes.
Now while these clowns at ADT can not get a hold of me at HOME, they then procede to call the little po-po's at Quick trip eating doughnuts and drinking coffee. now at this time, the alarm probly started sounding at my house, while the punks already have most of my stuff. Startled they grab and scat like roaches in the beam of a flashlight, back out the basement window. Now, the po-po were probly having a sugar fit, decided its possible a false alarm and continue with their diabetic sugar feast while these happy go lucky punks run down the alley with a few hundred dollars worth of free products, cash and other things I possibly forgot about.
Then my neighbor calls me to say come turn this thing off, she worked nights, slept during the days. I get there and see all this and call the po-po myself, they said they got the call and they will be there shortly, this is around 11-12ish...now im pacing, not touching anything, surveying the damage and missing items, while the po-po decides to take a nap after overloading on sugar for the afternoon. 8pm rolls around, dark, im tired and stressed. they come in, take notes and leave, then 10pm the crime lab finally shows up and fingerprints everything...finally done at 12am in the morning... Now, Im cleaning house, up all night, then repairing a busted window the next day instead of going to work and finally take a nap.
are you asleep yet?
Now, I call around, and get an estimate to have all the old basement windows replaced with glass blocks, secured of any future entries, new steel rear door and security storm door.
never and issue after, also I had ADT to remove their POS system and refund me 100% from install and previous months because it failed to do anything useful.
And i lived happily ever after.
The end.
I like a happy ending. BUT I feel sorry what happened before your happy ending. It was in 1997 so that's the old system you had. I saw the TV commercial by ADT, wow it's getting better due to internet. Before that, they couldn't contact you by texting. Now they can. Smartphones have everything you want. You can even close your garage door via internet if you forgot to close it when you left. In other words, when someone breaks in your house, your smartphone will alert you immediately.

Right here in this city where I live, cops respond right away 24/7. Where you live sucks.
Feel the vibration when an intruder tiptoes into my bedroom? :lol: You think they make noises like that while you are sleeping. They don't know that you are deaf, even though they try to keep it quiet. Anyway, they can take your things on the first floor while you are sleeping on the second floor. When you wake up and notice that things are missing, you cry and think "damn I had a gun under my pillow so what's the use? I better get ADT back!".

You just dont get it, worthless even commenting back.
Im sure others here have that 7th sense.
I like a happy ending. BUT I feel sorry what happened before your happy ending. It was in 1997 so that's the old system you had. I saw the TV commercial by ADT, wow it's getting better due to internet. Before that, they couldn't contact you by texting. Now they can. Smartphones have everything you want. You can even close your garage door via internet if you forgot to close it when you left. In other words, when someone breaks in your house, your smartphone will alert you immediately.

Right here in this city where I live, cops respond right away 24/7. Where you live sucks.

Yeah, I like the features but lost my faith in them.
Yeah, I like the features but lost my faith in them.
That's your choice. Homeowner's insurance will cover stolen items anyway. If your computer/laptop is stolen, uh-oh, your personal info, etc is there and it can be hacked.
That's your choice. Homeowner's insurance will cover stolen items anyway. If your computer/laptop is stolen, uh-oh, your personal info, etc is there and it can be hacked.

I dont keep any personal info on the computer and I save all pictures/files to a flashdrive regularly.
I also wipe the drive and defrag often to keep it running fast. Only thing they will find if anything are websites/forums I use.
Aren't you that dumb? Have you heard of dogs? Man's best friend!

Wow, your being so unrealistic. Go ahead kiss ADT's ass for all we care.

Alarm works 24/7. Gun no...you are deaf so how can you hear them breaking in? Bang bang your head while you are sleeping. DUH!