Girl accidentally kills firing range instructor

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The reason I said I was done in this thread is due to excessive absurdity. I was waiting for Diehardbiker to reply.

One of the biggest defending points for anti-gun control is self defense. The other is to be able to form a militia but that's an entirely other discussion that we haven't even touched here in this thread.

Many of the gun supporters go on this thing called self defense. And when you, diehardbiker, made the claim that there was much worse weapons in the house compared to a gun I wanted to see what could be used in place for self defense.

Yes, I already know the fact anything is capable of killing. Even a sheet of paper.

The real question behind my question was
"Would you take ________ over a gun in a self defense situation?"

While some items are creative and comical, yet not practical here's the 25 item list provided by you guys in this thread:
1) any knife in the kitchen
2) frying pan
3) a box cutter
4) hammer
5) screw driver
6) wrench
7) fire poker
8) candle stick
9) brick
10) rock
11) car
12) baseball bat
13) one cat scratch Would love to see this in a self defense situation
14) single punch to the jaw Would love to see this in a self defense situation
15) Drill
16) Sawzall
17) Lawnmower Who keeps a lawnmower in their bedroom? :confused:
18) Miter Saw
19) Propane Torch
20) 12v battery Would love to see this in a self defense situation
21) WD40 and a lighter
22) Red Oak Firewood Not White Oak? Hickory? Walnut? Aspen?
23) Candlestick
24) Lead Pipe
25) wood chipper Would love to see how this is used in a self defense situation. Note: Self defense does not mean AFTER person is restricted and you've defended yourself.

It's my feeling that most of you guys in this thread would reach over to the nightstand with a gun in it opposed to the nightstand with the collection of aforementioned 25 items. This is because a gun is much more lethal than these things.

It's when Diehardbiker said that there are far worse items in the house I just had to ask what. As far as I know the odds of getting the exact science of making that one perfect cat scratch to the artery in a chaotic situation is next to nil. Oh, and ingiting one's home when trying to chase out a robber sounds like an excellent defense mechanism.

Now you see the absurdity of it all?
You exactly dont see it, and think its absurdity at best, yet missed the point.

It is not possible to ban gun and eliminate them, that is why those pro guns like myself knew it is not going to work. We banned booze, you know what happened afterwards. We still ban dope, dope STILL out there available if one wants them, so tell me how ban firearms is going to work?

If u wish have some weapon to protect, you could make your own firearms. I made one for myself and it works. It all take is a brain and use it, one will figure out no matter what.
One of simpliest way to make gun is, a black pipe, a cap, center can be drilled and striker can be made, a ammo, and cute small hammer.. bam! U got gun. Dont u realize gun was invented long before the machinery was invented?

The reason I said I was done in this thread is due to excessive absurdity. I was waiting for Diehardbiker to reply.

One of the biggest defending points for anti-gun control is self defense. The other is to be able to form a militia but that's an entirely other discussion that we haven't even touched here in this thread.

Many of the gun supporters go on this thing called self defense. And when you, diehardbiker, made the claim that there was much worse weapons in the house compared to a gun I wanted to see what could be used in place for self defense.

Yes, I already know the fact anything is capable of killing. Even a sheet of paper.

The real question behind my question was
"Would you take ________ over a gun in a self defense situation?"

While some items are creative and comical, yet not practical here's the 25 item list provided by you guys in this thread:
1) any knife in the kitchen
2) frying pan
3) a box cutter
4) hammer
5) screw driver
6) wrench
7) fire poker
8) candle stick
9) brick
10) rock
11) car
12) baseball bat
13) one cat scratch Would love to see this in a self defense situation
14) single punch to the jaw Would love to see this in a self defense situation
15) Drill
16) Sawzall
17) Lawnmower Who keeps a lawnmower in their bedroom? :confused:
18) Miter Saw
19) Propane Torch
20) 12v battery Would love to see this in a self defense situation
21) WD40 and a lighter
22) Red Oak Firewood Not White Oak? Hickory? Walnut? Aspen?
23) Candlestick
24) Lead Pipe
25) wood chipper Would love to see how this is used in a self defense situation. Note: Self defense does not mean AFTER person is restricted and you've defended yourself.

It's my feeling that most of you guys in this thread would reach over to the nightstand with a gun in it opposed to the nightstand with the collection of aforementioned 25 items. This is because a gun is much more lethal than these things.

It's when Diehardbiker said that there are far worse items in the house I just had to ask what. As far as I know the odds of getting the exact science of making that one perfect cat scratch to the artery in a chaotic situation is next to nil. Oh, and ingiting one's home when trying to chase out a robber sounds like an excellent defense mechanism.

Now you see the absurdity of it all?
Now to add to the discussion.

My grandma was robbed once while she was in her bed.

What happened was that my grandfather passed away from cancer. This was shortly after he died. They broke into the house. My grandma woke up from hearing them breaking into the house. She stayed in the bed in the dark waiting for them. She saw them entering her room. They went through her drawers and stuff and left. She said nothing and did nothing throughout the ordeal. The house was a mess afterwards.

They were looking for Rx pills that he had for cancer.

Now using this as an example. Robbers do not want to do anything with you, and most likely not anything with your valuable possessions either. And by valuable possessions I mean things that are not replaceable. Who wants to rob someone's family albums?

Maybe a mint 1956 Corvette though. That I'd shoot over. :lol:
Just about the only or obvious absurdity I see here is your presentation of a night-stand. :lol:
You exactly dont see it, and think its absurdity at best, yet missed the point.

It is not possible to ban gun and eliminate them.

If u wish have some weapon to protect, you could make your own firearms. I made one for myself and it works. It all take is a brain and use it, one will figure out no matter what.
One of simpliest way to make gun is, a black pipe, a cap, center can be drilled and striker can be made, a ammo, and cute small hammer.. bam! U got gun. Dont u realize gun was invented long before the machinery was invented?

Yeah, I know the chinese invented blackpowder and all.

If there were no guns, I would engage in fist to fist combat with all the bandits that comes into my place without thinking of it. No problems there, yo. We're on equal footing. Even could even practice the art of using a cat scratching the bandit up. Ya see?
What if a bandit wants take your kids, arent u doing nothing just because your lifes too valuable? Or what if bandit saw u and had the intention to kill you so u wont point back at them?

Here is fact, if anyone decides to touch my boys, rest assure, their balls wi be shot off, or I will tie their balls to my powerstroke so his balls can stroke way off to the point he cant fawk anymore.

Not all breaks involves killing but still it happens. Best defense we can have is forget the idea of banning guns, and advocate good citizens having concealed firearms, its cheapest and fastest way to expand police service.The idea of 2nd Amendment is allowing Americans protecting each other and keep peace in force. What that really means is that we r sending message to criminals, if they wish to engage any criminal activities by hurting others, expect with deadly force.
Why should we give crooks a break?

Now to add to the discussion.

My grandma was robbed once while she was in her bed.

What happened was that my grandfather passed away from cancer. This was shortly after he died. They broke into the house. My grandma woke up from hearing them breaking into the house. She stayed in the bed in the dark waiting for them. She saw them entering her room. They went through her drawers and stuff and left. She said nothing and did nothing throughout the ordeal. The house was a mess afterwards.

They were looking for Rx pills that he had for cancer.

Now using this as an example. Robbers do not want to do anything with you, and most likely not anything with your valuable possessions either. And by valuable possessions I mean things that are not replaceable. Who wants to rob someone's family albums?

Maybe a mint 1956 Corvette though. That I'd shoot over. :lol:
Diehardbiker will do the above to a perp; yet can barely type on his keyboard......interesting.
Oh, "mother nature" have nothing to do with women. Thats my belief, your fate is decided by mother nature, in other word, it means you can get killed or not and not aware of it. It got nothing to do with guns.

I was half joking around that is all . HUH ??? My joke went way over your head .
What if a bandit wants take your kids, arent u doing nothing just because your lifes too valuable? Or what if bandit saw u and had the intention to kill you so u wont point back at them?

Here is fact, if anyone decides to touch my boys, rest assure, their balls wi be shot off, or I will tie their balls to my powerstroke so his balls can stroke way off to the point he cant fawk anymore.

Not all breaks involves killing but still it happens. Best defense we can have is forget the idea of banning guns, and advocate good citizens having concealed firearms, its cheapest and fastest way to expand police service.The idea of 2nd Amendment is allowing Americans protecting each other and keep peace in force. What that really means is that we r sending message to criminals, if they wish to engage any criminal activities by hurting others, expect with deadly force.
Why should we give crooks a break?

You should be more scared of people you know. They are the ones that will not have a weapon.
Diehardbiker will do the above to a perp; yet can barely type on his keyboard......interesting.

Interesting? When it comes to being pissed off one would do anything.
Yes i have serious injury. My spine bone was broke, causing my left arm and hand with numb making typing difficult.
You have no idea of my injury, I learn not to assume others because I have no idea of what battle others are into.
Now to add to the discussion.

My grandma was robbed once while she was in her bed.

What happened was that my grandfather passed away from cancer. This was shortly after he died. They broke into the house. My grandma woke up from hearing them breaking into the house. She stayed in the bed in the dark waiting for them. She saw them entering her room. They went through her drawers and stuff and left. She said nothing and did nothing throughout the ordeal. The house was a mess afterwards.

They were looking for Rx pills that he had for cancer.

Now using this as an example. Robbers do not want to do anything with you, and most likely not anything with your valuable possessions either. And by valuable possessions I mean things that are not replaceable. Who wants to rob someone's family albums?

Maybe a mint 1956 Corvette though. That I'd shoot over. :lol:

LOL! You have to be joking ! I was told by a California cop if a person is bold enough to break into a house when people are home they are bold enough TO KILL YOU! Your little grandma was lucky that time , don't think for one moment that would work again. How old are you three ???
LOL! You have to be joking ! I was told by a California cop if a person is bold enough to break into a house when people are home they are bold enough TO KILL YOU! Your little grandma was lucky that time , don't think for one moment that would work again. How old are you three ???

I agreed, she will be in deep shyt if robber took her meds in some states, they wont give her another refill on narcotics until next refill date. Its new law in effect in some states including my home state. U lose narcotic painkiller, ur SOL... period. Intended to get out of control narcotic pain killer back in control.
How I know? I deal with it and I hate it.
Now to add to the discussion.

My grandma was robbed once while she was in her bed.

What happened was that my grandfather passed away from cancer. This was shortly after he died. They broke into the house. My grandma woke up from hearing them breaking into the house. She stayed in the bed in the dark waiting for them. She saw them entering her room. They went through her drawers and stuff and left. She said nothing and did nothing throughout the ordeal. The house was a mess afterwards.

They were looking for Rx pills that he had for cancer.

Now using this as an example. Robbers do not want to do anything with you, and most likely not anything with your valuable possessions either. And by valuable possessions I mean things that are not replaceable. Who wants to rob someone's family albums?

Maybe a mint 1956 Corvette though. That I'd shoot over. :lol:

You're an idiot ! One of my most valuable possessions is a Stair of David my mom gave to , she is no longer alive . I would be very upset if that was stolen . People have jewelry that are heirloom and they're very valuable possessions to them that want to pass down in their family . Robbers and drug users loves to steal anything that can be turned into cash . People cars get broken into all the time for anything that can be carried off easily .
LOL! You have to be joking ! I was told by a California cop if a person is bold enough to break into a house when people are home they are bold enough TO KILL YOU! Your little grandma was lucky that time , don't think for one moment that would work again. How old are you three ???

I know I said I wouldn't reply to you. But this is getting out of hand.

A robber is brazen enough to kill someone, yes. But almost none of them wake up saying "I need to make ends meet. And hey! I'll throw in a murder."

They kill to silence. Since the robbers thought my grandma didn't notice them, they left her alone.
You're an idiot ! One of my most valuable possessions is a Stair of David my mom gave to , she is no longer alive . I would be very upset if that was stolen . People have jewelry that are heirloom and they're very valuable possessions to them that want to pass down in their family . Robbers and drug users loves to steal anything that can be turned into cash . People cars get broken into all the time for anything that can be carried off easily .

Your Star of David = my 1956 Corvette. Please read.
I agreed, she will be in deep shyt if robber took her meds in some states, they wont give her another refill on narcotics until next refill date. Its new law in effect in some states including my home state. U lose narcotic painkiller, ur SOL... period. Intended to get out of control narcotic pain killer back in control.
How I know? I deal with it and I hate it.

Apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit either. Please go back and re-read what I said.
Would you rather be killed instantly, or fed feet first into a wood chipper?

Which would be worse?

I would pick option C - neither. But if a home intruder wishes to do me or my family harm, I would defend myself by any means available to me.

Unfortunately, more homeowners or family members are killed with their own guns than home intruders. If you want protection, forget the guns and get a big dog! However, if you still want something for protection, forget the guns and get a pump shotgun. All the former cops I know use a shotgun for home defense.
Perhaps the best home defense weapon is a can of hornet and wasp killer: it is a neural toxin, shoots up to 20 feet and if the person entering your house is hit in the eyes with it, they are blinded until they get to the hospital and receive the antidote. In the meantime, after you have blinded him, you can go to town on him/her with the list of more lethal weapons.
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