Deaf Awareness

My guess is that you were attacked by a bear within the past week or so, but then you were saved when a butterfly distracted it. Was I right? ;)

Interesting. What if your response is always "Oh, that looks like the face of that one comic book character!" or "Um, it looks like (symmetrical?) splotch-y abstract art?"

That would be an indication that the individual is attempting to manipulate results or that they are developmentally delayed.

Like splotch-y abstract art? Also, does a trained professional need to know whether the person they're analysing has been told what the "normal" response is or not? Seems like it'd be a bit too easy to "fake" a response unconsciously after having previously heard what the "normal" response was.

That is just it. This is a projective test. Results are individual. There are guidelines, but each test is interpreted on an individual basis. Very difficult to "fake" responses.
That would be an indication that the individual is attempting to manipulate results or that they are developmentally delayed.

That is just it. This is a projective test. Results are individual. There are guidelines, but each test is interpreted on an individual basis. Very difficult to "fake" responses.

Hm, well, manipulating results does sound like an accurate description of how I tend to act, so I guess that'd be helpful after all.

And I guess I wasn't especially talking about people intentionally faking a result (though the thought is on my mind because of the book series I'm reading, which I can't tell if you'd like or hate, with the undertones of "psychiatrists are evil sadists" that seems to be vaguely seeping through), more about someone unconsciously adapting future responses in regards to the knowledge they've now gained.
If the results of Rorschach projective test is SPECIFIC TO PERSON TAKING- on what basis can ANY result be predictive from the prior "key" to arrive at "diagnosis"? Probably an ongoing discussion on its validity.

I acknowledge haven't taken nor desire to take a Rorschach test.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Hm, well, manipulating results does sound like an accurate description of how I tend to act, so I guess that'd be helpful after all.

And I guess I wasn't especially talking about people intentionally faking a result (though the thought is on my mind because of the book series I'm reading, which I can't tell if you'd like or hate, with the undertones of "psychiatrists are evil sadists" that seems to be vaguely seeping through), more about someone unconsciously adapting future responses in regards to the knowledge they've now gained.

Just keep thinking that it is possible to manipulate results to show what you want them to show. Psychological tests have built in safe guards to easily detect manipulation.
If the results of Rorschach projective test is SPECIFIC TO PERSON TAKING- on what basis can ANY result be predictive from the prior "key" to arrive at "diagnosis"? Probably an ongoing discussion on its validity.

I acknowledge haven't taken nor desire to take a Rorschach test.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Who said they are predictive? Validity and reliability have already been determined.
If the "tests" aren't "predictive" why take them? Further what of value to the PATIENT?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I've wondered why there's been such a consistent barrage of attacks and swipes taken at DrPhil's every post and every statement, even the most innocuous.

I've now heard about this lovely campaign to attack and wear him down until he leaves AD. I've seen it in action before, and I think it's petty, cruel, and harmful to all who are deaf and to AllDeaf.

Anyone participating knowingly or who does so randomly out of some weird bloodlust for gang banging a non-conformist individual is just contributing to all the ugliness that you claim to have fought against throughout your lives. It will come back to haunt you. Especially in DrPhil's case :), I know I sure wouldn't want to see some fanged and cloaked creature scratching at my window in the middle of the night.

It's just not necessary to create cruel and demeaning threads and posts to revile any individual, much less a deaf individual reaching out to and interacting with this community.
I've wondered why there's been such a consistent barrage of attacks and swipes taken at DrPhil's every post and every statement, even the most innocuous.

I've now heard about this lovely campaign to attack and wear him down until he leaves AD. I've seen it in action before, and I think it's petty, cruel, and harmful to all who are deaf and to AllDeaf.

Anyone participating knowingly or who does so randomly out of some weird bloodlust for gang banging a non-conformist individual is just contributing to all the ugliness that you claim to have fought against throughout your lives. It will come back to haunt you. Especially in DrPhil's case :), I know I sure wouldn't want to see some fanged and cloaked creature scratching at my window in the middle of the night.

It's just not necessary to create cruel and demeaning threads and posts to revile any individual, much less a deaf individual reaching out to and interacting with this community.

Hear, hear! A sad testament to the "welcoming committee."
I've wondered why there's been such a consistent barrage of attacks and swipes taken at DrPhil's every post and every statement, even the most innocuous.

I've now heard about this lovely campaign to attack and wear him down until he leaves AD. I've seen it in action before, and I think it's petty, cruel, and harmful to all who are deaf and to AllDeaf.

Anyone participating knowingly or who does so randomly out of some weird bloodlust for gang banging a non-conformist individual is just contributing to all the ugliness that you claim to have fought against throughout your lives. It will come back to haunt you. Especially in DrPhil's case :), I know I sure wouldn't want to see some fanged and cloaked creature scratching at my window in the middle of the night.

It's just not necessary to create cruel and demeaning threads and posts to revile any individual, much less a deaf individual reaching out to and interacting with this community.

Have you conveniently forgotten that he taunted Travis (smithr) with jabs about a soda truck outside his home (when Travis was complaining about his pop addiction), telling him to swim for 6 hours a day to tire him out (when Travis was complaining of insomnia and caffiene buzzes), and so on? It got to a point that Travis had to report all of that.

Frankly, I find it interesting that drPhil makes no attempt to understand our posts. How is he reaching out to us when he compares us to VampireFreaks and the like? I've tried with effort to explain things to him more clearly and I (among just about everybody else here, apprently) see the responses we get.

Sorry, not all of us are perfect like you.
Have you conveniently forgotten that he taunted Travis (smithr) with jabs about a soda truck outside his home (when Travis was complaining about his pop addiction), telling him to swim for 6 hours a day to tire him out (when Travis was complaining of insomnia and caffiene buzzes), and so on? It got to a point that Travis had to report all of that.

Frankly, I find it interesting that drPhil makes no attempt to understand our posts. How is he reaching out to us when he compares us to VampireFreaks and the like? I've tried with effort to explain things to him more clearly and I (among just about everybody else here, apprently) see the responses we get.

Sorry, not all of us are perfect like you.

I'm not claiming to be perfect. I didn't see that post, but did anyone speak up on Travis' behalf and tell DrPhil to knock off the exercise advice if they didn't like it?
I'm not claiming to be perfect. I didn't see that post, but did anyone speak up on Travis' behalf and tell DrPhil to knock off the exercise advice if they didn't like it?

And, actually, he had been ragging on him for WEEKS. It wasn't just one post by any means. I finally told DrPhil to shut up.
But, you can't admonish us for supposed "cruel behavior" against Dr.Phil without including his own behavior. And you failed to do that. I take offense at this line of discussion here.
But, you can't admonish us for supposed "cruel behavior" against Dr.Phil without including his own behavior. And you failed to do that. I take offense at this line of discussion here.

Yes. Yes I can. Did you assess all of Travis' online behavior before standing up against nonsense directed at him to make sure he was "worthy" of your support? If someone is being mugged on the street -- before taking a stand, do you first make certain he hasn't done something bad in the past, for which this is karma biting him back? Do you decide if you like the guy before objecting to bad behavior?

(edit: I looked to see how terrible DP had been and found a couple of posts suggesting that 3 hours of swimming a day would help with insomnia, not exactly a long string of ridicule and bullying. Not really a contrast with your own repeated shushing of Travis).
I'm not going to derail this thread with this, sorry. More than happy to talk to you about this elsewhere.

Let's get back to Deaf Awareness, which is the topic of this thread.

Edit* (Putting this in because I don't want to start another post that keeps derailing this.) I see your Edit as well. Some threads were closed and removed. This ridicule of Travis about the soda truck and swimming went on far more than you realize. Grendel. If you weren't keeping up with those posts/threads, then I guess you don't know. It WAS a string of ridicule. And, I never claimed to be innocent -- I did tell Travis from time to time to be quiet (and "I am tired of one poster's constant posts about his pop addiction" is a far cry from ridiculing him.) I didn't bully him with a soda truck or swimming 6 hours a day. Unreal.
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AlleyCat: I have NEVER compared to VampireFreaks.Com. I believe there is a substantial difference in discussing deafness/hearing Impaired/Deafness/Blind /deafness/Cochlear Implants to Goths/Zombies et al

Implanted Sunnybrook-Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Did you assess all of Travis' online behavior before standing up against nonsense directed at him to make sure he was "worthy" of your support?

Why this accusation? It's just plain rude. :shock:
Why this accusation? It's just plain rude. :shock:

Yes, it is. It's what AlleyCat was asking me to do with DrPhil. Same with checking to see if someone being mugged is worthy of being stood up for. I think that's awful and unreasonable.
Yes, it is. It's what AlleyCat was asking me to do with DrPhil. Same with checking to see if someone being mugged is worthy of being stood up for. I think that's awful and unreasonable.

No. You have taken it upon yourself to bash us for whatever we have been saying to drPhil. Yet, for some reason, you have not taken it upon yourself to bash drPhil for doing bashing of his own. Enough of these silly games to distract from this thread.