Deaf Awareness

I've wondered why there's been such a consistent barrage of attacks and swipes taken at DrPhil's every post and every statement, even the most innocuous.

I've now heard about this lovely campaign to attack and wear him down until he leaves AD. I've seen it in action before, and I think it's petty, cruel, and harmful to all who are deaf and to AllDeaf.

Anyone participating knowingly or who does so randomly out of some weird bloodlust for gang banging a non-conformist individual is just contributing to all the ugliness that you claim to have fought against throughout your lives. It will come back to haunt you. Especially in DrPhil's case :), I know I sure wouldn't want to see some fanged and cloaked creature scratching at my window in the middle of the night.

It's just not necessary to create cruel and demeaning threads and posts to revile any individual, much less a deaf individual reaching out to and interacting with this community.

Wow, there's a secret society here on AD? I never heard such thing. :confused:

Not sure whether I should be impressed or feel left out though.
No. You have taken it upon yourself to bash us for whatever we have been saying to drPhil. Yet, for some reason, you have not taken it upon yourself to bash drPhil for doing bashing of his own. Enough of these silly games to distract from this thread.

I took the time to look for this episode to be fair. Apparently you say these threads are gone -- I can't possibly take a stand when the thread is removed and I can't see it. What would you like me to do, bash DrPhil for ... what?
I took the time to look for this episode to be fair. Apparently you say these threads are gone -- I can't possibly take a stand when the thread is removed and I can't see it. What would you like me to do, bash DrPhil for ... what?

Alley - This is the same tactic they all do... Don't fall for it.

It's just to waste our times and to control us.
Yes. Yes I can. Did you assess all of Travis' online behavior before standing up against nonsense directed at him to make sure he was "worthy" of your support? If someone is being mugged on the street -- before taking a stand, do you first make certain he hasn't done something bad in the past, for which this is karma biting him back? Do you decide if you like the guy before objecting to bad behavior?

(edit: I looked to see how terrible DP had been and found a couple of posts suggesting that 3 hours of swimming a day would help with insomnia, not exactly a long string of ridicule and bullying. Not really a contrast with your own repeated shushing of Travis).

Didn't you run up against this same line of response when you jumped in to defend FJ hook line and sinker without knowing any of her history with posters here? A wise woman figures out what situation she is jumping into prior to jumping.
I took the time to look for this episode to be fair. Apparently you say these threads are gone -- I can't possibly take a stand when the thread is removed and I can't see it. What would you like me to do, bash DrPhil for ... what?

Frankly, we could care less what you do with dr.phil. That is between you and he. However, assigning yourself his personal saviour is your cross to bear. Don't be surprised, when you attack others for their very reasonable responses, to be angry. As much as you would like to, it is not your job to tell anyone at AD what they can and cannot be offended by when another poster is involved.

Oh, right. You are "left out." Short term memory issue?

Just "tuned in"... All I can say is that is My friend GQ..your comment to PFH
seems a bit personal...and I can remember someone making fun of me for being friends with a Brain trama injury and Travis, well...I feel sad things have to be so personal at times...I know I am not
but I am profoundly deaf and still try HARD to be kund...Midnight♥♥♥
Just "tuned in"... All I can say is that is My friend GQ..your comment to PFH
seems a bit personal...and I can remember someone making fun of me for being friends with a Brain trama injury and Travis, well...I feel sad things have to be so personal at times...I know I am not
but I am profoundly deaf and still try HARD to be kund...Midnight♥♥♥

Hey, are we talking about Travis from Canada? Let me at whoever is picking on him!!!!!!
A few comments on some of the above: re "travis" SMITH TR> From my reading of "some of his comments" appeared to be highly incomplete- thus my comments re swimming surely are innocuous. Why his repeated advising various"aliments"- when the solution is completely within his own preview or his doctor.-unable to discern. Not a psychologist, yet.
As a test- stopped all further comment- his response- decrease commenting. Coincidental?

Amazing that Heather Marsden 's article "Deaf Militants" in Deaf Canada Today-page 5 Dec/98 seems to have been replicated here. I have read a few copies of this newspaper at CHS/Toronto

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I believe there is a substantial difference in discussing deafness/hearing Impaired/Deafness/Blind /deafness/Cochlear Implants to Goths/Zombies et al

Implanted Sunnybrook-Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

you would have to talk to the local DEAF(who have their own terp) skins and goths about that

They're in their 20s have visable skinhead tatts and cis
A few comments on some of the above: re "travis" SMITH TR> From my reading of "some of his comments" appeared to be highly incomplete- thus my comments re swimming surely are innocuous. Why his repeated advising various"aliments"- when the solution is completely within his own preview or his doctor.-unable to discern. Not a psychologist, yet.
As a test- stopped all further comment- his response- decrease commenting. Coincidental?

Amazing that Heather Marsden 's article "Deaf Militants" in Deaf Canada Today-page 5 Dec/98 seems to have been replicated here. I have read a few copies of this newspaper at CHS/Toronto

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Look, dr.phil: it really isn't your concern why Travis comments on some of his illnesses. If his posts bother you, ignore them. Despite the moniker you have chosen, you don't seem to have learned much from the real Dr. Phil about emapthy and compassion.

Travis is using the Deaf community for support. He needs it. He is doing a healthy thing by coming here and asking for support from those who are best in a position to understand what he is going through. And he shows compassion and empathy for others. That is something you have never done. The only compassion you have is your self directed pity for the fact that you are deaf.

Angry? Damn straight. Travis has a history here and some of us are veryl familiar with his history, and are capable of correcting his behaviors when need be in a compassionate and understanding way. You are not doing that. You are showing nothing but insensitivity and a sense of superiority that is no where near as deserved as you seem to think it is. You are an old blowhard who comes here for no other reason than to try to make yourself feel better about you by putting other people down. You are a sick man. Get some help. And that is offered in the spirit of compassion. It is the best advise anyone could give you. It is increasingly obvious that your total lack of social skills and inability to relate to others from any perspective other than the narrow minded one you hold puts you in danger. One of your "dance" partners is very likely to get fed up with your snottiness and beat the hell out of you. And that might actually be the best thing that could happen. It is obvious that more subtle messages pass right over your thick head.
Inmate 23 - my prior comments re discussion pertinent to VS My comments here were/are not relevant to V F. Personally, never actually met "goths/zombies from V F. Thus seemingly irrelevant to
Haven't met the "local deaf" to discuss whether they are goths/zombies either.I have commented before not fluent in ASL/BSL/LSQ et al-either. Haven't decided to hire/secure ASL interpreter to canvas whether the "local deaf" have Goths/Zombies as members. Better things to do!

Jillio: Is this apparently more "non sequitur".? No comment re "travis"interlude.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
As usual, :topic:

I wondered if that was off-topic.

I want to go find an interpreter so I can canvas my deaf community to verify whether we have goths/zombies as members (I already know the answer). I don't have better things to do right now. Off to deaf canvassing. May take 6 hours. Maybe 13 if I must stop off at my local library to look it up.
I wondered if that was off-topic.

I want to go find an interpreter so I can canvas my deaf community to verify whether we have goths/zombies as members (I already know the answer). I don't have better things to do right now. Off to deaf canvassing. May take 6 hours. Maybe 13 if I must stop off at my local library to look it up.

I wondered if that was off-topic.

I want to go find an interpreter so I can canvas my deaf community to verify whether we have goths/zombies as members (I already know the answer). I don't have better things to do right now. Off to deaf canvassing. May take 6 hours. Maybe 13 if I must stop off at my local library to look it up.

I hope later after my death to be a deaf zombie. I would beat just sitting around decomposing. :hmm:
My local library doesn't have books re Zombies/Goths/Skinheads potential infiltration the deaf community. Not much comment in the local Toronto newspapers either.
Is this happening in other deaf communities?
AlleyCat: Would canvassing deaf communities on actual members who are Zombies/Goths/Skinheads- be difficult?

Implanted AB Harmony activated Aug/07
I hope later after my death to be a deaf zombie. I would beat just sitting around decomposing. :hmm:

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