California approves gay marriage

Oakley_04 said:
dont forget this..... your a LESBIAN, so stop whining

No I am not a lesbian.
I just think it is stupid to kiss someone and hug and touchy touchy feeling...
are so dumb... I don't know why it is important to love.

Marriage is old tradition.
In the Bible, it said slaves...
but now in Christian modern days, we don't have slaves anymore.

Because of marriage, women needed men for financial reason, and having babies and all, they couldn't vote or work or own land back in those days.

Now we women are free and independent...

So I want 99% freedom from men, 1% I need men for to help me cut grass and build houses and roads and stuff. :giggle:
Well my Uncle, he is the sweetest man ever...
he never raped his wife or abused her or anything like that.
but his wife is a witch, she doesn't appreciate a good man such as
my Uncle.

He was a virgin when he married that woman, since age 18.
And he never been unfaithful.

Even my Granddad grieved, when his 2nd wife who put a gun on him, passed away, he was a forgiving person.

And my sister mistreated men and now she hate men
because they won't take out her garbage for her.

Look back in the past, are you sure men are terrible as they seem? and maybe you're the one are mean???
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't care about gay marriage or lesbians.
But I am upset about AIDS and gay men and even people who sleep around!!!!

What does this have to do with me coming out of the closet?

Guess what!!!?? That bill is rejected!! Whooooooooooooo!!!! I am very very happy about that!!!!
Crazymanw00t said:
Guess what!!!?? That bill is rejected!! Whooooooooooooo!!!! I am very very happy about that!!!!

You would be, and btw, there was no need to shout!
Crazymanw00t said:
Guess what!!!?? That bill is rejected!! Whooooooooooooo!!!! I am very very happy about that!!!!

Most ppl here are deaf, not blind... no need for the supersize font... would YOU like it if GLB people made laws that said that extreme Christians like YOU, couldn't get married? I respect your opinon, but you're obviously not aware that marriage isn't just about being offically santicioned by the state.....there are tons of rights that go along with being married....You don't like gay marriage? GOOD.....don't marry a man! It's sort of like just b/c abortion is available, you don't have to take advantage of it!
Crazyman. I'm kind of curious as to why your visiting this forum. Hmm? What motivated you to come on this specific forum?
cental34 said:
Crazyman. I'm kind of curious as to why your visiting this forum. Hmm? What motivated you to come on this specific forum?

California is my state therefore I want to know what is happening with my state. By the way I am gospeling to the gay people in this area because it is perfect to gospel to the gay people.
Crazymanw00t and Miss P*

LAID OFF!!! This is for GLB forum and if you don't like it, don't read or post any message!! You better stop hurt them. I am not gay but I have lots respect to them. They are not afraid of you and they will talk back to you!
Crazymanw00t said:
California is my state therefore I want to know what is happening with my state. By the way I am gospeling to the gay people in this area because it is perfect to gospel to the gay people.

Why dont you go Gospeling to the wall, and buzz off and show some damn respect.
bluegecko474 said:
LAID OFF!!! This is for GLB forum and if you don't like it, don't read or post any message!! You better stop hurt them. I am not gay but I have lots respect to them. They are not afraid of you and they will talk back to you!

Technically...I am proud Hete and I happened to read this thread from New Posts. I do not intend to open The Closet threads but I just refreshed the "New Post" button. ADs regardless to any gene or "freking up sex" have right to assertive. Too Bad....
bluegecko474 said:
LAID OFF!!! This is for GLB forum and if you don't like it, don't read or post any message!! You better stop hurt them. I am not gay but I have lots respect to them. They are not afraid of you and they will talk back to you!

Bluegecko is right, you need to show some respect. How would you feel if California banning christian and chruch??? im sure you will be upset and hurt, same with us GLB. please show some respect
Crazymanw00t said:
California is my state therefore I want to know what is happening with my state. By the way I am gospeling to the gay people in this area because it is perfect to gospel to the gay people.

That still doesn't explain why you decided to come screaming into this thread. We know the governor vetoed the measure. He did so, because, he said it conflicted with Prop. 22. If that proposition hadn't been on the books, I bet you any amount of money that the Governor would have approved the measure. Would you be whooping and hollering, then?

Probably not.
Oakley_04 said:
Bluegecko is right, you need to show some respect. How would you feel if California banning christian and chruch??? im sure you will be upset and hurt, same with us GLB. please show some respect

I don't believe we've heard the last of this in Calif. It's likely that there will be another measure put to the assembly, and I am willing to bet gay marriage or civil unions will get approval. It will just take time.