Audism Free America

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DeafCaroline said:
By what you are saying here - this means that the child 'goes it alone' in mainstream schools? Sounds very much my personal experience. I had no speech therapy other than private classes that my mother paid for. No oral program was provided for me or any other dhh child when I was in mainstream growing up. There was no accomodations except seating at the front of the class, which ostrichised me from my classmates all the more. I compensated by being the 'teacher's pet'.

Same here. but I was never the teacher's pet. I knew that would create more problems for me.

What happens when one is NOT the "teacher's pet" outside a school environment?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

That is, to me, a very redundant question.

Whether you are a teacher's pet in the school environment or not, you aren't one outside of the school environment, unless of course you and the teacher both live 24/7 together.
this means that the child 'goes it alone' in mainstream schools? Sounds very much my personal experience. I had no speech therapy other than private classes that my mother paid for. No oral program was provided for me or any other dhh child when I was in mainstream growing up.
Yes exactly. I think that type of mainstreaming was an outgrowth of Clarke School's "Mainstream after 8th grade/ ASAP philosophy."
Post #74 BecLak " compensated method"-unstated if outside of school hours.
Would such a method be "useful" outside of a school environment eg home?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Post #74 BecLak " compensated method"-unstated if outside of school hours.
Would such a method be "useful" outside of a school environment eg home?

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

If this is your idea of being funny - its twisted and sick.
No dhh kid is exactly the same, so whether oral learning is even a good idea will be totally up to their situation in life.

What isn't helpful, as far as I can tell, is forcing the issue and isolating one's child from the Deaf community and culture by considering oral/verbal communication so superior that you don't provide them with access to that culture and support.

AG Bell apparently used to tie the hands of deaf kids behind their backs to promote oral communication. What a dick.
BecLak: not my thoughts at all eg: utilizing being a "teacher's pet".- to deal with one's Hearing loss. "Teachers' pet" is NOT my idea at all.

The actuality of what I did after starting to have" increase" hearing loss was to take CHS "Hearing Help"classes -here in Toronto. I started in 1992- when I first read about them. I acknowledge not everyone can do this.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
BecLak: not my thoughts at all eg: utilizing being a "teacher's pet".- to deal with one's Hearing loss. "Teachers' pet" is NOT my idea at all.

The actuality of what I did after starting to have" increase" hearing loss was to take CHS "Hearing Help"classes -here in Toronto. I started in 1992- when I first read about them. I acknowledge not everyone can do this.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07

Do you try to keep being more offensive with every post, or does it just come naturally to you?:roll:
I watched one woman, her vlog about how she against AFA. So I made a hitler video to mock her and she complained that I were cyberbulling her and speech hate toward Aduism. Parody has do nothing with this expect mock.

can you post the videos in here? im curious! :)
No dhh kid is exactly the same, so whether oral learning is even a good idea will be totally up to their situation in life.

What isn't helpful, as far as I can tell, is forcing the issue and isolating one's child from the Deaf community and culture by considering oral/verbal communication so superior that you don't provide them with access to that culture and support.

AG Bell apparently used to tie the hands of deaf kids behind their backs to promote oral communication. What a dick.

That's true....I do think there are some kids who do not identify at ALL with ASL and Deaf culture. Nothing wrong with that. But it should be the choice of the KID, not the parents who want a healthy normal kid....and I mean parents and educators should realize that what's an appropreate placement for one grade, might not be a good placement for another grade....
That's true....I do think there are some kids who do not identify at ALL with ASL and Deaf culture. Nothing wrong with that. But it should be the choice of the KID, not the parents who want a healthy normal kid....and I mean parents and educators should realize that what's an appropreate placement for one grade, might not be a good placement for another grade....

Which is another great reason for deaf education and schooling as opposed to "mainstream", since the educators and parents can develop action plans on a case by case based on what is actually best for the child. The expertise and viewpoints of the staff will at the very least provide balance and more open discourse as opposed to the child being surrounded only by people who think one way about communication.