A Hearing Aid thread for Sweetmind

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SxyPorkie said:
In my opinion CI is like hearing aid implanted!!! perhaps more powerful than hearing aids,,,


Your reading skills are just as good as Sweetmind'ss.....

Or perhaps you just missed this thread. (Click on the word "this.)
R2D2 said:
Don't let anyone pressure you to do something you don't want to do. If you are happy as you are then just politely say "Thanks, but no thanks."

So basically people with no insurance in the US cannot have a CI at all? That must be hard for someone who really wants to get one but who doesn't have the coverage!
I agreed with you! I guess dr 's eye need $$$$$$$$
SxyPorkie said:
In my opinion CI is like hearing aid implanted!!! perhaps more powerful than hearing aids,,,



It has the same purpose as a hearing aid but works in a different way. I can't benefit from a hearing aid any more but a CI will help me. This is not because the CI is more powerful (it isn't) but because the CI doesn't need the same things in the ear that a hearing aid does to work.

At profound levels of deafness a hearing aid puts more stress on the existing ear than a CI.
EagleCherokee63 said:
I agreed with you! I guess dr 's eye need $$$$$$$$

I think that a lot of the $$$$$ goes on litigation insurance. I was talking to another doctor (non hearing related) about this and he blew me away telling me how much he gets charged in litigation insurance just to practice. It was hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
R2D2 said:
I think that a lot of the $$$$$ goes on litigation insurance. I was talking to another doctor (non hearing related) about this and he blew me away telling me how much he gets charged in litigation insurance just to practice. It was hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

now you know why sweetmind is wrong about ci and doctors trying to milk money from unsuspecting patients eh?
Boult said:
now you know why sweetmind is wrong about ci and doctors trying to milk money from unsuspecting patients eh?

Clearly you misunderstood Sweetmind!!!

Sweetmind and I agree on this issue about children and babies having CI while they are not able to make a choice,,, the parents should wait until they are old enough to make their own decision to have CI!!!!!

You were old enough to make a decision to have CI yourself,,,, it is fine and also fine for all latenend deafies who loses their hearing at certain age and not able to learn ASL,,, and have hard time accepting being deaf....


SxyPorkie :)
sexypork, are you sure you and s.m. are not the same person? you two sure think alike and write alike --
i gotta go get my :popcorn: and watch this
greema said:
sexypork, are you sure you and s.m. are not the same person? you two sure think alike and write alike --
i gotta go get my :popcorn: and watch this
:popcorn:Can I join?:popcorn:
SxyPorkie said:
Clearly you misunderstood Sweetmind!!!

Sweetmind and I agree on this issue about children and babies having CI while they are not able to make a choice,,, the parents should wait until they are old enough to make their own decision to have CI!!!!!

You were old enough to make a decision to have CI yourself,,,, it is fine and also fine for all latenend deafies who loses their hearing at certain age and not able to learn ASL,,, and have hard time accepting being deaf....


SxyPorkie :)
If I was born today I mean May 31, 2006 and 6 months later, my parent decide to implant me. I won't REGRET it at all. I would love my parent for it. hey they did try that back in 70's... see my post;
http://www.alldeaf.com/showpost.php?p=505554&postcount=42 see the first paragraph!

One thing I am glad I am not implanted with crude prototype instead. :D I know that I can have it replaced with modern implant today. I didn't know about CI till I entered NTID but was subliminally suggested that I be a anti-ci till 6 yrs ago I woke up and realized that I spewed misinformation and started researching on it and after 2 yrs later and got implanted. It's been since 2003 and I am enjoying it as ever! I told myself I wished I had it when I was young.

I already accepted my deafness LONG TIME AGO like 30 yrs ago! It's part of me. I don't have to listen to those leadership from Culturally Deaf Community and I rather go with the mainstream deaf community which is the majority than culturally deaf community which is minority.

Well CIAO!
Boult said:
It's been since 2003 and I am enjoying it as ever! I told myself I wished I had it when I was young.

That is the exact same words my friend said to me after getting implanted in November of 2005. He said he wish he wasn't worried about looks so he would have gotten a cochlear implant a long time ago. Today he's more mature and understands that looks aren't everything.

Me? Even if I get implanted, I'd still shave my head like usual and will look into having cool graphics to wrap around the BTE and the "web" where you stick the magnet inside.
Yea, know the feeling about worrying over looks. I thought about for about two seconds and decided that hearing was much more important than looks (since I keep my hair cropped short). I even choose a silver one and a blue one over good ole color beige (I was soooo sick of it). Had somebody the other day noticed my blue one and said that was one cool HA...I had to think about correcting him but at the end I did. :D
You guys seem to have more colours to choose from! I only had beige, dark brown and black to pick my Freedom from and I went with black. I have black hair so I thought it was the logical choice and I wanted a different colour for a change. My first hearing aids were the yucky beige, my last ones were dark brown and now black!
SxyPorkie said:
In my opinion CI is like hearing aid implanted!!! perhaps more powerful than hearing aids,,,



You are wrong.. U know how the hearing aid work? all it does is blast sound into your canal and it vibrate but if your canal hair and cells are dead then ha doesn't work
ci implant sent the electrical pulses directly to your cochlear nerves bypassing all the damaged parts

if you never try ci before then U need to hush and don't go off and speak piece of your mind about ci.. simply LISTEN to those who already have ci ? that's all U can do? :D
R2D2 said:
You guys seem to have more colours to choose from! I only had beige, dark brown and black to pick my Freedom from and I went with black. I have black hair so I thought it was the logical choice and I wanted a different colour for a change. My first hearing aids were the yucky beige, my last ones were dark brown and now black!

Let me see and count the ways to brighten your world...

For Cochlear Freedom


Possible future colors

Man, I wish I had the orange was out as it is my favorite color. I know my kids would love it but not sure about the wife though. But hey, they should be available when I get an upgrade...
I'd like one if it was multi tonal colors like this one: I LOVE the blue!


I want to add - even though this thread was originally started by me to replace the one Sweetmind got upset in because CI's were being discussed, and here we are discussing CI's again - it just goes to show how popular a topic it is!
neecy said:
I'd like one if it was multi tonal colors like this one: I LOVE the blue!


I want to add - even though this thread was originally started by me to replace the one Sweetmind got upset in because CI's were being discussed, and here we are discussing CI's again - it just goes to show how popular a topic it is!
mine is dark sienna. the blue is accomplished by using caps for the processor and headpiece.

I have the blending color set: http://www.bionicear.com/products/accent_colors.asp

I stopped using the cap for the BTE and went totally dark sienna. :D I got tired of changing the colors LOL my headpiece cap is now black. I leave at it.

http://www.bionicear-europe.com/cgi/index.cfm?menuniv1=ong2&menuniv2=1 then click "HiRes Auria" (under sound processor technology) then "Processor Module" then you will see different colors...

Anyway here's flash page that you can build your own Auria
neecy said:
I'd like one if it was multi tonal colors like this one: I LOVE the blue!


I want to add - even though this thread was originally started by me to replace the one Sweetmind got upset in because CI's were being discussed, and here we are discussing CI's again - it just goes to show how popular a topic it is!

Yes, I can see multicolors catching on! Ummm....I have to sent that idea to Cochlear's suggestion box...wouldn't surprise me they already thought about it.

My blue one is that dark blue all over. Love the thing and love the attention too! ;)

CIs are where it is at these days.... :whistle:
That's so cool Boult - I didn't realize there are even different patterns you can choose! I hope that Cochlear adopts the same type of scheme - I'd love to be able to use different "snap on" color themes depending on my mood or what I'm wearing!
greema said:
sexypork, are you sure you and s.m. are not the same person? you two sure think alike and write alike --
i gotta go get my :popcorn: and watch this

I am for real... I met Cheri and Angel at the DeafTalk long before I met Sweetmind in her deafchat...I think I am much older than Sweetmind... I have 4 grown up kids and 9 grandkids.... so I am grandma....


neecy said:
That's so cool Boult - I didn't realize there are even different patterns you can choose! I hope that Cochlear adopts the same type of scheme - I'd love to be able to use different "snap on" color themes depending on my mood or what I'm wearing!

LOL can you just imagine?

Green = when you're jealous, feeling sick or need camouflage in the army
Pink = when you are feeling romantic
Black = When you are corporate or working as a funeral director
Red = when you are mad!

The possibilities are endless!
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