A Hearing Aid thread for Sweetmind

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SmileyGin said:
u know some of them have different opinions on how early u can have the child ci and be able to success .. the languages and speech skills would greatly be improved and be able to interact with other kids.

if it was for me.. i wouldnt mind having my child ci in order for the child to success and be able to hear but yet still be involved with deaf culture no matter what cuz we know ci is not a cure! its just a tool to be able to hear?? nothing wrong???

just like when few hours old baby have heart operation? u say no heart operation then the baby will die.. same concept.. so whats the difference between no ci and no heart?? sighs..

Bingo! You understand our point of view!
gnulinuxman said:
TPersonally, we (Sweetmind and I) are sick of people saying the cochlear implant is the perfect solution to deafness. We don't hate those who choose to get implanted, though.
neecy said:
Will you show who said that CI's are a perfect solution to deafness? I know I never did, nor Cloggy/Boult/R2D2/ or anybody else on this forum who has a CI or a child with a CI. Where do you get off making this kind of blanket statement when we've repeatedly said there are limitations and even had a thread showing the limitations and negative effects CI's can have?
And the answer will never be given since there is nowhere where this has been said.
So, basically, we can conclude that GNU and Sweetmind - since GNU also speaks for Sweetmind - were just posting rubbish.
Fragmenter said:
Bingo! You understand our point of view!

Yes I do understand but i dont understand why others cant understand this? I find this sad but then maybe they dont have common sense? hmm :whistle:
R2D2 said:
Yep I agree with Fragmenter - you'll probably won't qualify as you get too much benefit from hearing aids and you can hear sounds without them on too. Definitely try out with better hearing aids first.

I didn't go through the process until I had lost my residual hearing and couldn't use aids any longer.

I think also if you hold out longer the technology is only going to get better and better and if and when you need to get a CI hopefully you'll get even better input than today.

excellent point! you know, i work with computers and have for more than 15 years experience and i have personally seen the "warp-speed" of advancing technology -- that was what kinda smacked my face with i was talking with fragmenter -- i realized that IF computer technology is advancing that much, what can i imagine of medical technology -- these two go together hand-in-hand -- i still need to attend classes/workshops so i can keep up with computer technology and if i didn't i certainly will become a dinosaur! :dance2:
SmileyGin said:
just like when few hours old baby have heart operation? u say no heart operation then the baby will die.. same concept.. so whats the difference between no ci and no heart?? sighs..
Well, the difference is you need a heart to live but you don't need to hear to live.

Well, the difference is you need a heart to live but you don't need to hear to live.


How would YOU know? How hypocritical.
loml said:

How would YOU know? How hypocritical.
Stab yourself in the heart. See how long you live afterwards.

Now consider this:
If you're deaf, it doesn't keep you from living. Since when is the cochlea a vital organ?
Cloggy said:
Looking at it... Not finding it... Not even between the lines......

(Would have been strange, since I do not belive that....)
Here, I will SHOW you where:

Cloggy said:
The only problem is the "but didn't work fully" [...], but with the technology NOWADAYS it does work.
gnulinuxman said:

that link leads to a single post where cloggy says:
I like this example better than the "let's make a hearing child deaf in order to integrate her with her deaf parents" example.

It's a good example. The only problem is the "but didn't work fully" which as an example in itself is fine, but with the technology NOWADAYS it does work.

So, it's fine if you decide NOT to take it as long as it is not based on OLD information.

People here that are defending CI are not telling anyone to take it. They are explaining the current status, technology so that people that are interested get the correct, current information.

This way a choice can be made on good information. Not OLD and INCORRECT information

Where in the above statement does he say that CI's are the perfect solution? He states that technology works better nowadays, and that being informed is important when you make a decision. Where is this 'perfection' perception coming from? Saying technology has improved over the last 20 years (which is TRUE - we've come from the old one-channel CI's to over 22 now!) is simple truth but nowhere does he say its perfect.
gnulinuxman said:
Stab yourself in the heart. See how long you live afterwards.

Now consider this:
If you're deaf, it doesn't keep you from living. Since when is the cochlea a vital organ?

You are a hypocrite GNU......
neecy said:
that link leads to a single post where cloggy says:

Where in the above statement does he say that CI's are the perfect solution? He states that technology works better nowadays, and that being informed is important when you make a decision. Where is this 'perfection' perception coming from? Saying technology has improved over the last 20 years (which is TRUE - we've come from the old one-channel CI's to over 22 now!) is simple truth but nowhere does he say its perfect.
I stated that CIs don't work all the time, and he had a problem with it.
Let Me Spell This out For you GNU

gnulinuxman said:
Do you even know what that word means? You seem not to.

How am I being a hypocrite?

You are being a hypocrite by making ridiculous statements such as:

Well, the difference is you need a heart to live but you don't need to hear to live.


If you're deaf, it doesn't keep you from living

and you can hear.

It is like being an enviromentalist and driving your car to work.

Do you get it now?
The only problem is the "but didn't work fully" [...], but with the technology NOWADAYS it does work."

Could be interpretated by GNU as :
"The only problem is the "but didn't work fully" [...], but with the technology NOWADAYS it does work perfectly all the time."

It's stretching it but then it would give you something to post.....

Well, everyone else seems to understand what I meant.... No point in stating the obvious.
loml said:
You are being a hypocrite by making ridiculous statements such as:

Well, the difference is you need a heart to live but you don't need to hear to live.
How is this ridiculous? Again, deaf people can live healthy, productive lives, but if you stab yourself in the heart, you die.

loml said:
If you're deaf, it doesn't keep you from living
and you can hear.
Are you prejudiced and/or discriminating or something? Seriously, I know 8 deaf people who are doing FINE without cochlear implants.
loml said:
It is like being an enviromentalist and driving your car to work.
Yeah, you seem to know what hypocrite means.
loml said:
Do you get it now?
Do YOU get it?
Well, the difference is you need a heart to live but you don't need to hear to live.

How is this ridiculous? Again, deaf people can live healthy, productive lives, but if you stab yourself in the heart, you die.

Sure. Except in situations when you depend on hearing. For example you are in the store and there is a crazy gunman.. the gunman yells "on the floor or I'll shoot!".......
you are crossing at crosswalk. You don't see crazy driver speeding straight at you form nowhere... someone yells "caution" but ....


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