A Hearing Aid thread for Sweetmind

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My husband already made his decision....

stick w/new HA (newest techogly)

No problem I respect his wishes..
reason he had second thought because it almost overhill within 2 yrs left.. doesn't want wasted his life for sugery and missess his work.. Still good have nice newest HA.. Hopefully for his job willing allow him forklift.
Er.... ...hack, cough, snort, rubbing eyes and sputtering awake! Were you saying something? Grumble, grumble, nothing new under the sun...you woke me up for this?!?!?

you really cracked me up with this post! i totally agree with you -- i'd rather be sleeping through her harangues too! :zzz:
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Audiofuzzy said:
but where is Sweetmind :dunno: this thread is for her?? :dunno:

She probably got her "hands smacked" again for some of the crazy stuff she says, and is probably hiding again. Don't worry, she'll be back.

Aren't we all jumpin' for joy at the thought?

I noticed that ALL OF YOU hate Sweetmind.. It is a SHAME !!!!


SxyPorkie said:
I noticed that ALL OF YOU hate Sweetmind.. It is a SHAME !!!!



nobody here hates Sweetmind. What we hate is ignorance in the face of fact and evidence, epecially when the same facts/evidence have to be pointed out to her time and time again, and are still ignored, and the same arguements/propaganda/untruths/miscommunications are brought up by her.

Example - she to this day is convinced that Cloggy is abusing his daugher by implanting her with a CI and is preventing her from learning about deaf culture or sign language when the opposite is the truth. But will she acknowledge that? nope. Instead she keeps bringing that up (as well as many other arguements that aren't true) as "proof" in her rants.

She seems to see herself as a kind of "Deaf Messiah" to save poor deaf children from the horrors of hearing, and their misguided, abusive hearing parents.
neecy said:
nobody here hates Sweetmind. What we hate is ignorance in the face of fact and evidence, epecially when the same facts/evidence have to be pointed out to her time and time again, and are still ignored, and the same arguements/propaganda/untruths/miscommunications are brought up by her.

Example - she to this day is convinced that Cloggy is abusing his daugher by implanting her with a CI and is preventing her from learning about deaf culture or sign language when the opposite is the truth. But will she acknowledge that? nope. Instead she keeps bringing that up (as well as many other arguements that aren't true) as "proof" in her rants.

She seems to see herself as a kind of "Deaf Messiah" to save poor deaf children from the horrors of hearing, and their misguided, abusive hearing parents.


Tell me, just curious...
Do you thing a CI is the same as HA or are they different?
SxyPorkie said:
I noticed that ALL OF YOU hate Sweetmind.. It is a SHAME !!!!



I don't hate her either. I just find her concept of deafness too narrow and exclusive for me and I just would never fit into her ideal world. People like me are not Deaf enough and quite frankly it doesn't worry me. I think it's just best to let her and those like her get on with their deaf utopia while the rest of us make the choices that are right for us and our families and get on with our lives.
jeez sxyporkie think we hate sweetmind? LOL thats a riot! no we dont but sweetmind have her own mind not all of us agree on like she does? she need to respect for our wishes if we want it to be done or not? I find this sad that she dont have an openmind mind about ci thing. sighs..

as for me.. i do wear ha and still do to this day.. they do help me alots.. like understanding people.. when i dont have my ha on and just lipreading.. it went over my head... i cant undy .. i have to have my Ha to undy what the person say? but yet they only help me 50% so it does not help most of the times? jeez..

i wonder if i should go ahead and get ci even tho i can hear and undy most of the sounds? or is it better to wait till my hearing is declined ?? i am confused about this? i havent seen the audiologist about this yet.. so am curious if anyone know this?
SmileyGin said:
i wonder if i should go ahead and get ci even tho i can hear and undy most of the sounds? or is it better to wait till my hearing is declined ?? i am confused about this? i havent seen the audiologist about this yet.. so am curious if anyone know this?

My personal opinion is you are not a right candidate for a cochlear implant. My son cannot benefit much from his top of the line hearing aids so he is a prime candidate for ci.

My wife wants a ci when she stops hearing words clearly with her digital hearing aids. Hearing aid technology is getting better every year so try the latest hearing aids unless they are getting too expensive or when you cannot understand sound as well as you could.

Again, this is only my humble opinion :)
SmileyGin said:
i wonder if i should go ahead and get ci even tho i can hear and undy most of the sounds? or is it better to wait till my hearing is declined ?? i am confused about this? i havent seen the audiologist about this yet.. so am curious if anyone know this?
Getting a CI just to annoy Sweetmind is not a good enough reason! :)
That's what i was told by my old speech teacher. She said it is only last resort when i lost all of my hearing but i havent? she said its possible that i am not qualified due to the fact that i can hear even without my hearing aid? like i can hear phone ring, truck go by, bird singing, and so on. she even suggested for me to do is go for a digital hearing aid .. they might work wonders for me? but i know for a fact that my left ear cant hear nothing.. all its doing when wearing the aid is static? cant undy sounds or words at all! i cant even tell what it is???? i stopped wearing ha in my left ear when i was 13.. but look like i wont qualified for one in my right ear.. thats ok.. :D
SmileyGin said:
That's what i was told by my old speech teacher. She said it is only last resort when i lost all of my hearing but i havent? she said its possible that i am not qualified due to the fact that i can hear even without my hearing aid? like i can hear phone ring, truck go by, bird singing, and so on. she even suggested for me to do is go for a digital hearing aid .. they might work wonders for me? but i know for a fact that my left ear cant hear nothing.. all its doing when wearing the aid is static? cant undy sounds or words at all! i cant even tell what it is???? i stopped wearing ha in my left ear when i was 13.. but look like i wont qualified for one in my right ear.. thats ok.. :D
There's quite a difference between old qualification and new qualification.
Don't wait, go see the specialist and see if you qualify.
I am going to get a new hearing aid and I hope the newest hearing aid will work much better than my old hearing aid. I haven't wore a HA since I got my CI but I miss the old bass sounds that my HA provided. CI is notoriously bad at reproducing low bass sounds.
SmileyGin said:
That's what i was told by my old speech teacher. She said it is only last resort when i lost all of my hearing but i havent? she said its possible that i am not qualified due to the fact that i can hear even without my hearing aid? like i can hear phone ring, truck go by, bird singing, and so on. she even suggested for me to do is go for a digital hearing aid .. they might work wonders for me? but i know for a fact that my left ear cant hear nothing.. all its doing when wearing the aid is static? cant undy sounds or words at all! i cant even tell what it is???? i stopped wearing ha in my left ear when i was 13.. but look like i wont qualified for one in my right ear.. thats ok.. :D

Yep I agree with Fragmenter - you'll probably won't qualify as you get too much benefit from hearing aids and you can hear sounds without them on too. Definitely try out with better hearing aids first.

I didn't go through the process until I had lost my residual hearing and couldn't use aids any longer.

I think also if you hold out longer the technology is only going to get better and better and if and when you need to get a CI hopefully you'll get even better input than today.
Yes, I heard best tech... CI. My dr told me my ear right is hard of hearing and left is deafness.. Dr little pushy me go surgery CI. I asked him which left or right? Dr said that my ear right is good. I cant believe. I told him I WONT!!! CHICK!!!! He laughed me! He said dont be scare that. I told him whoa!!! too expensive. I asked him how much cost? He said not sure around over $60,000.00 or more depend how long surgery and still patient room. I said FORGET IT!!! because NO INSURANCE!! I heard in TX have a coverage insurance accepted CI. I am veiwed my husband can CI but respected him wished. My husband wont it too. My dr told me keep me hearing aid on left my ear because it can develop good hearing, but I never wear it of headache all the time. YUCK!!
EagleCherokee63 said:
Yes, I heard best tech... CI. My dr told me my ear right is hard of hearing and left is deafness.. Dr little pushy me go surgery CI. I asked him which left or right? Dr said that my ear right is good. I cant believe. I told him I WONT!!! CHICK!!!! He laughed me! He said dont be scare that. I told him whoa!!! too expensive. I asked him how much cost? He said not sure around over $60,000.00 or more depend how long surgery and still patient room. I said FORGET IT!!! because NO INSURANCE!! I heard in TX have a coverage insurance accepted CI. I am veiwed my husband can CI but respected him wished. My husband wont it too. My dr told me keep me hearing aid on left my ear because it can develop good hearing, but I never wear it of headache all the time. YUCK!!

Don't let anyone pressure you to do something you don't want to do. If you are happy as you are then just politely say "Thanks, but no thanks."

So basically people with no insurance in the US cannot have a CI at all? That must be hard for someone who really wants to get one but who doesn't have the coverage!
Cloggy said:


Tell me, just curious...
Do you thing a CI is the same as HA or are they different?

In my opinion CI is like hearing aid implanted!!! perhaps more powerful than hearing aids,,,


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